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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 106 106 Hinata’s visit

Hyuga Tianzong has been very angry recently.

Although the Moonlight clan was a subordinate clan of his Hyuga, after the clan leader was killed, they actually started to unite with other subordinate clans and start making trouble.

This is not surprising. Although they are a subordinate clan, Hinata’s control over them is far less strict than the control that later generations of clans have over the branch clans.

After all, there is no such thing as a caged bird.

The Hyuga Ten Sect’s original plan was to calm down the Moonlight Clan’s emotions first, and then personally send deputies to the tribes of the Sarutobi Shimura Clan.

Ask them why they want to kill Moonlight Fengbo.

Of course, Hyuga Tenzong still had doubts about whether Moonlight Storm was killed by Sarutobi’s people.

After all, during the Warring States Period, everything was done for the sake of “profit.”

Except for the long-standing feud between Senju and Uchiha, the rest of the ninja clan acted based on interests. Only the two of them really just wanted to kill each other completely.

However, when they heard that the Sarutobi Shimura clan had begun to assemble a large army, and borrowed a way from the Senju, they began to fight towards them.

It can be said that Hyuga Tianzong is not angry, but furious.

Good on you Sarutobi!

As a victim, I, Hinata, was kind enough not to declare war on you in the first place.

On the contrary, you were the evil ones who complained first and came with the army first.

When he thought about how he had been sending people to appease the Moonlight Clan during this period, he even planned to send people to negotiate with the Sarutobi Shimura Clan.

Hyuga Tianzong felt like a fool. The other party’s army was coming, and he still wanted to solve it through talking.

“Clan leader, what should we do now?”

There are four Hyuga ninjas in the two columns on the left and right of the lobby. They are all strong men above the peak jounin level.

It is the core of the Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Tenzong pounded the table next to him heavily and said angrily: “Sarutobi bullied me too much! As a victim, I, Hyuga, planned to be polite first and then attack, but they dared to complain first!”

The clan members below were also filled with indignation. Someone immediately waved and shouted: “Clan leader, let’s fight him and let them see how powerful I am, Hinata!”

“I, Hinata, have never been afraid of anyone with my Byakugan!”

“I would like to serve as the commander of the vanguard army!”

At this time, in the front row on the right side of the Hyuga Ten Sect, a distributed Hyuga ninja stood up, cupped his hands and said: “Clan leader, the Sarutobi Shimura clan has not known each other for hundreds of years because of the geographical difference between them and me. When the war begins, now that they are borrowing the path from Thousand Hands, they already have a terrain advantage.”

The speaker, named Hyuga Genmasa, is the strongest person in the Hyuga family second only to the Hyuga Tensect, and also possesses Kage-level strength.

But he can only be the kind of Kage who barely reaches the Kage level.

If the Hyuga Ten Sect is a veteran like Tsunade who has been in the shadow level for many years, Hyuga Genmasa is only equivalent to Gaara’s father Rasa who has barely reached the shadow level.

“This point cannot be ignored. Yuanzheng, do you have any ideas?”

Hinata Tianzong asked rhetorically.

Hinata Gensheng said without hesitation: “Since Sarutobi can borrow the path from Senju, we Hinata can do the same.”

After hearing this, everyone immediately started discussing. A peak Hyuga jounin frowned and said: “Senju has already borrowed the path from Sarutobi, and it is unlikely that he will give it to us again…”

Having said this, he suddenly woke up and looked towards Hinata Yuanzheng.

Hinata Yuanzheng looked solemnly and nodded, “Yes, I just want to borrow the path from Uchiha.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked solemn.

“Master Yuanzheng, are you serious?”

“Those Uchiha lunatics, I really don’t want to have anything to do with them.”

“It’s a pity that Sarutobi’s bastard got there first, otherwise we would have borrowed the path from Senju first.”

Regarding Hyuga Genmasa’s proposal, everyone showed hesitation, worry, uneasiness and other emotions.

The Uchiha and Senju clans, and other ninja clans during the Warring States Period, usually tried to keep a distance from them and did not want to have anything to do with them.

Because once you establish a relationship with one clan, it often means offending the other clan.

But if you really want to make friends with one of the clans, I believe that more than 80% of the ninja clan in the Warring States Period would choose Senju.

The reason is very simple. The Uchiha clan doesn’t give people a good impression.

Just getting along with each other makes people feel like they are up to no good.

Hyuga Gensho said confidently: “Don’t worry, everyone, the Uchiha battlefield is tight now, they will never give up the opportunity to make good friends with us Hyuga, I, Hyuga Gensho, am willing to personally go to Uchiha.”

Once Uchiha agrees, the terms of both parties will be equal.

Otherwise, Hinata would be at an absolute disadvantage before the war even started.

There was no other way at the moment, so everyone had no choice but to agree to Hinata Gensheng’s suggestion.

Leading a small team of Jonin, it only took Gensho Hyuga four days to reach the Uchiha’s southern defense line.

They were moving very fast and non-stop. Looking from the side, they could only see black shadows moving through the jungle.

“Who is it? The front is Uchiha’s territory. Anyone who accidentally intrudes will leave immediately, otherwise…”

Hyuga Genmasa and others jumped down from the branches, cupped their hands and said: “Hyuga Genmasa, representing the southern Hyuga clan, is visiting the nobles.”

Only Hyuga Genmasa was brought in, and the Jonin team he led was isolated in the forest outside the clan’s gate.

“Now that the clan leader and deputy clan leader are on the front lines of the battlefield, Mr. Yuanzheng can be seen as the great elder.”

The security department leading the way, that is, the Uchiha jounin under the great elder Uchiha Yukiyuki, walked in front and explained to Hinata Gensheng.

Behind him, there were five Uchiha ninjas staring closely at him.

While Hinata was responding from behind, he was secretly looking at Uchiha’s situation.

“Drink! Shadow Clone Jutsu, and then the Rasengan!”

When passing by an open space that looked like a training ground, I saw an Uchiha child about ten years old split into two people, and then used a chakra move to attack the scarecrow used for training.

In an instant, a loud shaking sound was heard, and the scarecrow’s stomach was pierced.


The Uchiha boy shouted excitedly.

The quality of his Rasengan is not good enough, it is only about the size of a tennis ball

But its power is comparable to B-level ninjutsu.

“Are the new generations of Uchiha already so powerful?”

Hinata Yuanzheng looked in his eyes and couldn’t help being secretly shocked.

The secret passage is not only a clan resource, but Uchiha must also be quite good at cultivating younger generations.

After walking through a path and entering a quiet bamboo forest, the Uchiha jounin in front stopped and said, “Ahead is the residence of the elders.”

Hinata Genzheng nodded to show that he understood and stepped onto the steps of the most obvious ancient mansion in the middle.

“Junior Hinata Genmasa, I would like to pay my respects to the Uchiha seniors.”

The elder Uchiha Yukiyuki sat in the front and center position in the ancient kneeling position, flanked by the second elder Uchiha Tenzo and the third elder Uchiha Kai.

“Hinata’s distinguished guest is here to borrow a passage?”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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