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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 339 339 Return the favor

“Lord Izuna’s order has been sent back.”

In the frontline area of ​​the Land of Thunder, Chisato Hinata, the commander-in-chief of the frontline, gathered everyone together and held a war meeting today.

Focus on the death of Sasuke Sarutobi, the leader of the Sarutobi clan, during the previous battle with Amegakure.

The new leader of the Sarutobi clan is Hiruzen Sarutobi, and this is a sure thing.

The key lies in the deputy command and the subsequent strategic deployment.

Now everyone in the Sarutobi clan can be said to be filled with righteous indignation. The clan leader died in the battle, which made them all very angry and declared that they would fight Kumogakure to the death.

But they are not qualified to make decisions. The commander-in-chief is Hinata Chisato, and Uchiha Izuna, who is strategizing at the rear, is the person in charge who can issue orders.

Today, Hinata Chisato called everyone together, and everyone in the Sarutobi clan was eager to hear the answer they wanted.

Let Sarutobi Hiruzen assume the position of deputy commander, and launch an all-out attack on Kumogakure.

At the meeting, Chisato Hinata placed a secret scroll and said calmly: “The new deputy commander-in-chief will be appointed by the leader of the Kaguya clan. The entire army is waiting for reinforcements, waiting for the signal. Before that, no one is allowed to attack Yunyin launches an attack, and any violators will be dealt with according to military orders.”


After this order was issued, everyone in the meeting couldn’t help but change their expressions.

Especially the people of the Sarutobi clan.

I thought that the deputy commander-in-chief was already in Sarutobi Hiruzen’s guts, but unexpectedly…

“Master Qianli, why is this? Hiruzen will be even more powerful tomorrow…”

A veteran jounin of the Sarutobi clan couldn’t hold back at first and subconsciously spoke out.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is already at the Kage level, and the Kaguya clan leader is not at the quasi-Kage level at the moment.

In addition, the overall strength of the Sarutobi clan has surpassed Kaguya, no matter how hard it is, I don’t think it will be Kaguya’s turn!

But at the end, it stopped in time.

Because he quickly realized that if he said this, he would undoubtedly offend the Kaguya clan.

Although Kaguya is weaker than Sarutobi, the gap is not far apart, not to mention that the opponent is still a loyal party of Uchiha Izuna.

“We all see the bravery of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but the reason why Izuna-sama gave such an order is naturally justified,”

Senri Hinata said indifferently: “Is it possible that Elder Sarutobi thought of disobeying military orders?”


Elder Sarutobi’s expression did not change. After biting his lip, he took a step back and said, “Sorry, I was impulsive just now.”

“Okay, this meeting ends here. The next strategy is to stand still and wait for the new round of orders. Pay special attention to Kumogakure’s sneak attacks. They are the best at this kind of thing.”

After Chisato Hinata finished speaking, he waved for everyone to leave.

After each tribe returned to their camps.

Elder Sarutobi, who had just eaten a turtle in the meeting, couldn’t help but kick aside the iron pot for cooking next to the tent.

“Second uncle, calm down.”

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and reminded.

“Hiruzhan, how can you swallow this!?”

Elder Sarutobi’s eyes were red, but he still considered his tone and deliberately lowered his voice, “The position of the Third Hokage was handed down to you by the Second Generation. Not to mention being occupied by Uchiha Senna, the Vice President For you, the command position is completely deserved, but he, Uchiha Izuna, pretended to be a public servant and handed it over to his subordinates. Where will this leave Sasuke’s soul?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen clenched his fists, and after a while, he said word by word: “We…can’t disobey each other.”

Elder Sarutobi stared at his nephew with an unwilling expression on his face, and finally let out a long sigh before returning to the camp.

The southern valley area of ​​Kumogakure.

On the mountainside, the defensive barrier built by Kumogakure was impregnable and successfully blocked the overwhelming attack of Konoha’s army since the beginning of the war.

Although the sea area around the Kingdom of Thunder is subject to thunderstorms all year round.

But the opponent was Konoha, and launching a surprise attack from the sea through the harsh waterways was not necessarily impossible.

Under the orders of the Third Raikage, Kumogakure also built a defensive fortress along the southeastern coast.

But the stalemate has been going on for several months, and the Kumogakure troops guarding here haven’t even seen a shadow of a Konoha ninja.

This should be said to be a good thing, but it can also make people feel boring occasionally.

Facing the endless sea, a Kumogakure ninja guarding the camp yawned and said to the sentinel ninja on another observation tower five meters away from him: “Konoha cannot lurk from the sea. Right? Our new Raikage-sama is too unfounded, so why not transfer all of us to the front line? Isn’t it very tight there?”

Another person said calmly: “Don’t underestimate Konoha, it makes sense for Raikage-sama to do this. During the first ninja war, didn’t we just send those two guys, Golden Horn and Silver Horn, to achieve the goal?” Did Konoha’s tailed beast ruin the plan? At that time, who in Konoha thought of it?”

“That’s because there are two monsters, the Heavenly Sending Technique and the Golden Horn and Silver Horn. The situation is completely different now, not to mention the chaos in our sea area, no…”

Just when the other Kumogakure ninja closed his eyes and was a little impatient with his chatter, the other person’s voice suddenly stopped.

Instead, his heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously looked at the other person.

“Wha, what!?”

The sentinel ninja saw that his throat had been pierced by a special three-pronged kunai at some point. His eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and his face was full of panic. It seemed that he did not expect what happened.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed.

The other sentry ninja only vaguely saw something flashing across his eyes, and then he knew nothing.

And if there is a third person here, you will find that their heads have been separated from his body.

Standing next to the headless corpse, Izuna looked down through the observation tower at the entire defensive fortress below.

The Sharingan sees all the chakra fluid here completely in its eyes.

Number of people, about three hundred people?

“The Third Raikage still has his wits about him. Unlike his son, who is all about muscles.”

Climbing onto the railing of the observatory, Izuna waved his hand and threw out several flying thunder god kunai, inserting them into various corners of the stronghold.

At this time, a patrolling Yunyin below happened to look toward the observation deck.


Suddenly, he felt as if something was standing there on the high platform.

But when he looked carefully, he found that there was nothing there.

“What, what? Did I see it wrong?”

This Yunyin couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to rub his eyes, and said to himself semi-suspiciously.

Just when he wanted to look towards the watchtower again, his head had separated from his neck just as he had raised his neck halfway.

He didn’t even feel anything strange, and the expression on his face was only confusion, not pain.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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