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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 151 151 Madara’s Dangerous Action

“Is this the Hatake clan’s choice?”

Early the next morning, Senju Tobirama and others got Hatake’s answer.

They decided to remain neutral. Although this attitude should be equal to Uchiha and Senju, under the current conditions, it was tantamount to offending Senju.

It’s strange that Senju Tobirama has such a good face.

“I, Hatake, am not a member of a small clan. I don’t want to get involved in the competition between the two major clans, the Uchiha and the Senju. I hope you can understand.”

Hatake Suiya lowered his head slightly and said.

The corners of Senju Tobirama’s mouth twitched. He wanted to say something else, but when he thought about it again, he realized that the other party had already thought deeply about it all night. He might not be able to change the outcome with just a few words of his own.

Izuna was quite satisfied with the result, and her kind tone also contained a hint of inherent intimidation, “I think the decision made by the Hatake clan leader is very correct. I hope that the Hatake clan can also stick to his word and remember this sentence.”

The corners of Hatake Suiya’s eyes twitched slightly, but he still responded quickly: “Of course, of course.”

“Then in that case, I’ll take my leave.”

Although Izuna felt that Hatake Suiya’s tone was a little weird, he couldn’t read minds after all.

Under such circumstances, it was even more impossible to use Sharingan to question Hatake Soya.

After Izuna left the conference hall, Senju Tobirama and several other Senju personnel stood up and said, “We’ll also take our leave.”

Hatake Suiya and Hatake Ren and the others next to them looked at each other and had an idea in their hearts.

Before Uchiha Izuna and the Uchiha people completely left, they could not express their attitude towards Senju.

In the eastern sea of ​​the Kingdom of Whirlpool, there is an island where the Kaguya clan lives.

Because of the long distance, the team led by Madara arrived at Hatake’s clan a step later than Izuna.

When he arrived with his people, it happened that Senju Hashirama, on behalf of Senju, had already signed an alliance agreement with Kaguya Manro.

In Kaguya Village, the flags of the two clans were erected together, and Senju Hashirama and Kaguya Manro held hands, representing the establishment of the alliance.

Kaguya Manro was extremely shocked by Senju Hashirama’s attitude that he could forget about Kaguya’s previous attack on the whirlpool.

He originally suspected that Senju Hashirama had ulterior motives, whether it was a trap to invite you into a trap.

But when Senju Hashirama gave up a large area of ​​land in the Land of Fire to Kaguya, and sent a large amount of weapons, food, and medicine, Kaguya Manro decided to give it a try again.

These are what Kaguya needs now.

Another point lies in Senju Hashirama’s personal charm.

Perhaps as the reincarnation of Asura, he is born with this kind of charm that attracts them to follow him.

The natural charm that Senju Hashirama exudes in his words, and his sincere spirit of yearning for peace, make it difficult for even Kaguya with a grumpy personality to dislike him.

Of course, this is only a secondary reason, the most important thing is the issue of interests.

When Madara and the others arrived, Senju Hashirama had already left with his people, and more than a day had passed since the two clans formally formed an alliance.

I believe it won’t take five days for this news to spread throughout the Warring States Period.

By then, more families will be attached to Qianju!

After learning the news, Madara was furious. He never expected that Senju Hashirama would be willing to form an alliance with Kaguya, who had just attacked the whirlpool, and promised them so many benefits.

Discuss with the ten people he brought to attack Kaguya tonight and let the entire Warring States know how terrifying it is to rely on Senju and stand on the hostile side of Uchiha.

Madara’s proposal is of course very dangerous. In any case, Kaguya currently retains at least seven to eight hundred combatants.

Moreover, their clan is all good at fighting, and there are only eleven people on their side.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is almost like seeking death. At least the Uchiha’s large-scale troops should be mobilized.

But Madara also had his own reasons.

This news will spread throughout the Warring States Period within a few days.

At that time, Uchiha will be even more disadvantaged.

What’s more, if Uchiha wants to come to the island where Kaguya lives, he will definitely pass by the border area of ​​​​Senju.

Forget about a small team, a large-scale ninja army will definitely be discovered.

“Now with just eleven people like me, even if we can’t kill Kaguya today, we will at least leave them with an unforgettable lesson so that the entire Warring States Period will not underestimate me, Uchiha!”

Madara said excitedly: “Everyone, are you willing to join me in the battle?”

The ten Jonin looked at each other and shouted in unison: “We will fight to the death for Uchiha!!!”

“Okay, let’s go!”

Twenty minutes later.

A team of seven patrolling ninjas from Kaguya stood guard at the entrance of Kaguya Village, discussing while patrolling——

“I didn’t expect Senju to take the initiative to form an alliance with us. Do you think Senju Hashirama is sincere?”

“I think it is, I don’t know why, but I feel like he has a very holy aura about him.”

“Yes, just seeing that person gives people the feeling that he will not betray his trust.”

“But in this case, we are also on the hostile side of Uchiha, so we must be careful in the future.”

“Hmph! Last time we attacked the whirlpool, didn’t that guy Uchiha Izuna also attack us? I’ve long disliked that clan!”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

While the seven of us were discussing.

The red of the setting sun at dusk seemed to be more intense, and there was an extremely hot burning sensation.

The seven people looked up and saw a dozen huge fireballs falling from the sky.

“Fire Release Ninjutsu!?”

“It’s an enemy attack! Stop them quickly!”

In an instant, the seven people activated their corpse bone veins, and the bones in their bodies scratched the skin, like seven hedgehogs rushing forward and hitting the fireball.

Boom ho ho! ! !

The fireball was instantly broken into sparks, scattered throughout Kaguya Village below.

If it had turned into a village from the Land of Fire, it would have been on fire long ago.

However, the climate of the island where Kaguya lives is extremely humid, and the sparks have been extinguished in mid-air before they even hit the ground.

The seven Kaguya guarding ninjas also saw clearly.

The one who activated the ninjutsu was the Uchiha ninja riding on the ninja eagle.

“Idiot, you were fooled.”

Ninja went up, one of them sneered.

Kaguya ninja suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

“Ho ho ho!!!”

Suddenly, there was a roar from below, and the seven people looked down. A chakra giant high on a hill was waving the chakra bayonet in his hand, emitting blue light sword energy to attack them.

“This, this is the same as Uchiha Izuna…uhhhh!!!”

Five of the seven people were unable to dodge, and were cut into pieces by one move, and were destroyed in the sword energy.

“Fire Release·Dragon Fire Technique!”

“Wind Escape·Fierce Wave!”

“Thunder Release Chidori!”

The remaining two people barely escaped, but the Uchiha jounin above jumped from the air, formed a group of five, and released ninjutsu to kill them.

In less than twenty seconds, all seven people were killed.

But it also attracted the attention of Kaguya’s entire clan.

Ten Uchiha people jumped from the air. Madara in Susanoo crossed his arms with his hands on his chest. He faced Kaguya Village coldly and proudly, “Burn everything that can be seen in the Sharingan Eyes!”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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