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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 223 223 At worst, I will also fight for Hokage

Although they had long expected that this elder election would lead to an open and covert fight between Uchiha and Senju, no one expected that it would come so quickly, and that Uchiha Izuna would attack so fiercely.

From the very beginning, he planned to leave the most troublesome and least powerful position of “medical logistics” to Senju Tobirama.

Before Senju Tobirama could answer, Quan Na turned his head again and faced the representatives of the major clans, “What do you think?”

Damn it!

Many representatives of Konoha’s big families present cursed in their hearts.

This is completely a gift!

Regardless of whether they agree with Senna’s statement or not, they are bound to offend either Uchiha or Senju.

Although we have now ushered in the era of the Republic, we will not start a war at the slightest disagreement like in the past.

But if you offend the rich clan, your life will never be easy today.

Nara’s face was stunned. After a while, a smile that was uglier than crying appeared on his face, “I, I am just a young man, no, it is not appropriate to discuss this matter. All decisions will be made by Mr. Izuna and Senju.”

You are a bullshit, so I expected that they would most likely give this kind of answer that would not offend both parties.

Nara felt deeply that as soon as these words came out, Hinata, Sarutobi and other major clans also expressed their thoughts.

The answer was similar, they didn’t dare to offend either Uchiha or Senju.

What’s more, the clan leaders of the two clans are still competing for the position of Hokage. If they are not careful, they will offend not only the two major clans.

Even the top leader of the village, the Hokage, was offended.

“Although the position of the Medical Logistics Department is tedious and tiring, when it comes to medical ninjutsu, no one in the Senju clan can match it among all the major clans in Konoha. Everyone in the Senju clan should not be afraid of hard work, right? .”

Too lazy to continue chatting with those wallflowers, Izuna smiled and continued to talk to the Senju Tobirama group sitting opposite.

“In that case, why don’t I call the captain of my clan’s medical team, Qianju Qiyang, and let him serve as the elder of the medical logistics department, and then we can continue to discuss the remaining three positions?”

A sneer flashed across Senju Tobirama’s face, but on the surface, his tone was still one of discussion.

Damn it!

The people on the side couldn’t hold it back and started swearing in their hearts.

This Thousand Hands Tobijian is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Uchiha Izuna originally wanted to throw the most useless one among the seven elders to Senju.

As a result, Senju Tobirama simply threw out another Senju person and replied: “Since you want my person to sit in this position, then I might as well ask one of my Senju people to come in.”

Hearing this, the corners of Quan Nai’s eyes twitched secretly.

This kid from Senju Tobirama is really a good player in politics.

But don’t think that you will just give up.

“This is nothing, but I feel that if this is done, Senju may possess four people, which is a bit too much.”

Hearing what Izuna said, Senju Tobirama raised his eyebrows and quickly thought about what the other party meant by these words.

“I think everyone still needs to go back and think about it. Today, three elders have been selected. Go back and prepare, and then everyone will take their positions. Tomorrow morning, there will be a meeting to discuss the positions of the remaining four elders.”

After saying that, Izuna was the first to stand up, stretched out, and said as if unintentionally: “If I can’t be elected, then I will try to run for Hokage.”

It was an understatement, but to everyone’s ears, it sounded like thunder!

There is also this kind of operation! ?

If you fail in the election for elder, you will go directly to grab the position of Hokage!

The people on Senju’s side all looked shocked.

You must know that although their family heads Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are currently competing for the position of Hokage, they have the upper hand and are very likely to win the position of the first Hokage.

That’s because of Madara’s own character, plus he is the last to become famous among the “Three Heroes of the Warring States Period”.

Therefore, from all aspects, his advantages are far inferior to Senju Hashirama.

But if Uchiha Izuna also gets involved, the situation will be completely different!

Regarding Uchiha Senna, whose strength is even better than Senju Hashirama, many ninjas in the village still hold the concept of “the strongest is the leader” as in the Warring States Period.

What’s more, his achievements in the construction of Konoha Hidden Village are not much less than those of Senju Hashirama.

When Izuna withdrew from the Hokage campaign, countless people in the Senju family breathed a sigh of relief.

Senju Tobirama’s eyelids twitched, he never expected that Izuna would use this as his trump card.

And Senju Yoma couldn’t help but stood up and asked, “Sir Izuna, didn’t you give up on running for Hokage?”

In a political struggle, the party that loses its composure first will lose.

Senju Youjian’s current behavior is enough to reflect his political immaturity.

Izuna shrugged, spread his hands and said, “There is nothing we can do. We finally succeeded in building the village. It would be a pity not to get something. If the elder cannot become the Hokage, he will have no choice but to choose Hokage.”

After saying that, Quan Nai waved to everyone and left the conference room.

Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Ise and others quickly followed and left the conference room with Izuna.

Seeing Senju Tobirama’s disgusting expressions as if they had eaten flies, the Uchiha almost couldn’t help laughing.

This kind of pleasure of defeating an old rival is so good!


After returning to Senju’s clan, Senju Tobirama came to Senju Hashirama’s mansion.

Under the leadership of his sister-in-law Uzumaki Reina, they soon met Senju Hashirama who was dressed in casual clothes.

“Huh? Tobirama, what’s wrong? Your face doesn’t look good.”

Senju Hashirama, who was wearing light yellow casual clothes, poured a new cup of tea and handed it to Senju Tobirama, “Don’t be too angry, have a cup of tea.”

“Today at the elders election meeting…”

Senju Tobirama didn’t have the time to drink tea, so he quickly told Senju Hashirama about a series of things that happened in the previous selection meeting.

After Senju Hashirama finished listening, he was silent for a while.

In the end, Senju Tobirama couldn’t bear it anymore and called out in a low voice: “Brother, what do you think…”

Senju Hashirama sighed heavily, looked up at the sky, saw thousands of miles of white clouds, and a beautiful scenery.

But his mood at the moment was extremely depressed.

I thought that after the era of peace ushered in, everyone would be able to coexist in harmony.

Unexpectedly, after everyone gathered together, they were faced with new questions one after another.

“Izuna…is not interested in the position of Hokage.”

Senju Hashirama finally spoke. As a strong man with similar strength, he could understand what Izuna was thinking.

“Let me go talk to him.”

Senju Hashirama put down his teacup, entered the room, served Reina Uzumaki, put on a formal suit, and went out.

Looking at his brother’s leaving figure, Senju Tobirama shook his fist angrily, “Damn it! You actually threaten me with such a thing! Uchiha Izuna!”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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