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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 167 167 The conspiracy against Thousand Hands Tobirama

The birthday banquet invitation not only invited Uchiha to attend the Hyuga Ten Sect’s 40th birthday banquet, but also named him by name, claiming that he hoped that Uchiha’s deputy chief, Uchiha Izuna, would arrive.

After Izuna read it, he cast his eyes towards Uchiha Yanhuo, Uchiha Zhan and others below, “In your opinion, what is Hinata Tenzong thinking about today?”

“Usually this kind of invitation is sent to the clan, but Hinata’s envoy sent it to the frontline military camp, which is unusual,”

Halfway through, Zhan Uchiha coughed dryly and said: “My subordinates believe that this is probably a deliberate test by the Hyuga clan. According to the investigation of the Secret Investigation Department, a group of envoys have also arrived at the Senju camp. The Hyuga Ten Sect is afraid that The invitation was sent to the deputy clan chief and Senju Hashirama at the same time.

After inviting you to join Hinata, we will make a judgment on the team. “

Izuna narrowed her eyes, “Hinata will take sides, which feels even more unreliable than Shimura’s. What’s more, why do we have to meet in person? Isn’t it enough to just analyze the battle situation?”

It’s so strange that this thing came about. Although the average life span of the Warring States Period was very low, not to mention sixty years old, forty years old wouldn’t be such a big deal to send invitations to all the major clans in the Warring States Period, right?

And it happened to be when Senju and Uchiha were fighting.

It also involves nearly ten ninja clans such as Watanabe, Onikawa, Hatake, Kaguya, and Uzumaki.

“Does the deputy chief mean to go or not to go?”

Uchiha Flame asked for instructions.

He also felt that every aspect of this birthday banquet was full of suspicion.

“Go, of course I have to go. Not only me, Senju Hashirama will also go.”

Not to mention other things, even if there is no Senju Hashirama standing in front of him, it is impossible to sweep through the seven thousand Thousand Arms Alliance with just his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

However, Uchiha has a terrain advantage and Senju cannot attack for a long time, which makes him very tired.

Therefore, both Senju and Uchiha must actively fight for the backbone.

Even if there is only a glimmer of possibility.

Hyuga Tenzong has managed the current situation between Senju and Uchiha well. As soon as he sends the invitation, people from both sides will have to come.

“But, Deputy Chief, what if Thousand Hands attacks during your absence?”

The next top Uchiha jounin said worriedly.

This is a concern for others as well.

They don’t have the confidence to stop Senju Hashirama’s wooden figure!

“Don’t worry, I told you, Senju Hashirama will definitely go.”

It is said that masters can predict each other’s psychology. For people like Senju Hashirama, this is an opportunity to promote his ideal of building a Konoha Ninja Village.

Not only the Hyuga clan, but also other major ninja clans from the Warring States period who were invited.

There was no way he wouldn’t go.

And just as Izuna can predict Senju Hashirama’s thoughts, Senju Hashirama is also trying to figure out Izuna’s thoughts.

He believes that Quan Na will also go, so there is no need to worry that Quan Na will lead an army to attack Senju during his absence.

“However, Senju Tobirama is a problem.”

Izunaki’s eyes widened. To be honest, it would be difficult for the peak jounin Uchiha Enhuo to completely see the Senju Tobirama.

After all, although Senju Tobirama is not as perverted as his elder brother Senju Hashirama, he has almost reached the peak of the shadow level in the original work. Uchiha Enhuo, who barely stepped into the quasi-kage with one foot, had to lead three Only the above Jonin can fight against the Senju Tobirama who possesses the Flying Thunder God.

Now Uchiha has three Kage level, Izuna, Madara, and Uchiha Gakuye.

Originally there were three Senju, Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, and Senju Yuma.

However, Senju Yuma was severely injured by Izuna in the northern battlefield and could not be cured.

He has lost his qualifications as a ninja forever.

And Madara is currently staying behind due to the shortcomings of the kaleidoscope.

Generally speaking, both sides in this battle are two shadow-level players.

But the problem is that it is not the Senju clan that we have to deal with. Uzumaki, Hatake, and Kaguya all have a shadow-level clan leader.

Swirl in the vast sea.

Flag wood and broken teeth.

Kaguya Takeri.

Uchiha Gakuye who went north felt even more pressure because he had to deal with Kaguya Butori and Hatake Zangya, two Kage-level players at the same time.

And what Izuna is facing here are three Kage-level Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, and Uzumaki Hirokai!

“It’s decided, in the next battle, I’m going to peel off a layer of skin between Thousand Hands.”

Quan Nai clicked on the table and decided resolutely.

There is still one month left before the birthday party begins.

For the person who “killed” her in the original work, Izuna originally had a special resentment, so she just took the opportunity to resolve it this time.

Thinking of this, Quan Na said to the people below, “In the next battle, all jounin will go out and aim at Senju Tobirama.”

Everyone present was a jounin elite level or above. When they heard what Izuna said, their expressions were startled. Uchiha Yanhuo thought for a few seconds and asked: “Deputy leader, the opponent is actually outnumbered, even if we jounin It is also very difficult to target Senju Tobirama with a concentrated attack.”

Not to mention Senju Tobirama’s extremely troublesome Flying Thunder God, just because of the huge gap in the number of people, it is impossible for Uchiha to besiege Senju Tobirama among thousands of people with only about a hundred jounin. Task.

Quan Nai smiled mysteriously, “I know, don’t worry, I have a backup plan, listen, just do it…”

After everyone heard Senna’s plan, they couldn’t help but praise him, “The deputy chief is indeed a genius who created ninjutsu. He even learned this move.”

“Once this plan succeeds, he will be doomed!”

“This bastard has defeated me, Uchiha, many times with his flying thunder god and tricks. This time I can make him look good!”

Everyone was excited, and at the same time, they were secretly impressed by Quan Nai’s scheming and strength.

There is still one month left before the birthday banquet of Hyuga Ten Sect.

Although the two tribes have their own thoughts, the war cannot stop because of this kind of thing.

Only a week passed, Senju Hashirama relied on his abnormal recovery ability to restore the wounds left by the previous battle to the original, and brought the Senju and Uzumaki army to kill.

You know, ordinary ninjas may not be able to heal the injuries left by Quan Na even if they rest for half a year.

No wonder later generations regard Senju Hashirama’s cells as a universal medicine. If he awakens his immortal attributes, there’s no telling how abnormal he will be!

On the Uchiha Baili Stone Castle.

The noisy cold wind blew by, and after the ravages of war and ninjutsu, there was no grass growing for dozens of miles around.

Looking at the approaching thousands-armed army in the distance, Izuna stood proudly on the observation deck and said: “Remember the plan.”

“Don’t worry, Deputy Chief!”

Uchiha Enhuo and others beside the wall below responded immediately.

Suddenly, Izuna suddenly jumped from hundreds of meters in the air, Susanoo’s flames burned on the surface of the skin.

Before Izuna could land, a hundred-meter-tall Rakshasa ghost was already standing in front of the Thousand-Armed Army.

I’ve seen it several times and it’s still so shocking!

“Wooden Release: Wooden Man’s Technique!”

Senju Hashirama put his hands together, and the chakra surging in his body was exaggerated to the point that it was visible to the naked eye.

A giant god also rose from the soil, holding Senju Hashirama above his head, standing opposite Izuna.

“Let’s go, Izuna!”

Senju Hashirama shouted in a deep voice and moved towards the eastern coast of the distant Fire Country.

Izuna raised the corner of her mouth slightly, flapped Susanoo’s wings, flew above it, and flew away.

“Do it!”

Senju Tobijo took over the overall command and began to attack Uchiha Baili Stone Castle.

But unknown to him, Uchiha at this time had laid out a plan specifically for him.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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