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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 261 261 Yuyin Village

“It seems that there are still some people who have not been smoothed over by peace.”

Quan Nai smiled lightly.

Upon hearing this, a group of people led by Kaguya Takeri lowered their heads in shame.

“Send three thousand people to attack the Taishui Valley. There must be guys from Iwagakure and Sunagakure watching over my side of Yuyin Village. When the three thousand people are halfway there, they will separate five hundred people from this route. Kill towards the stronghold.”

Quan Nai’s right index finger crossed the map and instructed: “Be careful not to destroy the entire stronghold. There is still a lot of supplies inside.”

“Lord Izuna, in this first battle, we, the Kaguya clan, take the initiative to invite us to fight.”

Kaguya Wu took out his voice and said.

Izuna glanced at him, and after thinking for a moment, said: “For this first battle, Hyuga Genmasa will be the commander-in-chief, and the assault force will be led by Kaguya Takeri. Take down the stronghold and show it to me.”

Hinata Genzheng was startled and tried to speak out, “Master Izuna, this…”

The head of the clan of the Hyuga clan is still here. As the head of the branch family, he has actually surpassed the position of commander-in-chief, which will undoubtedly cause dissatisfaction among the clan.

Although the conflicts and resentments between the current clan divisions are not as serious as those of Hyuga Hinata and Hyuga Neji in later generations.

But it has begun to take shape.

Sure enough, when Izuna issued this order, several members of the clan showed obvious dissatisfaction on their faces.

And Chisato Hinata, a boy who used to be quite honest, had a fleeting look of displeasure in his eyes.

Sure enough, people will change.

Izuna crossed her arms in front of her chest, “I don’t want to care about the grievances between your Hyuga clan and the branch clan. I just choose the most suitable commander based on the actual situation on the battlefield. Who among you is dissatisfied?”

This sentence seems to be said to everyone, but in fact everyone knows that it is said to the people of the Hyuga clan headed by Hinata Chisato.

“Everything follows Master Izuna’s command.”

Chisato Hinata and others immediately expressed their stance quickly.

“In that case, let’s get ready and go!”

Among the strongholds of Yuyin Village that were taken away, the person responsible for guarding it was a quasi-kage-level strongman from Yanyin named “Liet”.

He is an extremely rare user of explosive escape.

It can be said that he is one of the top five masters in Iwagakure Village.

“Lord Retsu! News just came from the Investigation Department. From the Amegakure Village, three thousand Konoha ninjas, led by Hyuga Genmasa, Kaguya Butori and others, are heading towards the Taisu River Valley.”

An Iwagakure ninja appeared in the camp using the teleportation technique and reported in front of Lie.


Lie was shocked when he heard this. He originally thought that after the arrival of Konoha’s army, they would attack the stronghold he occupied.

To this end, he has set up an overwhelming escape trap at the entrance to the stronghold.

This is his masterpiece. The energy of explosive escape is integrated into the soil. Even the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan cannot easily see it.

This is the prototype of Deidara’s Clay Explosive Escape in the future.

However, I didn’t expect that Konoha’s ninjas would go far away and go to attack Iwagakure’s main logistics line.

It was an unguarded place where Chen Eun, the second master after Tsuchikage in Yanyin Village, could stay.

Lie touched his chin and thought for a long time, then asked: “Did Uchiha Izuna take action personally?”

The intelligence ninja shook his head, “No, he seems to be in charge of Yuyin Village. I’m afraid he won’t show up easily as the coach until the critical moment.”

Hearing this, Lie nodded thoughtfully, “It’s not surprising, this is also a strategy.”

He waved his hand and signaled the intelligence ninja to step back. He cast his eyes on the other Iwagakure masters at the peak Jonin level in the camp and asked, “Everyone, what do you think?”

The ninja uniform of Iwagakure is a suit of armor with a red undershirt underneath.

After listening to Lie’s question, a peak jounin thought for a while and replied: “I’m afraid Uchiha Izuna also expected that you, Lie, would set traps around the stronghold, so he directly chose to attack our most important logistical defense line. “

Another jounin said: “In this case, we should notify Master Wu immediately, and then while Konoha’s army is passing by…”

Halfway through, the Iwagakure Jonin pointed towards a triangular opening on the map, “Form a front and back attack formation here, and together with Lord Mu, completely surround and suppress the three thousand ninjas of Konoha here!”

“Isn’t it appropriate to attack rashly?”

Not everyone agreed with this strategy. Another Iwagakure Jonin stood up and said: “Isn’t our plan waiting for Konoha to step into the trap? Once we take the initiative, it will run counter to the original plan. ah.”

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. According to the intelligence, these three thousand ninja troops are almost half of the number brought by Uchiha Izuna. If they are wiped out by us, the outcome of this war will basically be determined. ah!”

The other jounin immediately retorted.

Lie’s brows furrowed deeply.

This is the difficulty of being a commander.

Faced with various problems and their solutions, he must make the best choice.

If you look at the map, you can indeed understand that this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Three thousand people!

It can be said that he bit off a piece of flesh from Konoha.


Finally, Retsu slapped the table hard and shouted: “I have made up my mind! Inform Master Wu, prepare to attack from both front and back to encircle and suppress the three thousand ninja troops in Konoha!”

Nearly fifty miles away from the stronghold, in the Yuyin Village where Quan Nai is located.

As the head of the clan, Chisato Hyuga, who did not take command in the first battle, came to report: “Senana-sama, according to the investigation of the Intelligence Department, Iwagakure Retsu has quietly attacked in the stronghold, preparing to attack Genmasa and the others.”

Quan Nai’s face hardened, and then the corners of her mouth slightly raised, “You are such an easy fool, but this is also because the temptation is too great. After all, you can kill three thousand people in one breath.”

Izuna stood up and said, “This is also thanks to the excellent insight of your Hyuga clan.”

As a ninja who possesses all kinds of strange ninjutsu, the variability on the battlefield is even more ever-changing.

The reason why Konoha was almost invincible in the four great ninja wars in the original work was that their village was full of talented people.

Chisato Hinata quickly lowered her head and said, “My lord, I’m sorry.”

Izuna ordered again: “Inform Kaguya Takeri, prepare to counterattack, and bring me the head of that person called ‘Retsu’.”


Hinata Chisato responded and quickly stepped back.

Quan Nai opened the window, and the sound of rain outside the window was louder than before, hitting the window sill and soaking Quan Nai’s clothes.

“What a sad country…”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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