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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 335 335 Whoever dares to move, I will kill first

Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was at the front of the team, finally spoke at this moment, and said lightly, “You have no evidence.”

The status of the four of them is extremely embarrassing now. Although they hold the title of “Hokage Guards”, Naruto is now dead.

The position of the Third Hokage has also been vacant.

Even a blind person can see that that position is within easy reach for Uchiha Izuna.

The top management is almost monopolized by the Ninja tribe, not to mention that the situation of the Hokage faction headed by Senju, Sarutobi and others is now very delicate.

Even Inuzuka, Aburame, Kato and other original small family neutral factions gradually showed their favor to the Shinobu. At this time, even a ninja knew that he must not offend Uchiha Izuna.

If Shimura Danzo and the others went back and said, “It was Uchiha Izuna’s design to control the second generation Raikage and kill the former Hokage Senju Tobirama.”

There is no dispute. The next second they will be listed as the number one rebel ninja in Konoha, and they will also face the never-ending pursuit from Konoha Village.

After hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, Shimura Danzo also fell silent.

Secretly clenching his fists, thinking that one day, he would become stronger, strong enough to control everything in Konoha.

On the other side, he put on Akatsuki’s uniform, and the Konoha forehead protector on his head also had a scratch. Uchiha Kage led the other three ninjas of Akatsuki and began to sneak into the Kingdom of Rain quietly.

This country has the highest military strength among small countries, but its geographical location is extremely awkward.

In less than two days, the four of them sneaked into Yuyin Village without anyone noticing.

At this moment, most of the ninjas in Amegakure Village went to the front line to deal with Iwagakure Village, leaving only a handful of guarding ninjas.

With the strength of four people, they arrived easily.

The leader of Yugakure did not go to the front line. The person currently on the front line directing the battle is one of his confidants.

As the village’s ultimate weapon, the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki, he was in no rush to join the battlefield.

The jinchūriki are the last defensive wall of a country and will not be thrown into the front line from the beginning.

But now, the leader of Amegakure had to start thinking about whether he should throw Vulpix into the battlefield.

After losing the first battle, his troops built a defensive barrier at the border and could not hold on.

In a short period of time, Iwagakure will not be able to attack.

If it takes a long time, you will have to start working on logistics.

However, the Kingdom of Earth is the country with the richest products besides the Kingdom of Fire, but the Kingdom of Rain has heavy rains all year round, making it extremely difficult to produce crops.

Compared with logistics, Yuyin will undoubtedly have to endure unprecedented pressure.

“Sir, it is obviously logistically disadvantageous for our Rain Country to compete with the Earth Country. It is better to take all the property savings of our Rain Country and ask Konoha for reinforcements.”

An Amegakure jounin suggested.

“This won’t work, sir. Konoha is currently in a state of attacking Kumogakure, and they themselves may not be able to spare their efforts to reinforce us. If there is a problem with the battle situation on their side and they decide to evacuate midway, wouldn’t we lose money? ?”

Another Amegakure jounin suggested: “Instead of asking for help from Konoha, it is better to ask for help from Sunagakure.”

Sunagakure is undoubtedly the weakest country among the five major countries.

If Amegakure and Sunagakure were allowed to fight, it’s really not certain who would win.

This Jonin’s view is: Choosing allies does not necessarily have to be the strongest. Konoha itself is very busy because of the war, and there may be some trouble in the middle.

Sunagakure is not yet involved in the war, so it would be much safer to ask them for help.

What’s more, the reward given to Sunagakure is definitely less than that of Konoha.

This is also a helpless choice for Amegakure, who is not as wealthy as Konoha and Iwagakure.

Leader Yuyin thought for a moment and nodded. Just when he was about to adopt the second suggestion, a cold voice came from outside the conference room, “Why bother? The reward we want is much less than them.”

In an instant, many Amegakure Jōnin in the conference room had their weapons or ninja tools in their hands.


The door was suddenly opened, and four mysterious people wearing red clouds, black robes and hats walked slowly into the conference room.

“Who dares to break into my Yuyin without permission!?”

The Amegakure jounin standing closest to the gate immediately waved his sword, and was about to cut down the shortest of the four people standing at the front.

However, at the moment when his blade was only a finger away from the opponent’s hat, the action suddenly stopped.

Others in the conference room immediately noticed something was wrong with him, and another person next to him quickly asked: “Hey! Chongya, what’s wrong?”

Standing at the front, the mysterious man who was almost hit put his fingers on his hat and slowly took it off, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes that made the entire ninja world fear him.


Also, that forehead protector with a knife mark… is Konoha’s rebellious ninja.

“Who are you……”

One of them stared at Uchiha Kagami’s face, and after a few seconds, he suddenly remembered, “You are Uchiha Kagami, who was listed as an S-class traitorous ninja by Konoha three days ago!”

“Oh? I thought it was a small country, but I didn’t expect the information to be so well-informed. It reached here so quickly.”

With a hint of ridicule, the other three people also took off the hats that protected their faces from the rain, revealing their true colors.

When they saw the true faces of these three people, the expressions of many of Yugakure’s senior executives also changed suddenly.

Golden horn, silver horn!

Assassinating the Second Raikage and the Second Hokage, he is the most vicious criminal in the history of Kumogakure.

There was another one, a rebellious nin from Takigakure Village, whose identity was quickly recognized.

Kakuzu who stole the secret technique of Takigakure!

After all, it’s an earlier era now, and the older generation hasn’t been completely forgotten like in Uzumaki Naruto’s era.

“Lord Leader, all four of them are classified as S-class traitorous ninjas by various countries!”

A deputy of the leader of Amegakure said this with cold sweat streaming down his face.

Forcing himself to calm down, the leader of Yugakure asked in a barely calm tone: “Four rebel ninjas appeared in front of me, Yugakure, in a majestic manner. What do they want to do?”

To be honest, these four people gathered together have the power to destroy a small ninja village.

Even if Yugakure is not afraid of them, it is now a war period and most of the troops have been sent to the front line.

If these four people were allowed to cause trouble in the village, who knows what would happen.

“The name of our organization is ‘Xiao’.”

Uchiha Mirror said solemnly: “As I said just now, we are here to help you win this war as mercenaries.”

The leader of Amegakure frowned, “Four S-class rebel nins forming a mercenary organization sounds really suspicious.”

Uchiha Kage said calmly: “Rebels also need to live. Of course we also need funds. You don’t need to pay us high fees like Konoha or Sunagakure to win this war. Isn’t it a good deal? business?”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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