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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 145 145 Beauty in arms

While Senju Hashirama rushed to the island where Kaguya lived, Izuna also led his army back to the Uchiha clan.

Madara went to greet him in person. In front of the clan, both the Uchiha clan members and foreign servants couldn’t help but cast curious glances at the deputy clan chief’s wife next to Izuna.

Madara also tried to chat with Mito, his sister-in-law, but he couldn’t talk to women. He just managed to chat for a few words, and then changed the topic to the war with Izuna.

Madara and Izuna walked on the main road of the clan, Mito followed behind, “According to your plan, Izuna, Senju will not dare to declare war rashly in a short time.”

After hearing this, Izuna replied: “Although the marriage was disrupted by us, Kaguya’s guys still consumed a lot of Uzumaki’s power. At least they should wait until half a year after the autumn harvest before launching a war.”

It is true that Senju cannot swallow this bad breath, but as a powerful clan that has lasted for hundreds of years, they will not be completely carried away by anger.

It’s been less than a few months since the last war. No matter how angry they are, they should think about it.

What’s more, the last time Senju was defeated by Uchiha.

“Including the battle half a year later, this is already our third battle with Hashirama and the others, right?”

After Madara raised his eyes and thought deeply, he seemed to sigh.

“Compared to the hundreds of confrontations between the previous generation’s father and the Thousand-Armed Buddha over the past few decades, it’s nothing, right?”

Izuna smiled.

Madara couldn’t help but smile, but compared to Izuna, his smile twitched fewer muscles.

Unknowingly, I walked near the two brothers’ mansion, and then they were about to leave.

Madara’s smile was more obvious this time, “Okay, I won’t disturb you two.”

After just saying this briefly, Madara turned and walked towards the other side.

Izuna shrugged and smiled, took Mito’s hand and walked in the direction of his mansion.

Mito looked around in silence. This is where she will live in the future.

“Deputy Chief.”

When they arrived at the door, two young maids from Uchiha origin, one on the left and one on the right, who were responsible for taking care of Izuna’s daily life, leaned forward and said.

“Please step aside today.”

Izuna waved.


The two of them bent down at the same time and walked away quickly. When they looked at Uzumaki Mito, their eyes could not help but be filled with hostility.

Originally they were the ones with the best chance.

Even if she cannot become the head wife, if she gives birth to a child for Izuna, it is very likely that she will be the future clan leader, and their treatment and life in all aspects of the family will also improve dramatically.

But with the arrival of Uzumaki Mito, this opportunity may be much smaller.

“They were just staring at me.”

Only then did a smile appear on Mito’s face.

But it wasn’t the expression of a little woman giving a report, but a joking tone to tease Izuna.

“I have been keeping my integrity for you.”

Izuna kissed Mito’s forehead lightly and smiled evilly.

“Bah! How dare a grown man keep his integrity like a jade!”

Mito spat with a blushing face, and wanted to let go of Izuna’s hand, but he held it firmly.

This situation reminded Mito of a year ago, when he was captured in his military camp, and occasionally this bastard got into his tent at night and asked him to do that to him…

“You will be the mistress of this family from now on.”

Izuna pulled Mito into the house.


Mito whispered the only word.

Izuna transferred her hand to Mito’s shoulder, and this time she hugged her into his arms, leaned into his ear, and whispered: “How about adding a few more family members?”

Mito won’t turn 18 in a few days, but he can’t understand Izuna’s dirty accent.

Her pretty face suddenly turned as red as her hair. Unable to break away from Quan Nai’s hand, she could only raise her pink fist and beat him randomly on the chest.

Izuna laughed again, took Mito’s pink lips in hers, and the two became passionate on the wooden corridor next to the courtyard.

If someone walks in from the main gate at this time, he can spot this scene just by turning his head.

But that night, Izuna still didn’t finish Mito.

After all, she had just returned to Uchiha with him and had not yet emerged from the shadow of leaving the whirlpool.

No matter how anxious Izuna is, she will not take advantage of others at this time.

Anyway, this piece of meat is already in his mouth, waiting to be swallowed, so what are he afraid of?

Now that the Senju Uzumaki will not dare to attack for a while, Izuna can enjoy the decadent life in the arms of a beautiful woman.

And while Izuna was busy with Mito Fuka Snow and Snow, Senju Hashirama had already finished his meeting with Kaguya Manro.

The main reason why a perverse ninja like Kaguya could calm down and talk was because the visitor was Senju Hashirama.

This man, together with Izuna, is known as the “Two Heroes of the Warring States Period”.

Senju Hashirama learned about the existence of “Kite” from the other party’s mouth through conversation.

And Uchiha also teleported to the Kingdom of Whirlpool through the extremely special ninjutsu of “Kite”.

Regarding this “Kite”, Kaguya Manro could not tell Senju Hashirama much.

But from what he heard from Kaguya Manro, he learned that this technique was very similar to his brother Tobirama’s Flying Thunder God.

They all use formation seals to create a barrier, and then perform instantaneous transfer within the barrier.

It seems that his space technique is better than Tobirama’s!

But Senju Hashirama had no idea about the identity of “Kite”.

Why did he assist Uchiha and Kaguya in attacking the Kingdom of Whirlpool?

An enemy of the Whirlpool Kingdom?

Or the enemy of Senju?

If we really count them, there are too many suspects.

After the conversation with Kaguya Manro ended relatively peacefully, Senju Hashirama quickly returned to the Country of Whirlpool, and then took the people back to the Senju Clan.

Just as Izuna expected, neither Senju nor Uzumaki could swallow this bad breath, but due to the situation, they could not take revenge immediately.

At the very least, we should wait for the autumn harvest in half a year, and then wait until food is safe.

But despite the fact that the Senju are kinder than the Uchiha on the surface, in fact they are no less arrogant than the Uchiha.

Even when the situation is not good, there are still many ninjas making noises at the top and below.

Even when the situation is not favorable, we must insist on starting a war without Uchiha.

The clan leader’s fiancée was snatched away by Uchiha. How will I, Senju, gain a foothold among the clans of the Warring States Period in the future?

After hearing these reports from Senju Tobirama, Senju Hashirama couldn’t help but rub his temples with a headache.

He can endure it, but his people can’t.

“Brother, although I can’t swallow this breath, I respect your actions.”

Regarding this matter, Senju Tobirama was also very angry, but as a natural politician, he still endured it. However, in the next sentence, Senju Tobirama changed the topic and said: “But this matter must be considered This is a solution, otherwise…it is a small thing that the tribe is angry, but it is a big thing that I, Thousand Hands, are despised by all the tribes in the Warring States Period.”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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