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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 125 125 Hitomi Izuna

In the state where Uchiha Madara blocked the Uzumaki clan who had absolute restraint on the two tails.

Izuna controls the two tails and Senju Hashirama to start a battle that has never been seen in the original work.

Senju Hashirama, who had not awakened the Bokujin Technique and Sage Mode, was still strong but was still defeated soon after.

If the Kyuubi and Susanoo are used together, Madara’s Beast Nemesis will completely possess power beyond the normal state of the complete Susanoo.

As for the second tail, it can only be said that it is close to the complete form of Susanoo.

But even so, this is an extremely terrifying existence.

Three hours later, Senju Hashirama finally felt that there was no follow-up move and the chakra was gradually exhausted, so he ordered the entire army to retreat.

With the idea of ​​​​beating the drowned dog, Quan Nai immediately ordered the entire army to pursue him.

The Uchiha coalition forces who followed Izuna in pursuit saw countless vines left on the ground, as well as shocking cracks on them. They were all caused by the sword energy caused by the beast’s trouble.

“Brother, Uchiha Izuna seems not to simply let us go!”

The retreating Senju Tobirama looked at Senju Hashirama next to him and suggested: “How about…”

Senju Tobirama’s meaning was clear to Senju Hashirama.

Under the joint attack led by Izuna and Madara, although the Senju and the Uzumaki side failed in this battle, they were far from “defeated”.

Leave some people behind to resist, and then wait for the remaining members of the clan to come to support. There is still hope for a comeback.

But Senju Hashirama shook his head and rejected Senju Tobirama’s proposal, and whispered back: “Tobirama, look around.”

Senju Tobirama frowned, not understanding the meaning of Senju Hashirama’s words, but still followed the other person’s words and looked around.

However, what he saw made Senju Tobirama feel shocked.

Whether it was the Senju or the ninjas of the Uzumaki, everyone’s expressions were filled with shock and confusion.

Senju Hashirama explained in a low voice: “For us, the impact may not be that serious, but for the tribesmen, the morale shown by Izuna has made them no longer determined to fight again, and there is no chance of a comeback in the near future. It’s possible.”

For a Kage level like Senju Tobirama, the power shown by Izuna surprised him, but it was not enough to reach the level of “fear”.

But that’s only for ninjas of Senju Tobirama’s level.

For those ninjas below the level of jounin, or even at the level of ordinary jounin, the power Izuna showed this time has completely made them lose their will to fight.

Even if there is still a possibility of a comeback in terms of military strength, the morale is not good.

After chasing all the way to Congyunshan Senju’s camp, Quan Nai ordered to stop the pursuit.

For a long time, Yunshan has been the dividing line between the Uchiha and Senju clans. If you go further, it will be the hinterland of the Senju. It is too dangerous to go further.

However, this battle was won by Congyun Mountain, which meant that the Uchiha Senju had the upper hand in terms of terrain.

This battle is worth it!

“In this way, Congyun Mountain will be completely ours!”

Izuna threw a kunai and cut down the flag with the emblem of the Senju clan standing on the military camp.

Compared to the Baigu Pass battlefield, when Senju Yuma withdrew his troops, he also ordered the ninja generals’ camp to be burned down, so as not to leave anything behind for Uchiha.

Senju Hashirama retreated more simply, not even bothering to burn, and just left.

“Quinai, you deserve the first prize this time!”

After Izuna shot a kunai to interrupt the Senju flag, Madara also shot one at the same time, interrupting the Uzumaki flag.

“Congratulations to the clan leader. The deputy clan leader won a great victory in his first battle with the Thousand Hands after taking office.”

At this time, Uchiha Yue Ye led his people to come over, clasping his fists and saying to the two of them.

As a candidate for the future elder of the Uchiha clan, he is currently the strongest person in the clan after Izuna and Madara.

Even though the two of them are now in positions above him, as elders, they usually talk to them more like their peers.

Instead of using the tone of a junior subordinate as usual at this time.

“With the leadership of the clan leader and deputy clan leader, I, Uchiha, will replace the Senju and become the largest clan in the Warring States Period. It will be just around the corner!”

“We won Thousand Hands!”

“we won!”

“You can go home!”

Thousands of tribesmen shouted one after another, and many fell to the ground, hugging each other and crying.

Afterwards, many tribesmen picked up Izuna and Madara, threw them into the air, caught them, and threw them again.

This scene is very similar to the scene where Naruto returns to Konoha after defeating Pain.

Stayed one night at Senju’s camp.

Post-war battlefield preparation also began.

One very important thing is to recover the Sharingan.

Before Izuna arrived from the north for support, Uchiha, who was suppressed and beaten by Senju, had to lift the ban and allow the tribe to use Izanagi.

This has also resulted in many members of the Uchiha clan being one-eyed.

With the corpses of their kind on the ground now, their eyes can still help Uchiha once again.

This order is quite cruel, but it was issued by Quan Nai himself.

Madara originally wanted to play the blackface himself, but was rejected by Izuna.

He is not White Lotus, there is no need to make himself so clean.

And with the power displayed by Quan Nai, no one expressed any objection.

Not only because of the shock of Senna’s force, but also because this is also for the sake of the clan.

Izuna ordered Uchiha Ise and Uchiha Enhuo, two young men of his own generation, to investigate the injuries of the strong men above the Jonin level in the family.

Among them, Uchiha Gakuye, Uchiha Takahiko and other representatives of the veteran faction who were of the same generation as Uchiha Tajima, many suffered serious injuries.

Uchiha Nobu had already been sent to the family school by Izuna after the war because of his serious mistake a year ago.

This time, we also took the opportunity to send all the veteran figures who were seriously injured to their idle posts.

Power must be held in the hands of the new generation factions represented by Quan Na and Madara.

In this post-war process, Madara, Izuna, Senju Hashirama, and Senju Tobirama naturally became the new generation leaders of the family, and it was also the first time they led the family to stand in the war between the old enemies. This was a very meaningful event. The war was brought to an end by Izuna herself.

Later, similar records of this war can be seen in the historical biographies of major families in Konoha.

Even Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan in later generations, said when educating his two sons, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke –

“Although during the Warring States Period, our Uchiha’s Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Madara, and Senju’s Senju Hashirama were collectively known as the “Three Heroes of the Warring States Period”, in fact, the number one was Uchiha Izuna.”

While Izuna became famous after this battle, the re-evolved Sharingan was also seen by many Senju Uzumaki ninjas.

He evolved the Sharingan once with Madara Uchiha, and was actually able to evolve it again.

Pupil Emperor·Uchiha Izuna.

This name also gradually spread in the Warring States Period.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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