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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 110 110 Maybe we can be a family

“Deputy chief, no, it’s too dangerous!”

“Uzumaki Hiroyuki, this old guy is really insidious!”

“How can you agree to such conditions?”

Baigu Pass, the Uchiha camp was in chaos, mainly because the Uchiha letter that sent women’s clothes there brought back a reply letter from Uzumaki Guanghai.

In the letter, Uzumaki Hiroyuki wrote that he could agree to Senna’s conditions.

On the condition that the Uzumaki Princess, his granddaughter, Uzumaki Mito, is returned, Izuna is given a chance to fight decisively.

But Izuna needs to take Mito alone to the Shiratani Pass central line for exchange.

You are not allowed to bring a second person from the Uchiha, otherwise the deal will be void.

Isn’t it clear that I want Quan Na to die?

For a moment, all the Uchiha clan members were filled with indignation and said they could not agree.

At worst, just keep wasting it!

“Everyone calm down!”

Quan Nai raised his hand to stop the dispute among the clan members and said coldly: “We can afford it. Can we also afford it from the front of Yunshan on the battlefield?”

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience fell into silence.

As we all know on the frontal battlefield, Uchiha has entered the stage of switching from offense to defense.

Moreover, both Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Gakue, who are Kage level, were injured.

On the Senju side, there are many masters led by Senju Hashirama.

The situation is extremely bad.

The battle here must be ended as soon as possible and go to Congyunshan to support.

“Originally I planned to take care of them all by myself.”

“Deputy chief, this!”

Uchiha Akechi stood up anxiously, and everyone else also had expressions of disbelief.

One person versus five hundred people, and the five hundred people opposite were not ordinary ninjas, Senju, or Uzumaki.

What’s more, there are two Kage-level Senju Yuma, Uzumaki Hiroyuki, and countless Jonin.

“Now Senju Hashirama is recognized as the strongest Senju in the Warring States Period. It just so happens that this time I will fulfill my promise and let Senju Hashirama abdicate in advance to make way for others.”

The season gradually enters the winter of the second year.

The cold wind blew through the mountains, and after more than half a year of fighting, the entire mountain had become bare.

“Deputy Chief, the Intelligence Department reports that about five hundred Senju Uzumaki Alliance ninjas, led by Senju Yuma and Uzumaki Hiroyuki, have gathered at the top of the mountain.”

On a huge rock, Izuna listened to Uchiha Nobu’s report. Next to him was Mito wearing Uchiha female ninja costumes.

But on the surface, as Mito is a prisoner, her treatment will not be much better. A rope specially designed for ninjas is tied on the back of her hands.

“Deputy Chief, why don’t we lurk behind you and attack on all fronts once the war starts?”

Uchiha Akechi suggested from behind.

“Stop talking nonsense, Uzumaki’s perception is comparable to Hinata’s Byakugan. You hide it, do you think they don’t know?”

Izuna grabbed Mito’s bound hands from behind, “I’ll go alone.”

Uchiha Akechi and Uchiha Nobu looked at each other, but they had no choice but to finally say: “In this case, deputy chief, if you are defeated, please launch a signal flare as soon as possible.”

After pulling out the old capital of the left-behind family, the total strength of Uchiha North is now not inferior to Senju and Uzumaki, and the front A is definitely worthy.

But as long as the signal is sent, the Thousand Hands Whirlpool will definitely retreat, so that the purpose of the decisive battle cannot be achieved.

But at least I can keep Izuna, right?

The entire Uchiha army watched as Izuna grabbed Mito’s retreating back, and under Uchiha Akechi’s waved order, everyone entered a state of alert.

Once Quan Nai’s signal is sent, the entire army will immediately come to rescue.

“Great Elder, I feel that two streams of chakra are approaching us. One is Uchiha Izuna, and the other…is Princess Mito.”

On the other side of Baigu Pass, at the forefront of the five hundred Thousand-Armed Uzumaki Alliance, a perception master from the Uzumaki reported to the Uzumaki Guanghaihui.

“Is there really only one person?”

Although Uzumaki Hiroyuki wrote in his letter to ask Izuna to come alone, he never really thought that Izuna would actually go to the meeting alone.

He has even begun secretly planning how to rescue Mito.

“It’s absolutely true. These two chakras have a radius of twenty miles, and no one’s chakra can be sensed anymore.”

The whirlpool sensing ninja said with absolute certainty.

Senju Yuma laughed ferociously at the side and said: “Since Uchiha Izuna himself is seeking death, why don’t we help him?”

Uzumaki Guanghai nodded in agreement, but then added: “But everyone, remember, no one is allowed to take action before Mito’s safety is ensured!”


Five hundred people behind him responded in unison, and their voices echoed throughout the valley.

But more than ten miles away, Izuna had just untied the rope that tied Mito, and the two of them walked towards their destination unhurriedly.

“After this separation, we will never meet again.”

Mito put a strand of bangs that was floating in front of his nose back to his ears.

“That’s impossible to say.”

Izuna crossed her arms over her chest.

“Still don’t give up? Forget it, this is like you.”

Mito did not argue with Izuna on this issue, because she already had the answer in her heart.

He was speechless all the way, until he was less than five miles away and already on the verge of the monitoring range of the signing whirlpool, Mito stretched out his hands again and said: “Okay, tie me up. After all, in the eyes of others, we It’s a hostile relationship.”

Suddenly, Izuna hooked Mito’s snow-white chin with her right hand and kissed him.

Mito was stunned for two seconds, and then responded fiercely.

No one could have imagined that the two of them would do such a thing in the presence of the Senju or Uzumaki ninjas.

But it should be okay, even in the whirlpool, there is no stronger sentient ninja than Mito.

About twenty minutes later, a burst of yellow sand drifted past, and Uzumaki Guanghai and others saw two figures slowly approaching them.

As the distance got closer, the breeze blew by, and then the true faces of the two people were clearly seen.

“How courageous, Deputy Chief of the Uchiha!”

One of the Senju’s Jonin gritted his teeth and said in his heart that he did not have such courage and courage.

“Uchiha Izuna, let Mito go.”

Seeing his granddaughter whom he hadn’t seen for a year, Uzumaki Hiroyuki couldn’t help bursting into tears and shouted urgently.

“Elder Guanghai’s attitude doesn’t need to be so bad, right? Maybe we can become a family in the future.”

Saying that, Izuna smiled wickedly and stretched out her fingers, sliding them across Mito’s smooth side face.


Uzumaki Guanghai was furious, but he was concerned about Mito’s safety, so he suppressed his anger.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be rude to the beautiful lady.”

As soon as the words fell, Izuna untied the ropes from Mito’s hands. Mito immediately disappeared underground and ran towards the opposite direction of the Uzumaki clan’s army.

The moment Mito ran out, the three magatama in Izuna’s eyes quickly spun into a human shape.

Immortal pattern lines appeared on both sides of his eyes at the same time.

The tips of the index fingers of both hands face each other, the thumbs are raised, and the other three fingers are hooked and overlapped to form a mudra.

“Immortal Technique, Fire Escape, Fire Extinction!”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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