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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 216 216 Senju Hashirama’s assist

Coincidentally, after deciding to build a village together, the time happened to be stuck during the Chinese New Year.

The New Year customs of the Warring States Period are very similar to those of Senna Island Country.

On the last day of the year, the whole family gathers together to have New Year’s Eve dinner and listen to the ringing of the New Year’s Eve bell on the last day of the year.

In times of war, let alone the New Year’s Eve dinner, even the New Year’s Eve bell only rang twice symbolically.

But this year, it was extremely lively.

Everyone knows that an era of peace may be coming.

Also began to pay attention to customs.

Hang pine branches in front of your home and buy soba noodles and rice cakes for New Year’s Eve dinner at the store.

And prepare new year’s money and lucky bags for the children…

In this atmosphere, the true “last year” of the Warring States Period ushered in.

As for Izuna’s family, there are naturally only three people in Izuna, Mito and Madara.

Although Madara said that he didn’t want to be a light bulb for Izuna and Mito, he was not used to it.

However, under repeated invitations from Mito, the “sister-in-law”, he still came to Izuna’s home on the night of the Chinese New Year.

The three of them ate the New Year’s Eve dinner prepared by Mito together, chatted while drinking fragrant tea made from high-grade tea leaves transported from Yuno Kuni, and waited for the New Year’s Eve bell to ring at 0 o’clock.

“How long has it been since my father died?”

Madara suddenly asked.

Quan Nai raised his head and thought for a long time before replying: “Four years… no, five years.”

“Five years? Time really flies by.”

Madara pondered for a moment and said, “It would be great if he could also see this scene.”

Quan Nai smiled, “At least, we let the next generation see it.”

Hearing this, Madara couldn’t help but smile, “Yes, yes…”





At this moment, the New Year’s Eve bell finally rang.

Announce the end of this year and the arrival of next year.

“Izuna, Brother Madara, let me get you some more tea.”

Mito stood up holding the teapot and said.


Madara waved his hand and refused, “I’m going back first.”

After saying that, Madara adjusted his clothes and left Senna’s residence, regardless of Mito’s insistence.

“Still as withdrawn as ever.”

Madara had left, so Mito just poured tea for Izuna.

“Well, your personality is just like this and you can’t change it.”

Izuna smiled.

In the past few days, Izuna has been wanting to choose a good day for her and Mito’s wedding.

At the same time, he was also hesitating about one thing, and that was whether to invite Uzumaki, who was Mito’s in-law.

You know, that old bastard Uzumaki Hiroyuki hates himself to the core!

Just when Izuna was hesitant, Madara came to the door.

“What’s wrong? Brother.”

Izuna asked in surprise at Madara’s sudden visit.

Madara smiled and handed a red note to Quan Nai, “What do you think this is?”

“Wedding invitation?”

Quan Nai took the hand and looked at it clearly, and was quite surprised.

He was about to get married himself, but he didn’t expect to receive wedding invitations from others.

After opening it, what made Izuna even more unexpected was that the person who invited her and wanted to get married was actually Senju Hashirama.

The bride is the daughter of another senior member of the Uzumaki family, named “Uzumaki Rena”.

He can be considered a noble, although not comparable to Mito.

In this invitation, Senju Hashirama proposed that he would hold a wedding on the same day as him.

In the newly built Ninja Village.

And as the leader of the Senju clan, he was married to Uzumaki, so he would naturally invite Uzumaki to visit.

After reading the content written by Senju Hashirama on the invitation, Izuna shook his head and smiled, “This guy Hashirama really knows how to think.”

Originally, I was hesitant about whether to invite Uzumaki or not.

And his letter completely solved this problem.

If he sends an invitation to Uzumaki, and Uzumaki Guanghai, a smelly and tough old guy, refuses without dignity, then he can only swallow it in his stomach.

There was nothing he could do, after all, they were his bride’s family, and they were also the allies in building the Ninja Village.

You can’t just call the other party just because they rejected your invitation, right?

But Senju Hashirama’s method solved this problem.

Because Uzumaki Guanghai definitely wanted to give Senju Hashirama this face.

If he and Senju Hashirama were to hold their wedding on the same day or even at the same place.

Even if the old guy Uzumaki Hiroyuki disagrees, he has to agree.

After reading it, a hint of ridicule suddenly appeared in Quan Na’s eyes, and she said to Madara: “Brother, don’t you have any ideas about Hashirama’s marriage?”

Madara raised his eyebrows, not understanding the meaning of Izuna’s words for a moment.

It wasn’t until I discovered the unexplained smile in Izuna’s eyes that I suddenly reacted, almost making my nose crooked with anger.

Later, Izuna also informed Mito of the incident.

Mito always felt a little weird about holding a wedding at the same place and time as Senju Hashirama.

But after thinking about it, I realized that this might be a good way to restore the relationship between myself and the Uzumaki clan, so I agreed without any hesitation.

The wedding day is the day of village construction.

This is a big problem.

Where is the village built?

Whether it is Izuna, Madara, or Senju Hashirama, they all agree that this should be the richest land in the Fire Country.

That is the current Uchiha clan territory, plus part of the Senju territory.

In response to this matter, Senju Hashirama also sent a messenger, saying that after finishing his work with Senju, he would visit in person to discuss with Izuna and Madara.

As soon as this news came out, it caused an uproar between the two clans.

Using Izuna’s worldview in his previous life, this is equivalent to an exchange of visits between heads of state, and they were the two strongest hostile forces in the past. Isn’t it even more surprising?

Madara waved his hand and immediately announced the start of preparations.

This was a meeting worthy of being recorded in history.

Especially at the entrance gate to the Uchiha clan.

On the left and right, flags with the symbols of Senju and Uchiha were hung.

Uchiha in blue was guarding the entrance. Soon, he saw Senju tribesmen in white, following Senju Hashirama.

In a peaceful meeting, no one is allowed to bring weapons, including Qian Hand, who is in a disadvantaged position as a visitor.

Senju Hashirama and dozens of Senju ninjas in white clothes behind him saw the big flags of Uchiha and his family Senju hanging at the Uchiha gate.

I was filled with emotions for a while, secretly sighing that a new era had really arrived.

Under these two flags, the tribesmen on both sides did not wear war-era armor, but dressed in plain clothes and shook hands under the flags.

Announce the arrival of a new era.


Quan Nai, who was standing on the other side, couldn’t help but smile while watching this scene.

Is it finally here?

Konoha era.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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