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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 146 146 Madara’s Stubbornness

More than a month has passed. As the deputy chief of the clan, Izuna has to deal with everything during the day. The only thing that can make him feel gratified is that after the day’s work is over, Mito will bring hot meals prepared by him personally. his room.

And walked behind Quan Nai and gently massaged his shoulders and temples.

As a man over 20 years old and full of energy, Izuna naturally couldn’t help but hold Mito in his arms every time after relaxing, feeling affectionate and affectionate.

Another day was about to pass, and at dusk, when Izuna held Mito in her arms and kept attacking her mouth and soft tongue, Uchiha Ise’s voice came from outside the door, “Deputy chief, the chief has convened the highest meeting. “

Izuna let go of Mito’s red lips and said rather disappointedly: “I know, go to the conference hall and wait for me.”


The shadow at the door flashed, and Uchiha Ise had already left.

Mito flipped up his hair that was messed up by Izuna and rolled his eyes at him.

This is what happens after every massage.

After helping Izuna tidy up her clothes, Mito looked at the unhappy expression on the other person’s face. Mito smiled softly, stood on tiptoes and kissed the side of his face gently, then watched Izuna leave.

Feeling the burning sensation on his lower abdomen just now, Mito’s face began to heat up.

Although he always liked to use his hands and feet, he never forced himself to take the last step.

Would it be… uncomfortable?

Mito blushed and thought, shouldn’t it be time for him to give it to him too?

In the conference hall

Izuna, who was still in love just now, was naturally the last one to arrive. Madara, Uchiha Ise, Uchiha Enhuo, Uchiha Sashu and other high-level representatives of Izuna and Madara’s companions had already arrived.

“Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time.”

Although Izuna said this, her calm tone did not show any guilt.

“No, no, I waited too early.”

Everyone present, except for Madara, who was single, was already married, so they naturally understood why Izuna came late.

And Madara was the first one to come, which is a bit pitiful…

“This is an emergency incident investigated by Zuo Xiu’s secret investigation department.”

Madara went straight in, stood up and opened a new map hanging on the wall behind him.

Several locations above are marked with red circles.

A small clan located in the north corner.

The Rensheng clan, the Shenyue clan, and the Shancheng clan were all marked with red circles.


Madara took a picture of the map and said in a very unhappy tone: “The Secret Investigation Department found out that during this period, these small tribes were secretly transporting food to the Senju tribe.”

Even Quan Nai couldn’t help but shrink his pupils when he heard this.

Originally, he speculated that the Senju would not declare war before the autumn harvest.

But because of Wenrou Township, even this was forgotten.

If you don’t have food, you can borrow it!

“Do you want to borrow food?”

Uchiha Ise said solemnly.

“I’m afraid it’s not just as simple as borrowing food.”

Uchiha Sasuke, who investigated the matter, spoke up.

“how do I say this?”

Uchiha Ise frowned and looked at the other party.

Uchiha Sasuke stood up and walked to the map, picked up a pen next to him, drew these small tribes into a line, and explained: “Please see, geographically, the tribes of these small tribes are all in the northern part of Senju. , according to the route found by our secret investigation department, in the north-east direction, the ninja clan in this area began to secretly assist the Senju…”

As he said that, Uchiha Sasuke continued to draw in the front direction with his pen, and explained at the same time: “If Senju is allowed to continue to act like this, then the next target that Senju wants to join forces with may be…”

“It’s Hatake!”

Izuna said.

That’s right, if we continue to stretch out according to the route drawn by Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake will be next.

Yes, that is the ancestral ninja clan known as the “Hatake 50-50” in later generations.

This family has a small number of people, with a total combat strength of only about 300 people. They are considered second-rate and top-tier at best.

But few ninjas dare to underestimate them.

They are good at swordsmanship and thunder escape. They are the elite ninja clan of the Warring States Period. They can be said to be a slightly weakened version of Kaguya.

But if we really go to war with Kaguya, we can’t tell who will win and who will lose.

Thinking of Kaguya, Izuna’s face changed slightly again, and she subconsciously said: “Wait! Where is Kaguya?”

In fact, Kaguya is not far from the Senju clan.

It is also very close to the territory of the so-called Senju Alliance Clan Whirlpool.

Now that Senju has begun to win over so many ninjas, there’s no reason why Kaguya shouldn’t win over them, right?

This of course sounds like a fantasy, because Kaguya attacked the whirlpool just last month and killed many Senju ninjas.

According to common sense, it is impossible for Senju to win over Kaguya as an ally.

However, Izuna knew not to use common sense to speculate on Senju Hashirama.

In the original work, he can even turn Uchiha into an ally, so why can’t Kaguya?

Everyone else felt that it was impossible for Senju to form an alliance with Kaguya.

However, apart from Izuna, Madara, who knew Senju Hashirama very well, also felt that Senju Hashirama was very likely to go to the Kaguya Alliance.

“If that’s the case, it’s not a good situation.”

Madara’s face was solemn, “These small clans can only provide food and logistics at most, but Hatake and Kaguya are different. If they also join the Senju, the overall clan power will definitely surpass my Uchiha.”

Although Uchiha is arrogant, he is not afraid of the situation.

After all, this is not the future, and the fourth Hokage was not an Uchiha, which caused all the Uchiha people to get carried away.

If Hatake and Kaguya join forces with the Senju, they will definitely suppress the Uchiha.

When the time comes, it will be difficult for Quan Nai alone to turn the tide.

Although others did not understand why Izuna and Madara were so convinced that Senju would find Kaguya, seeing that they both believed so, they temporarily put aside their confusion and talked about how to solve the current problem.

“Clan leader, deputy leader, in your opinion, should Senju look for Hatake or Kaguya next?”

Uchiha Flame asked for instructions.

“I think it is possible to divide the troops into two groups and proceed at the same time.”

Izunana Kyūme said, “What we have to do now is not to allow them to form an alliance. After seeing that the Senju Alliance is becoming more and more powerful, we still don’t know what will happen to the big clans like Sarutobi, Shimura, Hinata, and Inokacho.” What’s the reaction?”

Madara agreed and said: “It’s actually like this. We are also divided into two groups. The targets are of course Kaguya and Hatake.”

“I’ll deal with Kaguya, brother, you deal with Hatake.”

Quan Nai spoke up.

Although Hatake and Kaguya are indistinguishable from each other in a fight, after careful calculation, Kaguya is still stronger than Hatake.

It can be said that three and seven are open, Hatake is three, and Kaguya is seven.

Therefore, Izuna left the difficult party to herself.

However, Zebra immediately understood what Izuna meant, recalling that several consecutive wars were all resolved by Izuna.

As an elder brother and a clan leader, he is always protected by his younger brother.

When he thought of this, Madarag Niu became angry and said in a low voice: “No, I will deal with Kaguya, and Izuna you will deal with Hatake.”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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