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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 304 304 Tailed Beast Distribution Plan

Inside the moon, there is a secret Uchiha base.

“Although he tried his best to hide it from the rest of the village, there is no doubt that Hashirama’s body has reached its limit.”

Izuna and Madara sat opposite each other. This was the city where the Otsutsuki clan once lived. It seemed a bit big for Uchiha, who only had a hundred people living here.

However, here, some people are gradually getting married and producing offspring.

I believe that after decades of inheritance, this place will be much more prosperous.

Izuna held the jug on the side and filled the glasses in front of herself and Madara, “I’m afraid… I’ll have to hold on to it for two years at most.”

Madara picked up the wine glass and took a gulp down his throat.

Seemingly unwilling to mention this matter, Madara deliberately changed the topic, “The Otsutsuki clan leader who died under your hands and mine, there is no doubt that he was an old monster who lived for hundreds of years, and his method of longevity is mine. Over the past many years, I have gone through all the records sealed here, and finally found some clues.”


When Quan Nai heard this, she immediately became interested.

Madara explained: “The yin and yang chakra in the heretic demon, plus the special ability of the giant reincarnation eye, merged the two powers into the tin staff.”

“That special yin and yang chakra energy can continuously provide new vitality to the human body and achieve the effect of slowing down aging.”

After listening to this, Izuna couldn’t help but associate Madara’s explanation with those immortal tailed beasts.

In other words, even if the tailed beasts die, as long as a period of time passes, they will be resurrected like a natural disaster.

Perhaps the yin and yang chakra in the body of the heretic golem is similar to the original chakra of the tailed beast.

“Although it’s just about slowing down aging, in the final analysis, there are still disadvantages, right?”

Compared to Madara’s heavy drinking, Izuna held the wine glass to his mouth very dignifiedly and just took a small sip.

“Ah… you can think of it as a machine that slows down the passage of time. Even if we use this method, once we reach the limit, our strength will still decline, just like a machine that will become dull after one use. A sword.”

Ban Xumu said: “However, this is already the best result.”

That’s right, it was much better than later when Madara simply attached the heretic demon to his body and used the chakra in the body of the heretic demon to barely extend his life.

“How long will it take to complete the thorough research? Brother.”

Quan Na couldn’t help but ask.

“It won’t take too long. I still need the last bit of time for my research on the giant reincarnated eye… Huh!?”

Halfway through his words, Madara suddenly covered his chest and frowned.

Izuna raised her eyebrows, “Is your body still not fully adapted to Hashirama’s cells?”

“It’s not that simple to merge the power of Senju and Uchiha. Hashirama’s cell power is too violent.”

Madara sighed deeply, “Izuna, please go back. If you leave Konoha for too long, Hashirama will become suspicious, right?”

Quan Nai nodded and stood up, “Take care.”


After Madara responded, he saw Izuna’s body gradually disappearing into a different space, leaving him alone in the dark room without saying a word.

The Valley of the End is now completed.

Between the giant stone statues of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, a huge waterfall slopes down, revealing the past of the two.

At the same time, the news that Konoha had developed a jinchuriki was quietly spreading throughout the ninja world.

The first one to smell it was Kumogakure.

The Golden Horn Silver Horn of their Hidden Cloud Village successfully obtained the Nine-Tails’ chakra, which made them realize that humans can obtain the power of tailed beasts.

It’s a pity that all nine tailed beasts are in Konoha’s hands now, so they can only stare.

In addition, Uchiha Izuna and Senju Hashirama are still in Konoha. Even if there are more ambitions in Kumogakure, they dare not take any real action.

As Izuna expected, Senju Hashirama’s body gradually deteriorated.

The power of Indra is at work here.

But there is another reason, that is, Senju Hashirama himself feels ashamed of Uchiha Madara and is unwilling to actively treat him.

Before his life ends, Senju Hashirama still has things to do.

That is the distribution of tailed beasts.

From Senju Hashirama’s point of view, once he and Izuna go west, Konoha, which is home to the nine tailed beasts, will instantly become the target of the four major ninja villages, no, even the entire ninja world.

And Konoha itself, after losing itself and Izuna, would never be able to control the nine tailed beasts.

Therefore, the best way is to keep the Nine Tails in Konoha and sell the other tailed beasts to all countries in the ninja world evenly.

Today’s Senju Hashirama no longer has the naive idea in the original work that it doesn’t matter if he gives it away for free.

The value of the tailed beast must be utilized to the maximum extent.

Even though the tailed beast, as the ultimate weapon, cannot be measured in terms of money, Senju Hashirama must do his best to fight for the interests of Konoha.

In response, Senju Hashirama convened Konoha’s highest decision-making meeting to discuss the matter.

During the meeting, those in favor and those opposed held different opinions.

In addition to being the Hokage Senju Hashirama, the perspective of Uchiha Izuna, the strongest person in Konoha Village, is also very important.

The opposition had been hoping that Uchiha Izuna would stand on their side, but in the end, unexpectedly, he chose a neutral attitude.

Under such circumstances, the pro-sect passed Senju Hashirama’s decision with a slight numerical difference.

But Uchiha Izuna made a request that the meeting to allocate tailed beasts should not only invite the other four powers.

Instead, all ninja leaders who own ninja villages must be summoned.

The wider the area the tailed beast is distributed to, the better.

Senju Hashirama agreed to this proposal.

With this decision, the invitations were sent to the leaders of the ninja villages in each country.

Not only the other four major countries except the Fire Country and the Hidden Leaf Village.

The ninja leaders of these small countries, including the Rain Hidden Village, Taki Country Takigakure Village, Moon Country Moon Hidden Village, and Iron Country Samurai, were all invited.

When receiving the invitation, all the major leaders expressed their bewilderment. They were distributing tailed beasts, or trading tailed beasts. They had not been able to get any benefits when they launched the first ninja war.

Can you buy it with money now?

Is there anything so cheap in this world?

But it was a tailed beast after all, and they had to break into it even if it was a dragon’s pond or a tiger’s den.

Thinking of this, the leaders of the ninja villages from various countries selected guards and made preparations to go to the Fire Country Daming Mansion where the meeting would be held.

“Izuna, can you and Tobirama accompany me to this meeting… Ahem!”

In Konoha Village, Senna’s mansion, Senju Hashirama personally visited and extended an invitation to Senna.

At the end of the sentence, I couldn’t help but cough a few times.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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