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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 104 104 This revenge must be avenged

“The Great Elder and Deputy Chief have written a letter, hoping that the ninjas within the family as the last line of defense can be dispatched to the Baiguguan battlefield in the north as reinforcements.”

In a quiet room in the corner of Uchiha’s clan, an Intelligence Department ninja was kneeling on one knee in front of the great elder Yukiha Uchiha to report.

“Are you so eager to weaken the power of old bones like us?”

The great elder’s tone was unkind.

He knew that the situation in the northern battlefield was not good.

Although Izuna and Erwei blocked it, making it impossible for the combined forces of Senju Yuma and Uzumaki Hiroyuki to attack for a while, due to the huge gap in combat power, they were in a state where they couldn’t lose but couldn’t defeat either.

But even so, Quan Na wants to draw his troops, who are the family’s last line of defense, to the front line. In the eyes of the elders and other elders, Quan Na wants to weaken them.

“Go back and tell the deputy chief that we still have to guard against the Hyuga ninja clan in the south and cannot draw out reinforcements. Please ask the deputy chief to think of another way.”

The great elder came up with a very suitable reason that could not find any flaws.

He could not give Senna troops because he had to be on guard against the south.

After hearing this, the ninja from the Intelligence Department took out a letter from his arms and presented it to the great elder, saying: “The deputy chief said that you refused reinforcements, so I will give this letter to you.”


The great elder was startled, but he still took over.

The ninja from the Intelligence Department stood up and said: “Great Elder, the deputy chief said that you will understand when you see the letter. I will leave first.”

After saying that, he used the teleportation technique to disappear into the room.

The second elder Uchiha Tazou from behind also came over and asked: “What is written on it?”

The great elder opened the envelope and found that the handwriting inside was Quan Nai’s own handwriting. After reading the content, the great elder said in disbelief, “How is this possible?”

“How is it possible?”

The second elder asked again.

The first elder handed him the letter. After reading it, the second elder also sighed like the first elder, “How is this possible?”

The letter said that soon, the Sarutobi and Shimura clans would declare war on Hinata.

By that time, I hope the Great Elder will immediately send troops to reinforce the north.

Quan Nai also found a good reason for this. Didn’t your great elder say that you want to be on guard against the south, so you didn’t send reinforcements?

Now that Hyuga in the south is busy fighting, naturally there can be no more threats. Now you can’t refuse to send reinforcements, right?

But Sarutobi Shimura wants to go to war with Hinata, which is impossible no matter how he thinks about it.

After all, the positions of the two clans are too far apart.

The straight line is blocked by two large mountains, Uchiha and Senju. If you want to fight, you have to take a detour, which is expensive and laborious.

Moreover, after defeating it, the distance was so far that the benefits obtained after victory were completely reduced to a minimum.

Because for hundreds of years, there has been no friction between the two sides, let alone a large-scale war.

At this time, a letter suddenly came from Quan Nai, saying that they were going to fight.

This is impossible no matter how you think about it!

But these words were said by Izuna, the number one think tank of Uchiha.

They had to believe it again.

I remember when Izuna asserted that Sarutobi Shimura would fight with the four northwest tribes, and then Uchiha would be able to benefit from it.

No one believed it at that time, but the result was completely within Quan Nai’s expectation.

Will it be the same this time?

On the other hand, Sarutobi Koyuki relied on his quasi-kage-level strength to avoid the pursuit of the Moonlight clan ninjas and returned to the clan of the Sarutobi Shimura clan.

After receiving the news, the two clan leaders, Sarutobi Koga and Shimura Keizo, immediately put down all their affairs and summoned Sarutobi Koyuki.

Sarutobi Koyuki told the two of them word for word the conversation he heard between Tobita and Gekko Fengami on the roof.

He also said that he was discovered by Yuan at the end and almost couldn’t escape.

The members of both clans were also shocked that Tobi was actually a member of the Hyuga clan.

But Shimura Keizo immediately analyzed: “If you think about it carefully, this is indeed possible. As a member of the Hyuga clan, Tobi seems to have nothing to do with the whole thing. In fact, if his plan succeeds, it will not only be our Shimura Sarutobi clan, All other major clans, including Uchiha and Senju, will be affected.

It’s just that Uchiha and Senju were lucky and didn’t listen to that guy’s slander, hum! That bastard from the Hyuga Ten Sect wanted to surpass Uchiha and Senju and become the largest clan in the Warring States Period, but he didn’t expect to make such a move. “

Suddenly, an elite jounin from Shimura couldn’t help but stand up and said with a fighting spirit: “Clan leader, Hinata and this group of people have sinister intentions, causing our two clans to suffer such huge losses. This revenge must be avenged! “

“Of course I have to report it, but I need to think about it carefully first.”

Shimura Keizo pointed to the large map hanging on the wall behind, “Look, there are Uchiha and Senju between us and Hinata. If we want to take a detour, it will take at least half a month to transport the food. It’s too problematic. too much.”

Sarutobi Koga, who has a calmer personality, did not stop Shimura Keizou from starting a war. Instead, he also began to analyze the war situation, “If we can pass the official path in the hands of Uchiha or Senju, we can complete the food supply within five days.” transportation.”

Another Jounin of Sarutobi was shocked and said: “Chief, do you mean…to borrow a way?!”

Shimura Keizo touched his chin, “Borrowing the road? This is a good idea, but Furukawa, which side are you going to borrow the road from?”

Uchiha and Senju both have key transport links, so which clan should they borrow the link from?

No matter which clan you ask for help from, you must pay a certain amount of money and show your kindness, which is tantamount to offending another clan.

Uchiha and Senju are both difficult to offend.

Sarutobi Furukawa’s eyes swept over the senior staff at the scene one by one, and said calmly: “Everyone should know what they are doing, right?”

Everyone nodded involuntarily and spoke one after another:

“Thousand Hands.”

“I should choose Senju.”

“Thousand Hands is better.”

“Uchiha’s personality is too surly and unsuitable.”

Everyone spoke one by one and agreed that Qianju should be chosen.

What’s more, although the outcome of the current war between the two sides is unpredictable, Qian Hands has the upper hand in the end.

Anyone who bets on football knows that betting should be on the side with a higher chance of winning.

If you have to choose between offending Senju and offending Uchiha, you’d better choose to offend Uchiha.

Shimura Keizang took the case and decided: “Bring a pen, I will personally write a request for borrowing the path to Senju!”

North of Uchiha, Baigu Pass Military Camp.

The top Jonin leaders, headed by Uchiha Nobu and Uchiha Akechi, were divided into two vertical rows on the left and right, and gathered in the military tent of Izuna. After hearing the news from the ninjas of the Intelligence Department, they all looked crazy with admiration. He bowed his hands to Quan Nai and said in a sonorous voice: “The deputy chief knows things like a god! We admire him!”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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