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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 181 181 The coming new era

“That’s it…”

Quan Nai hesitated.

At the moment when Senju Hashirama excitedly thought that Izuna had agreed with his idea and planned to let go of Hyuga Tenzong, he weakened the power in his hand.

Izuna exerted force suddenly, and the Flying Thunder God Kunai thrust forward again, piercing the throat of Hyuga Tenzong.

Blood splashed like a fountain, and a lot of it hit the hands of Izuna and Senju Hashirama.


Seeing this scene, Senju Hashirama couldn’t help shouting for a moment.

Izuna sneered and pulled out the Flying Thunder God Kunai from the Hyuga Ten Sect’s throat and said: “Hashirama, the entire Warring States Period is coming to an end. I will end the war with the Senju first, and then your entire alliance. As well as the entire Sengoku clan, Uchiha will settle it…”

“So, no matter what happens next, it doesn’t matter. Those grasshoppers can no longer make waves.”

Listening to Izuna’s extremely confident tone, Senju Hashirama frowned in confusion.

Not to mention tying down all the clans of the Warring States Period, the war between Uchiha and Senju is still going on in the east and northeast, and the outcome is still unknown.

Senju Hashirama didn’t understand at all where Senna’s confidence came from. He said that not only Senju, but even the entire Warring States period, he was not afraid.

Of course Senju Hashirama didn’t know that after the battle with Hyuga Ten Sect, Izuna had already obtained a large number of skill points.

It was more than enough to allow Madara’s nearly blinding Mangekyō to evolve into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Even though he had just received the pair of eyes, he still did not immediately understand the ultimate secret of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, fully embodying Susanoo.

But in the Warring States Period, it can be said that it is difficult to find an opponent.

No matter how strong Senju Hashirama is, even if he awakens his future sage mode, True Senju, it will be difficult to deal with two ninjas with the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan at once.

Not to mention that he hasn’t awakened yet.

Taking advantage of the time when Senju Hashirama had not awakened the senjutsu chakra, Izuna decided to attack with extreme speed.

End the battle with the Thousand Hands Alliance in one breath, and then wipe out the entire Fire Country area.

When the time comes, the establishment of Konoha Village will be nothing more than a trivial matter.

“The next time we meet, it will be a complete victory for the Uchiha.”

After Quan Nai finished speaking, she turned and left without looking back.

Senju Hashirama frowned and suddenly shouted: “Wait a minute, Izuna, in this case, we can join forces!”

“Once the strongest Senju and Uchiha in the ninja world join forces, they will become an absolutely irrefutable force. Not to mention the Warring States period, no one in the entire ninja world dares to underestimate our strength. Let’s work together to build a world without war. Peaceful times.”

Senju Hashirama didn’t think that Izuna was just talking empty words, or maybe it should be said that they had already disdained empty words since they were talking about their current level of strength.

Izuna paused for a moment. To be honest, if it were Madara, the answer would definitely be: “Hmph, our Uchiha clan is enough for this kind of thing. It’s enough for you Senju to surrender honestly.”

But Izuna is not that good. Even as a ninja with two eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, it is still hard to say if Senju Hashirama can persuade the entire Sengoku ninja clan to fight against Senju.

What’s more, Quan Na himself and Senju don’t have much personal grudges.

At most, it was the Senju Tobirama who killed him in the original work, which made Izuna very unhappy.

What is more important right now is “Black Zetsu”.

However, it is not easy for Senju and Uchiha to join forces?

Let’s not talk about hundreds of years of grievances.

Just recently, Izuna cut off the arm of Senju Deputy Clan Senju Tobirama with her own hands.

“You should first think of a way to mediate the grievances between the two clans.”

Quan Na only left these words and disappeared using Flying Thunder God.

Senju Hashirama, who stayed on the spot, stood there blankly, muttering to himself: “Is it the grudge between the two clans… alas…”

Izuna used the Flying Thunder God to quickly leave Hyuga City. There was no complete area for more than ten miles along the way.

This is a battle that touches the Six Paths level.

Although Hyuga Castle was destroyed, the land still existed.

Quan Nai suddenly thought of this question.

Such a large piece of land cannot continue to be cheap for the Hyuga Alliance.

After the war with the Senju ends, they will be the next to be dealt with!

Secretly making up his mind, Izuna hurried on and soon met Uchiha Enhuo and the others.

Soon after, Izuna met with Uchiha Enhuo and others forty miles away from the destroyed Hyuga Castle.

Seeing that Izuna was safe and sound, and hearing that Hyuga Tenzong was dead, everyone was relieved for a moment and came up to brag and ask for help.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Yanhuo couldn’t help his inner confusion and said: “Deputy leader, why did the Hyuga Ten Sect suddenly become so scary? His chakra amount…”

Speaking of this, Uchiha Yanhuo even had a hint of fear in his tone, “To be honest, I feel it has surpassed Senju Hashirama.”

The other Uchiha clan members also had shocked expressions on their faces.

It was so terrifying, just like what Izuna and Senju Hashirama showed, they both had the power of gods.

Even vaguely better!

“Just like the Sharingan can evolve into the Mangekyo Sharingan, the Byakugan also evolves.”

While leading everyone back, Quan Nai ran at the front and explained.

“That’s it!”

The clansmen behind him were startled again, and then immediately relieved.

It also makes sense.

After all, Sharingan and Byakugan both belong to the blood inheritance limit of the eye category.

Since the Sharingan can evolve, it is certainly not surprising that the Byakugan can also evolve.

An Uchiha chuunin still couldn’t help but worry, “Deputy Chief, do you think… is it possible that there will be people who awaken this new Byakugan in Hinata in the future?”

Since Uchiha has two awakened kaleidoscopes, Izuna and Madara, is there also a plurality of people in Hinata who have awakened these new eyes?

“No, at least not in a short period of time.”

Quan Nai said without hesitation.

Although he didn’t know what method Hei Ze used to make Hyuga Tenzong’s Byakugan evolve into the Tsangikan.

But that can never be done casually.

Otherwise, in the original work, why did he have to lurk for so long, create a few more Tsangyan-Gan Blood Succession Limit holders, and push him all the way to the end?

“If that’s the case, that would be great. Our battle front is tight now. If the deputy chief hadn’t cut off Senju Tobirama’s arm, severely damaging their vitality, the longer the war lasted, the more likely it would be detrimental to us Uchiha.”

Uchiha Yanhuo breathed a sigh of relief.

Izuna smiled and said: “The battle with the Senju will soon be over, and then the Hyuga Alliance, and then the entire Warring States Period. We Uchiha will create a new, peaceful era.”

Hearing this, everyone looked at Quan Nai’s back with expressions of disbelief.

While not knowing how to answer, his eyes were gradually filled with expressions of admiration, longing, fanaticism, etc.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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