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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 148 148 Madara, you are out of luck

“You seem to be in good condition, Izuna.”

Early the next morning, Izuna and Madara met at the gate of the clan. They were going to the Hatake and Kaguya clans respectively to prevent them from falling to the Senju.

Hearing this, Quan Nai looked slightly startled, then chuckled and said, “Obviously?”

Madara, however, gave a rare shrug and complained, “My face almost burst into laughter.”

Izuna didn’t care. After all, after taking down Mito, no matter how high his position, he had officially transformed from a boy into a man, and the object was still the woman he liked. How could he be unhappy?

Returning to the group, Izuna and Madara each lead a team of ten this time.

Once there are many people, it is easy to be discovered.

Especially the centaurs on Madara’s side.

If you want to go to the island where the Kaguya clan lives, you must pass by the Senju clan and the sea near the Uzumaki Country.

Both races have extremely excellent perceptual abilities.

Izuna had already left the mark of the Flying Thunder God in the Country of Uzumaki when he was trying to steal Mito, and he also left the mark on Kaguya Island last time.

I originally thought about assisting Madara and the others as “Kite”.

But if you think about it more carefully, if you assist Uchiha too much as “Kite”, it will easily arouse suspicion.

After all, this identity is too sensitive and cannot be exposed even to the Uchiha clan.

But in the original work, Kaguya is a ninja from the Kingdom of Water, right?

Although the island they are located on is between the Kingdom of Whirlpool and the Kingdom of Water.

It doesn’t matter which country you choose.

Perhaps in the original work, Senju Hashirama relied on his overwhelming wood escape to defeat Uchiha easier than it is now, so he did not join forces with Kaguya.

Now due to his intervention, the original world line has undergone earth-shaking changes.

As a result, Kaguya also infiltrated into this battle.

All in all, Izuna and Madara may encounter Senju Hashirama in this operation, it depends on how God arranges it.

Things are unpredictable, and even Quan Nai cannot predict anything.

Including himself, the eleven-member team led by Izuna and Madara set off.

“Deputy leader, what should we do after arriving at the Hatake tribe?”

As they advanced, an Uchiha jounin behind him asked.

Although their purpose this time is to prevent Hatake from falling to Senju, the specific implementation plan has not yet been decided.

Is it a negotiation?

Or… do it?

“It depends,”

Quan Nai rushed to the front, quickly jumped over the branches, and responded: “If we can arrive one step ahead of Senju, it is naturally the best to be polite first and then attack. I am not a murderer. If we can solve it without taking action, then No need to take action.”

“But if Senju arrives faster than us and has even reached an agreement with Hatake, don’t worry about it so much and just take action.”

At this point, Izuna’s eyes began to darken, “Not only Hatake, but everyone in the Warring States Period must know how terrible it is to fall to the Senju and stand in a hostile position against the Uchiha. “


The ten Uchiha jonin behind him stood up and shouted back.

Hatake’s clan is located in the northeastern coastal area of ​​the Land of Fire.

It belongs to the port town type area.

The advantage of a place like this is that he can relieve at least half of his worries.

Because the other side of them is the sea, no enemy will come from the sea to attack them.

Secondly, the land near the sea is not suitable for crop production. Although there is a fishing industry, it is far inferior to the Senju. The powerful ninja clan like the Uchiha, who own large tracts of land and even own mines and underground industries.

According to the investigation of the Secret Investigation Department, Hatake Soya was not as eager to make his ninja clan become a powerful clan in the Warring States Period like Gekko Fenghao who was killed by Izuna.

Although he is a Kage-level warrior, his personality is more like that of the Third Hokage. He only hopes that Hatake can safely survive the chaotic era of the Warring States Period and usher in peace.

But I never thought about creating this peace with my own strength.

Quan Nai’s team spent two days and one night arriving at the outskirts of the Hatake tribe.

Join up with the intelligence ninjas from the secret investigation department.

When they arrived, Izuna and the others found that the undercover ninja had been seriously injured, and his right arm was tied with a thick bandage.

I checked with my Sharingan and found that his right arm was almost cut off entirely!

Sensing the look in Izuna’s eyes, the intelligence ninja gritted his teeth and said, “Yes, it’s Senju Tobirama!”

“Senju Tobirama?”

“The number one speed ninja among the Senju?”

“The deputy chief of the Senju clan? Is he coming to Hatake?”

All the Uchiha jounin suddenly started talking.

Izuna’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she motioned for the intelligence ninja to continue.

Holding back the severe pain in his shoulder, the intelligence ninja continued: “Deputy, deputy chief, you are a step late. Yesterday evening, Senju Tobirama led a small team to Hatake. I didn’t expect Senju Tobirama either. His sense of time is so strong that he discovered me very quickly…”


After coughing a few times, the Intelligence Ninja continued: “My subordinate, I tried my best to escape from his Flying Thunder God Killing Technique.”

“Take him down to rest.”

Quan Nai waved her hand and ordered.

After the person was taken away, Quan Nai began to think.

But first, I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, “Madara, you are out of luck!”

Since Senju Hashirama appears in Hatake, Senju Hashirama should most likely go to Kaguya.

Izuna should have thought of it originally.

Strong versus strong, weak versus weak.

After all, Kaguya’s strength is still one level stronger than Hatake’s.

As for the two brothers Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, it is naturally more likely that Senju Hashirama, the stronger one, will persuade Kaguya, while Senju Tobirama, the weak one, will persuade Hatake.

It’s just that people tend to believe what they want to believe, and Izuna can’t avoid it.

Right now, I can only pray that Madara can return safely under Senju Hashirama. I can’t help him forever.

“Deputy leader, Qianju has arrived first, what should I do?”

The situation suddenly became unfavorable, and the Uchiha jounin next to them said anxiously.

“It’s still unclear whether Senju Tobirama’s persuasion was successful.”

Quan Nai signaled everyone not to get carried away by panic.

Although Senju Tobirama is a veteran politician, he is still one level behind Senju Hashirama’s successor of the Mouth Release.

Hatake is also a strong clan, so he shouldn’t be convinced overnight.

“You are all lying in ambush outside Hatake’s clan. I will go alone to investigate the outcome of their negotiations and wait for my signal for specific actions.”

Quan Nai said so decidedly.

“Deputy Chief, are you alone?”

Even though they knew about Quan Nai’s power, they couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

After all, for a person to go deep into the enemy’s hinterland, in the eyes of most people, it is a narrow escape.

“Senju Tobirama’s perception technique is so strong, you just heard it. Your words will be discovered by him in an instant, and there is no use going there.”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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