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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 149 149 Dilemma

Not to mention Izuna, Madara, Senju Hashirama, and Senju Tobirama, these people who will leave their names in the future history of the ninja world, are gradually approaching their future peak period.

Not counting Madara, who has the Samsara Eye, and Hashirama Senju, who has the true Thousand Arms, for the time being, Tobirama Senju’s strength has gradually moved closer to the original.

Especially after he realized that his strength had been left far behind by the three of them, he even conducted hard training in the past two months.

Today, his perception ability has approached the limit of a ninja.

When he led the Senju team and entered the Hatake clan’s territory, he sat down and used the hand in his hand to quietly sense the chakra of the entire clan. He already knew the total number of people in the entire Hatake clan and their distribution. .

At this time, in the meeting hall of the Qimu Tribe, the two sides were negotiating.

Senju Tobirama is trying his best to persuade Hatake Suiya to join Senju Fang.

As a politician, Senju Tobirama did not promote his great ideal of “building a village” like Senju Hashirama did.

But from a practical point of view, he first explained to Hatake Zaiga how many ninjas had taken refuge in the Senju, while Uchiha was still alone.

And as long as the Hatake clan sided with the Senju, it would most likely end the never-ending Warring States Period.

Although Hatake Zaiya is not that old, he is not an idiot either. He can certainly tell that Senju Tobirama’s words are exaggerated.

For example, the second half of the sentence is about ending the Warring States Period.

Not to mention that Uchiha is not easy to destroy, not to mention that none of the big families such as Hinata, Sarutobi, and Shimura are fuel-efficient lamps.

Once the war situation changes, no one can know what actions these ninjas will take.

But it actually makes sense. If Hatake sides with the Senju, and then the Senju and Uchiha collide again, the situation at the beginning of the battle will be that the Senju has an overwhelming advantage.

But it also means that the Hatake clan is on the Uchiha blacklist.

Not everyone dares to offend this crazy family of Uchiha.

Even powerful clans like Uzumaki only made up their minds to help Senju and Uchiha fight to the end after experiencing the humiliation of Uzumaki Mito being snatched away.

Just when Hatake Suiya was thinking about what to do, suddenly a Hatake guard walked in quickly outside the conference hall and whispered a few words in Hatake Suiya’s ear.

Hatake Suiya’s expression changed drastically, and he couldn’t even hold back and asked: “Why did you let him in so easily!?”

“I’m sorry, it seems that the opponent’s strength far exceeds our expectations.”

The Hatake guard also looked unwilling.

Senju Tobirama frowned and pointed his right index finger on the tatami floor in front of him.

The ability to perceive instantly swept across the entire Hatake tribe.

In an instant, Thousand Hands Tobirama sensed it.

Yesterday, he perceived that the total number of Hatake clan members, including combatants, women and children, servants, and support personnel, was 1,280.

But now there are one thousand two hundred and eighty-one people, and the chakra of this extra person is the chakra he is most familiar with in his life except his brother Senju Hashirama.

And at this time, he was standing outside the door!

Senju Tobirama shouted coldly: “I didn’t expect the deputy chief of Uchiha to be so polite. I thought he would just barge in.”

That’s right, standing at the entrance, the newly emerged chakra is none other than Senna.

Everyone in the conference hall was shocked when they heard this, Uchiha Izuna is here! ?

Hatake bit his lower lip with broken teeth, raised his hand and said, “Let him in.”


Soon, the door to the conference room opened, and Quan Na walked in with a smile on her face.

“Haha, Tobirama, your perception skills have grown again. It’s terrifying. It seems that surprise attack tactics will not work in front of you in the future.”

However, Izuna’s next words immediately frightened Senju Tobirama and the other Senju present, “It’s a pity that the strength is still so poor.”

Senju Tobirama’s neck immediately turned red with anger at Izuna’s words.

The people on Hatake’s side swallowed nervously.

Some even couldn’t believe their ears.

What is he saying?

Is Senju Tobirama weak in strength?

Even Uchiha Tajima, the reincarnation of the Thousand-Armed Buddha, wouldn’t dare to say that, right?

What’s even more unbelievable is that Senju Tobirama hasn’t refuted yet. Does this Uchiha “Emperor of Pupils” really have this level?

“Clan leader Hatake Zaiya, this is the first time we meet, I am Uchiha Izuna.”

Izuna cupped her fists at Hatake Suiya and smiled.

“Nice to meet you.”

Hatake Suiya’s face was solemn. He hesitated and said, “I am meeting with Mr. Tobirama right now. Mr. Izuna might as well…”

“That’s not necessary, Chief Hatake.”

Senju Tobirama said: “What I want to say has been finished. Let Deputy Clan Quan Na speak next. I wonder if Deputy Clan Quan Na needs us to avoid him?”

Having said this, Senju Tobirama glanced at Izuna.

“No, no, it’s not a shameful thing. I’m not some conspirator, hahaha!”

The faces of Senju Tobirama and others turned dark again. Who couldn’t tell that Izuna was criticizing Sanghuai?

But you, Uchiha Izuna, are too shameless, right?

I don’t know how many times I’ve made dirty tricks, and I still have the nerve to say I’m not a conspirator.

“I can probably guess what Deputy Chief Tobirama said to Chief Hatake before. It was nothing more than how many reinforcements Senju has attracted now, how big the advantage is, and how many resources can be allocated to Hatake after occupying Uchiha. These.”

Quan Nai smiled and said: “My words are much simpler and more direct.”

Quan Nai’s face turned solemn and said: “I just hope that the Hatake clan will not participate in this battle. The leader of the Hatake clan can continue to keep Hatake neutral. That’s it.”

Izuna has no intention of drawing Hatake into this battle.

The main thing is to compare the distance between Hatake, Uchiha and Senju. Hatake is far away from Uchiha and close to Senju.

In addition, Senju can directly exchange land and other resources for benefits, but Uchiha cannot come up with an attractive enough bargaining chip.

After all, the distance is too far, and I can’t even give him the land I want.

And the possibility of Hatake agreeing to join forces with Uchiha is too low.

The distance is so far, once they agree, it will be very difficult for Uchiha to come to reinforce them even if the Senju attacks them.

Anyway, you Hatake Suiyaya want to stay neutral, so go ahead and stay neutral.

Hatake Suiya couldn’t help but fell silent for a moment.

Two tigers are fighting each other, and Hatake, the wolf, is under pressure no matter which side he helps.

But now even if he said he wanted to remain neutral, it would be equivalent to agreeing to Uchiha Izuna’s proposal and offending Senju.

For a moment, Hatake Suiya clenched his fists, and his fingernails pinched the palms of his hands until blood started to bleed.

A few minutes later, sitting on the back right side of Hatake Suiya, one of the three masters of the Hatake clan, the peak jounin Hatake Ren, said: “Uchiha and Senju, you might as well wait, we need to discuss it. , we will give an answer to both parties tomorrow.”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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