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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 343 343 What is the Eight-Tails?

“The Third Raikage, you are of no use anyway…disappear.”

Izuna only thought for a second. On the right side of his body, Susanoo’s ribs emerged. On the giant sword held by the skeleton arm, the Amaterasu Black Flame was burning.

Now the Fourth Raikage is most likely still a crying brat, right?

But that had nothing to do with him. Izuna thought about it carefully and felt that the life and death of the Third Raikage would not be of great development to his and Madara’s plans, so he should just kill him.

Immediately, Susana’s giant sword, burning with Amaterasu’s fierce flames, was suddenly raised, ready to hit the head of the Third Raikage hard.

“Lord Raikage!”

Seeing that the Third Raikage was about to be hit, the surrounding Kumogakure ninjas subconsciously screamed in panic.


The violent vibration coming from the ground made Quan Nai’s movements stagnant, and his eyes subconsciously glanced towards the source of the vibration.

At a glance, on the edge of the stronghold’s wall, an octopus’s legs climbed up the wall.

Just such a scene made many people shudder inside.


For a moment, the sound waves seemed to form an invisible attack. The eight tails roared out, causing many people to cover their ears. At the same time, their bodies were pushed back by the impact of the sound waves.


“Did you go berserk?”

“At this time!”

The Kumogakure ninjas couldn’t help but get goosebumps when they faced the complete Eight-Tails that was as big as a small mountain in front of them.

Many of them know that Chirubi cannot control the Eight-Tails in its complete form.

In this current situation, no matter how you look at it, you are in a state of rage.


Izuna looked sideways and turned her attention to the Eight-Tails.

Immediately afterwards, the corners of Quan Nai’s mouth turned up, “No, it should be a desperate move.”

The current Chirubi is just like in “One Piece” when he faced the general Kizaru and forcibly used the blue wave ball to turn himself into an uncontrollable monster form.

He chose to fight to the death in this way.

Of course, this is just Quan Nai’s own speculation, but he believes that his speculation is not wrong.


While roaring, the rough arms and octopus tail began to play wildly, further destroying Kumogakure’s base camp.

As expected, the Eight-Tails cannot be controlled, and becoming a complete body now is a very dangerous bet.


The diamond chains tied to the Third Raikage’s body were finally broken due to his constant struggle.

“Withdraw troops!!!”

The moment he broke free from the chains, the Third Raikage shouted immediately.

Quan Nai saw Chirubi’s thoughts, and the same was true for the Third Raikage.

Not to mention whether he agrees with Chirubi’s approach, once Chirubi does this, their only way out is retreat.

Under the crazy destruction of the Eight-Tails, no matter which side of Konohagakure suffered higher losses, this stronghold could never be saved.

“Don’t let them get away! Huh!?”

Seeing that Kumogakure wanted to evacuate, Hinata Chisato immediately waved her hand to give chase.

However, the moment he gave the order, he suddenly felt like something was covering his head.

Under Byakugan’s 360-degree observation, he raised his head and looked up into the sky.

The eight-tailed huge octopus horns were pressing towards his head.

“Oops! Damn it!”

Making a quick decision, Chisato Hinata spun her body at a high speed, causing the Eight-Tails’ octopus leg attack to deflect slightly, and hit the ground next to it heavily, shattering the entire land.

But when he escaped from it, there was a ray of blood on the top of his head.

“Clan leader, this beast…”

Uchiha Soren, the kid who had been mentored by Izuna during the Warring States Period, was now a young man in his thirties, standing behind Izuna to ask for instructions.

“The army is pressing forward. This battle will not be over until Kumogakure is completely taken down. Leave this octopus to me.”

Quan Nai took a step forward.


Uchiha Munen responded loudly, turned around and waved his hand. By concentrating chakra on his neck, the sound quickly spread throughout the battlefield, including the retreating Kumogakure army, who also heard Uchiha Munen’s words.

“Izuna-sama has an order. The entire army is to press forward. We will not stop until Kumogakure is captured!”

Hearing this, many Kumogakure ninjas were so frightened that they got goosebumps. Looking behind them, they saw that most of the Konoha ninjas were also pursuing them.

Densely packed, like countless ants gathered together.

The high concentration of chakra begins to concentrate, and even non-sensing ninjas can detect it.

When he looked up, he saw a highly concentrated and extremely large tailed beast jade, which was gradually condensing and taking shape in front of the eight-tailed mouth.

Regardless of size or chakra concentration, it was infinitely stronger than Chirubi in the tailed beast outer form just now.

I don’t know whether it’s because Kumogakure is very lucky, or because Chirubi still retains a trace of sanity.

This tailed beast jade is aimed towards Konoha’s army!

“Lord Izuna!”

Seeing this scene, it was hard for someone not to feel scared, and countless people screamed subconsciously.

That is a tailed beast jade that surpasses S ninjutsu and even most forbidden jutsu!

And it was issued by the complete tailed beast.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo and other young ninjas also subconsciously turned their heads to look behind them.

Next, they saw a scene they would never forget.

A huge silver-white arm stretched out from nowhere, and then pressed hard on the tailed beast jade, then pushed it back and pressed it on the eight-tailed face.

Immediately afterwards, a complete silver giant appeared out of thin air.

He held down the Tailed Beast Jade and hit the Eight-Tails on the face, while also suppressing the Eight-Tails to the ground.

“Swallow it back.”

Quan Nai’s plain voice sounded faintly in the center of the battlefield.

boom! ! ! ! !

The entire Yunyin base camp was instantly reduced to ashes, and the exploding mushroom cloud made it difficult to see clearly what was going on inside.

“Just now…what was that…”

Danzo Shimura was stunned and said.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also stared wide-eyed, unable to speak for a moment.

At their age, although they have all heard of the reputation of the Three Heroes, these basically come from the descriptions of their fathers.

As for the specific power of the three heroes, I have not seen it with my own eyes.

What’s more, because of Izuna’s obstruction, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not become the successor of Senju Hashirama. His teacher was only Senju Tobirama.

“Hahahaha!!! Do you see it! This is the power of our Uchiha clan leader, the complete Susanoo!”

An Uchiha ninja who was over fifty and was about to enter old age laughed wildly.

Judging by his age, you can tell that he is a ninja of the generation who has fought since the Warring States Period.

Other Uchiha ninjas, more or less, also smiled with ecstasy or pride.

“Finished, complete Susanoo…”

Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured in a low voice, with a hint of sadness on his face.

Danzo Shimura next to him said nothing, lowered his head and had a gloomy face, not knowing what he was thinking.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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