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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 158 158 Madara’s unwillingness

The strong wind howled by his cheeks, Madara raised his eyes, and as soon as he opened his eyes, Izuna’s voice came into his ears.

“are you awake?”

Madara opened his eyes completely, and only under such close conditions could he fully see the other person’s face.

“I am…”

Madaramori supported the hawk’s back and reluctantly stood up. Suddenly he frowned and pressed the position where he was injured in the previous battle. He was surprised and said in his heart: “It doesn’t hurt?”

Izuna, who was sitting in front, glanced back and said flatly: “Hashirama used his unique wooden escape medical ninjutsu to treat you.”


Madara was shocked at first, followed by endless anger.

He only remembered that he was attacked by Senju Hashirama on the way back and was suppressed before he could take action.

However, he passed out.

“What happened?”

Madara suppressed the anger in his heart and asked Izuna.

Izuna glanced at the other two Uchiha jounin who woke up one step before Madara.

After the two signaled, they told Madara what happened that Izuna had told them once before.

After hearing this, Madara almost had his nose crooked with anger, and said angrily: “I, Madara Uchiha, was actually taken hostage and was rescued by the other party. It’s hateful! It’s hateful!”

This shame is simply worse than killing him!

“Cough cough cough!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Madara suddenly coughed violently.

“Clan leader, are you okay?”

The other two people quickly surrounded him.

Madara waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

Izuna analyzed: “Kaguya’s total combat power is now estimated to be only half of what it was before, that is, Hatake. No, maybe even Hatake’s strength is not as good as that. Kaguya Manro has been killed. In order to take revenge, they I will definitely join this war, but fortunately Hatake will not participate in this war.”

“So what? Could it be that I, Uchiha, am afraid of him?”

Madara interjected, still full of pride.

The premise is to rule out his pale face and constant coughing feeling of weakness.

“Brother, please don’t interfere in this war. Let me do it.”

Madara’s face changed when he heard this.

Just as he was about to speak, Quan Nai had already anticipated what he wanted to say and spoke first, “Now your body can no longer bear the side effects of the kaleidoscope.”

Madara was speechless for a moment, but needless to say what he felt in his heart, letting him stay at home and watching other tribesmen going to the battlefield and going through life and death was more uncomfortable than killing him.

“Kaguya lost half of his combat power, and the clan leader Kaguya Manro died. All these achievements will be attributed to our clan leader when he returns, do you understand?”

When Izuna said this, his eyes glanced at the two surviving Uchiha jonin next to Madara.

Their eyes changed, and they instantly understood what Quan Nai meant, and quickly said: “I will never reveal a word!”

“Izuna, how can this be done!?”

Madara quickly stopped him.

Although he killed a lot, he still knew how many there were.

Just Kaguya Manro, he couldn’t have killed him by himself.

Quan Na’s behavior is nothing more than trying to attribute his achievements to himself.

Not to mention his younger brother, Madara would never take away the credit of his subordinates.

“This is politics, bro.”

Izuna responded calmly, but her tone showed that there was no room for rejection.

As the leader of the clan, Madara was unable to take the lead in the ensuing war and could only stay in bed to recuperate.

Even if you are sick, you will inevitably attract gossip.

And if it is known that the cause of the spots is on the eyes, it will be more likely to shake the morale of the army.

You know, for Uchiha, eyes are more important than any other place on the body.

Izuna’s plan was to lie to the entire clan that Madara would use only ten people to wipe out more than half of Kaguya’s combat power.

And he also killed Kaguya Manro, the leader of the Kaguya clan.

In this way, the illusion of Madara’s great achievements can be created, which can not only silence many people’s mouths, but also create an illusion about Madara’s condition to calm the hearts of the clan.

Although Madara is not good at politics, he is not ignorant either.

It soon became clear why Izuna did this.

But it’s still hard to let go in my heart.

After the Ninja Eagle flew for a while, Madara spoke again, “Izuna, is it possible for my eyes to recover?”

Although the medical conditions in the Warring States Period were not perfect, for Uchiha, transplanting eyes was not a big problem.

Even if there is no inventory, as long as you know that there is something wrong with Madara’s eyes, you can “get” a few pairs no matter what method you use.

But for those who have owned a kaleidoscope, how can an ordinary Sharingan be able to see it?

Therefore, the term “spot” is “recovery”, not “transplantation”.

“Yes, but it will take some time.”

Izuna answered without hesitation.

His solution, of course, was to exchange a pair of his own kaleidoscopes from the skill tree and use them for Madara.

After all, his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan needs to evolve into the Rinnegan, which requires up to 800 skill points.

The ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan only requires 150 skill points.

Judging from the current situation, one can imagine which one is more cost-effective.

Hearing Izuna’s answer be so confident, even Madara himself thought it was impossible, but he felt relieved.

Two days passed before Quan Nai returned to the tribe with the trio of patients.

Although the team led by Madara was wiped out from ten people to only two left, it was heard that he killed more than half of Kaguya’s ninjas and also killed the clan leader Kaguya Manro.

For a time, the whole clan could not stop praising Madara. However, for Madara, who was bedridden at the moment, this was nothing more than a kind of irony.

Therefore, on the second day after returning to the tribe, Madara announced that he would not see outsiders behind closed doors. Except for some routine work that the tribe leader had to do, no one else would be seen.

Izuna also knew that Madara was definitely in a bad mood at this time, and did not bother to have a romantic relationship with Mito. Instead, he immediately summoned Uchiha Ise, Uchiha Enhuo and others to discuss the upcoming war with Senju. Preparations needed.

Although the intelligence department has not yet investigated clearly, Izuna can be sure that the remaining Kaguya ninjas headed by Kaguya Takeri will definitely fulfill their alliance agreement with Senju and join this war.

Including the small clans that had previously relied on the Senju, the Senju had far surpassed the Uchiha in terms of total combat power.

Rough combat strength estimate.

I’m afraid it’s three thousand versus six thousand!

Izuna thought for a long time and ordered Uchiha Ise to bring back part of the northwest’s combat force to join the war.

Although the number of people who can be dispatched is not large, it can somewhat make up for the gap when Madara is unable to participate in the battle.

Fortunately, things turned out as Madara had thought before, after hearing that the leader of the Kaguya clan and more than half of the ninjas had been killed.

The clans of the Warring States Period were afraid of receiving crazy revenge from Uchiha, so they no longer dared to form an alliance with the Senju.

This also ensures that the Thousand Hands Alliance’s combat effectiveness will not increase any further.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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