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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 331 331 Furious Sarutobi Sasuke

Just when the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder were setting up confrontational military camps at the northern border of the Moon Kingdom.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Kingdom of Earth attacks the Kingdom of Rain!

As the Kingdom of Earth, second only to the Kingdom of Fire in terms of wealth, why it suddenly took action against the Kingdom of Rain, which has no special features other than its geographical environment, is indeed a bit puzzling.

Do they want the tailed beast Vulpix in the hands of Hidden Ame Village?

But Iwagakure already has two tailed beasts. If there are three, can they control them?

Or, although they were attacking Amegakure on the surface, they were actually targeting Konoha.

Yuyin Village has been surrounded by three major countries all year round, and naturally knows the pressure it faces, so they have been trying their best to strengthen their military strength.

Already standing at the top of the small country.

But judging from the situation in the first battle alone, the situation is not optimistic.

Iwagakure’s troops are extremely difficult to deal with. Although both sides of this war have not yet taken out the jinchuriki, Iwagakure has shown that as a big country, it is difficult for small countries to compete.

In the first battle, the troops of Yuyin Village were broken, forcing the opponent to set up a defensive line in the rear and temporarily entering a war of attrition.

Among the five major ninja villages, three of them entered a state of war in less than half a month.

The remaining Sunagakure Village and Kirigakure Village have not taken any action yet, but they cannot be careless.

“Oh? Iwagakure couldn’t help but take action?”

Sitting in the office, Quan Nai looked at the message sent back by the intelligence department with a smile.

It is accurately known that Iwagakure has launched a war against Amegakure, but Iwagakure’s specific goals require further investigation.

Is this guy trying to plunder the resources, land or tailed beasts of Amegakure Village, or is he ostensibly attacking Amegakure, but is actually targeting Konoha?

“But, this way, I can’t just sit back and watch.”

The corners of Quan Nai’s lips were slightly raised, and she said calmly, “Mirror.”


A black shadow suddenly appeared, and Uchiha Kagami wearing Akatsuki uniform appeared out of thin air in front of Izuna.

“Lord Izuna.”

Uchiha Kage knelt down on one knee and lowered his head in response.

“It’s finally Akatsuki’s turn to make her official debut. Are you aware of it?”


Uchiha Mirror nodded again.

Two days later, a piece of news caused quite a stir in the ninja circle of Konoha Village.

The representative figure of the younger generation of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Mirror, rebelled!

The head of the Ninja Department, Uchiha Izuna, personally issued a wanted order and set Uchiha Mirror as an S-class traitorous ninja.

Uchiha Mirror, on the surface, belongs to the ANBU organization under the Ninja Department Uchiha Izuna.

This is what people know about him.

But because the true identity and operational duties of ANBU personnel are top secrets, no one knows what Uchiha Mirror has committed.

Anyway, the reason given by the head of the Ninja Department, Uchiha Izuna, was – colluding with other countries and leaking intelligence.

After knowing the news, the four Sarutobi Hiruzen, who graduated from the same class as Uchiha Mirror, completely exploded.

Although the two parties had already parted ways when they were 16 years old.

The four of them joined the Hokage Guards together with Akimichi Tofaze, while Uchiha Kagami joined the ANBU.

All told, it has been more than eight years since the two sides communicated properly.

However, having been classmates in the ninja school for six years, they never believed that Uchiha Kagami would collude with other countries and leak intelligence.

Even Shimura Danzo thinks so.

I feel like there must be something fishy behind this.

“Father, I’m going to find Mr. Quan Nai to ask about this matter. You should go to the front line first.”

After some confusion, Hiruzen Sarutobi raised the matter with his father, Sasuke Sarutobi.

He really couldn’t believe that Uchiha Mirror would actually rebel against the village, and he wanted to find Quan Nai to find out.

However, after getting Senna’s approval, the Sarutobi clan was all ready to end it, and they were ready to rush to the front line to start a war with Kumogakure.

The reason why Sarutobi Sasuke did this was to pave the way for his son to ascend to the throne of Hokage.

Now that I heard that Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly couldn’t talk about being on the front line, I was so angry that I almost vomited blood.

“You traitor!”

Facing his twenty-four-year-old son, Sarutobi Sasuke almost couldn’t help but pick up a whip and slap it on his face, shouting angrily: “Do you know how much effort I spent to help you win this time?” Opportunity? No one among the young generation in the village is your opponent. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”

“But, it’s impossible for him to betray Konoha!”

Facing the questioning from his father, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little afraid in his heart, but in the end he gritted his teeth and refuted.

“You kid…don’t you want to be Hokage?”

Sarutobi Sasuke’s eyes widened with an expression as if he was about to eat his son in the next second.

“Father, there will be opportunities for Hokage in the future, but if Kagami really leaves, it will be difficult for me to meet him in the future.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked determined.

Snapped! ! !

There was a loud slap.

Sasuke Sarutobi couldn’t hold it back anymore and slapped the boy hard.

But looking at his son’s face that was swollen from the slap he just slapped and his stubborn and determined expression, Sarutobi Sasuke also understood.

What this damn boy believes in can’t be brought back even if nine cows come to pull it!

Even if I pull him to the front line, this kid will come back halfway, right?

Resisting the urge to slap him again, Sarutobi Sasuke closed his eyes and meditated for a long time. After a fierce struggle in his heart, he finally uttered three words from his mouth, “You…go!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen was overjoyed, knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed heavily to Sarutobi Sasuke, “Thank you, father!”

That night.

In the office of the Minister of Ninja.

Izuna glanced at the four Senju Tobirama disciples standing in front of him, and raised the corner of his mouth with a slight arc.

Just now, they submitted an application, hoping to set up a pursuit team to target Uchiha mirrors.

Isn’t this scene the plot of the future Konoha heroes chasing Uchiha Sasuke?

What Izumi didn’t expect was that these two groups, who had not seen each other for nearly ten years, could actually give up the opportunity to go to the front line and make contributions to the Uchiha Mirror.

“As for the Uchiha mirror, I have sent ANBU to pursue it.”

Izuna put down the application documents and looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Koharu and Mito Kaden.

“Sir Izuna, Kagami is a good friend we have known since we were in ninja school. It is impossible for him to betray the village. Please give us a chance to investigate!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen said impatiently.

However, Izuna’s eyes were mainly focused on Shimura Danzo.

This guy in the future of Konoha is the most sophisticated and the one who has done the most mess. Could it be that he was as naive as Hiruzen Sarutobi when he was young?

Are you actually willing to get involved in this matter?


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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