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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 114 114 The mountain was cut down!

Countless water bubbles began to appear in the air around Erwei’s mouth, and began to gather in front of its mouth, forming a dark purple chakra ball.

Senju Yuma, who had seen this move more than once, immediately shouted: “Do it, don’t let that beast unleash this move!”

“Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!”

“Wind Escape·Great Wind Song!”

“Sealing Technique·Vajra Sealing!”

All those who were attacked were advanced ninjutsu above level A.

Izuna jumped from the sky, her chakra turned into silver flames, and the humanoid Susanoo’s lower body and legs immediately grew.

“Fire Release·Amaterasu Shield!”

Amaterasu’s flames formed a wall, blocking all the more than ten advanced ninjutsu moves.

Even if there were fish that slipped through the net, they would not be able to be resisted by Izuna and Susanoo!

At this moment, the condensation of the two-tailed beast jade was completed.

Seeing this, Izuna controlled Susanoo to swing out the chakra stabbing sword in his hand and inserted it into the center of the tailed beast jade.

“Do it! Susanao Beastama!”

Erwei jumped up and bombed!

The entire space seemed to be at a standstill for a short period of time.

Immediately afterwards, a flash flood erupted, and countless ninjas were blown away, with pieces of flesh and corpses flying everywhere.

What’s even more exaggerated is that the tailed beast jade exploded one after another, blowing up the central mountain top of Baiguguan!

Senju Yuma blocked his chest with his hands. He didn’t know how far he was blown away before he stopped.

Around him, there were several Senju and several Uzumaki ninjas lying, dead or alive.

Looking forward, the two tails that were originally huge were now only the size of a palm.

He was actually blasted from one hilltop to another!

This also proves how strong the Kage-level Senju Yuma is physically, and it also proves how terrifying the move Izuna and Erwei just collaborated on is!

“My chakra is exhausted.”

Erwei spoke out.

“I understand, you should retreat first.”

Izuna turned her back to Erao Road.

Erwei was not polite. He turned around and relied on his huge body to nimbly shuttle between the mountains and quickly disappeared.

“How much combat power is left?”

Suffering the severe pain from his back, Senju Yuma reluctantly stood up from the ground.

Of the Senju and Uzumaki ninjas who fell beside him, only two stood up again.

It is not known whether the others who fell down were unconscious or dead.

“Although it’s not as good as the wooden clone, in this case, it’s still enough.”

Quan Nai on the opposite hilltop muttered to herself and formed a cross seal with her hands.

Shadow Clone Technique!

In one breath, dozens of clones were separated and spread out in all directions.

“Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes!”

“Immortal Technique·Super Large Jade Rasengan!”


Countless advanced ninjutsu were thrown one after another.

Even if there is a shadow clone, ordinary ninjas cannot withstand such torture.

Chakra consumption will double. The amount of chakra a normal ninja can use is the limit of two S-level ninjutsu.

If three shadow clones are separated, it is impossible for one shadow clone to use an S-level ninjutsu.

In this way, before using it, the shadow clone will be automatically released due to lack of chakra.

The lost chakra will also be removed from the body.

The reason why Izuna’s shadow clone is able to release such life-threatening advanced ninjutsu one after another comes from the majestic amount of chakra in his body.

The most representative one is Naruto Uzumaki, who claims to only know three ninjutsu.

Good guy, during the Fourth Ninja War, this guy also used his thousands of shadow clones to turn the tide of the battle.

But even if Izuna doesn’t need that kind of plug-in, it will be more than enough for this war.

“All tribesmen and coalition forces that can still move must retreat!”

Seeing this scene, Senju Yuma already knew that he could not continue fighting.

He didn’t understand why Izana, who lost one eye after using Izanagi, was able to exert greater power.

But it’s useless to think about it now.

At present, they can only withdraw their combat power back to Yunshan and wait for future opportunities to launch a counterattack.

“Others can leave, but you’d better not leave.”

Izuna controlled the humanoid Susanoo with legs, jumped over the mountain in a few clicks, and rushed towards another mountain top where Senju Yuma was.

“Quick! Quick! Protect the clan leader!”

“The patriarch leaves first!”

Several Senju ninjas around Senju Yuma stood in front of him, using up their last chakra to try to resist Susanoo’s advance.

“Get out! You bunch of bastards!”

Izuna in Susanoo quickly formed the seal, “Immortal Technique, Fire Release, Great Fire Extinguishment!”

It’s really more than that, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan Magatama in the right eye rotates rapidly.


Double flame attack, I am afraid there is no more powerful fire escape ninjutsu in this world.

“Resist with all your strength!”

A Senju Ninja was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, but he still mustered up the last courage in his life. With a loud roar, he slapped his hands on the ground.

“Earth Escape·Earth Escape River!”

Boom! ! !

The muddy clay wall suddenly rose to a height of more than twenty meters, temporarily blocking Senju Amaterasu.

But it lasted only three seconds before being broken through.

Second, the third Senju Ninja also used his last chakra to resist the defense.


“Earth Release: Clay descends from the sky!”

Using their last few seconds of life and chakra, the Senju people shouted to Senju Yuma: “Chief, hurry up and leave!!!”

“Didn’t I say he can’t leave?”

Izuna’s words spread through the defensive ninjutsu, followed by Susanoo’s roar.

The humanoid Susanoo’s body is covered in a thick layer of armor.

“Fire Release·Added Earth Life·Amaterasu’s Sword!”

boom! ! ! !

The armored Susanoo’s sword fell, and all the defenses in front of him were useless.

Crack them all in one move!

“This, this monster!”

Senju Yuma’s body trembled and he shouted loudly: “Those who can still move, retreat with me!”

Izumi Nexu stared, took out a flare from the ninja tool bag on his waist, and pulled off the buckle.

The signal bomb rose to an altitude of 1,000 meters and exploded into a firework patterned with the Uchiha clan emblem.


The retreating Uzumaki Guanghai raised his head and glanced at the fireworks above.

“Senju Yuma, don’t let me tell you a third time. You are not allowed to leave.”

Izuna’s right hand Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken spins up, and the Amaterasu in her right eye covers it.

Forming a round of black spiral shuriken.

Scorch Release: Nimbus Hayate, Black Yazeri Style! ! !


Regarding the Uzumaki clan’s proficiency in the Fire Ball Jutsu, which was comparable to that of Uchiha, Uzumaki Hiroyuki, as the great elder, took action and formed a giant transparent wall in front of Senju Yuma.

“How can such a small skill resist this move!?”

Izuna shouted wildly.

Sure enough, the Scorch Release and Nimbus Hayate Black Yarei penetrated the defense in just half a second and flew straight towards Senju Yuma.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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