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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 359 359 Conflict between the Second Generation of Officials

Sarutobi Kosuke, who was also only six years old, was also shocked when faced with the oncoming fireball.

But this was only a matter of a moment.

Soon, his body quickly retreated, and he also performed seals, and his hands suddenly pressed to the ground.

Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!


An earth wall that is seven meters high and one meter thick suddenly rises from the college’s playground.

The moment the Hao Fireball hit it, a violent explosion immediately occurred. The aftermath of the flames spread out in all directions. Many other civilian students screamed in fear and reached out to protect their cheeks.

Among them, Tsunade looked calm, Jiraiya was excited, and Orochimaru frowned.

The smoke generated by the explosion of the fire ball gradually dispersed, and it was obvious that the winding cracks had been blasted out on the wall of the earth flow, and black burn marks emerged.

“Are you on guard?”

Jiraiya shouted subconsciously.


Orochimaru gave a blank look.

Hiding behind the earth flow wall, I only felt a dangerous chill coming from behind.

In the blink of an eye, he saw two shuriken darts spinning at extremely high speeds, bypassing the earth flow wall in a left and right arc, and attacking his shoulders.

“Oh oh oh! Fa, what happened?”

Jiraiya, who had never seen the world, immediately shouted excitedly, while Tsunade couldn’t help but flatten her mouth in disdain.

Even Orochimaru, whose expression had not changed significantly, seemed to be rolling his eyes at Jiraiya at this moment, and said calmly: “Haven’t you heard of the Uchiha clan’s shuriken technique?”

Sarutobi Kosuke, who was behind the earth flow wall, quickly retreated, but unexpectedly, the two shurikens seemed to be alive animals, forcibly changing the attack trajectory in mid-air.

After drawing an arc in mid-air, he chased after him again.

At this time, Sarutobi Kosuke took a closer look and discovered that there was a string tied to the empty space in the center of the shuriken.

And this scene had been discovered by Orochimaru, an onlooker, just a moment ago.

Uchiha’s shuriken technique?

Although it is only a D-level ninjutsu, if it is used by a very powerful ninja, it is likely to achieve unexpected effects.

This move is generally used more skillfully by ninjas from the Uchiha clan who have awakened the Magatama Sharingan.

You can use this move without opening your eyes. In the original work, it is clearly stated that only Uchiha Itachi has this talent.

Madara and Izuna will most likely do the same.

Although this Uchiha Ye is not a figure who is famous in the history of Uchiha, he is still ranked among the “elite”, and he was able to change the attack trajectory of the shuriken twice in a row.

The homeroom teacher Chuunin took a step forward, one of his hands already forming the hand seal of Feng Yuan.

Once Kosuke Sarutobi can’t bear it anymore, he will immediately stop it.

At the same time, the head teacher also sent an extended warning to Uchiha Ye, reminding him not to do anything harsh again.

However, although he looked slightly embarrassed, Sarutobi Kosuke still managed to avoid the shuriken technique with his rather agile movements.

However, one end of one of the shurikens cut through the flesh of his right arm, dripping blood.

“That’s enough, the outcome…”

Seeing this scene, the head teacher thought enough was enough and wanted to announce the test results.

However, unexpectedly, Uchiha Ye was one step ahead of his mouth, biting the thread connecting the shuriken on his teeth.

Then he formed seals with his hands again, and flames burst out from the corners of his grinning mouth, “Fire Escape: Fire Ball Technique!”

“Hey! Stop it! Uchiha Ye!”

The class teacher immediately used Wind Release to stop him. The wind blade erupted from his mouth tried to cut off the flames burning and attacked Sarutobi Kosuke.

However, a little slower.

The flames crawled along the thread at high speed and were transmitted to the rotating shuriken, increasing its attack range.

The wound that Sarutobi Kosuke had just been cut was immediately burned, causing him to cover the wound and scream in pain.


The classmates screamed in pain when they saw it.

Many people in the class were so frightened that they screamed on the spot.

Jiraiya also frowned and looked at Uchiha Ye who had been stopped by the class teacher, and said in a deep voice: “Isn’t this guy too cruel? We are all classmates, not enemies.”

Tsunade blinked twice, not knowing what she was thinking.

Orochimaru had an indifferent look on his face. He was more concerned about the theory of the changing trajectory of the shuriken technique than Uchiha Ye’s heavy blow.

Kato Dan had a wry smile on his face. As a member of the ninja clan Kato clan, he could probably guess the reason for Uchiha Ye’s cruelty.

However, he also knew that this was not something that could be said publicly.

“I’m sending Mr. Sarutobi Kosuke for treatment. This class will be changed to self-study. Uchiha Ye will be forced to stand all morning!”

This head teacher was also from a small family, but that didn’t mean he was afraid of Uchiha.

In other words, as the principal, Izuna Uchiha gave him this power.

After all, Izuna herself didn’t want there to be trash in the ninja school who relied on her family background to pretend to be powerful.

Uchiha Ye curled his lips, and when other students returned to the classroom, he picked up the bucket and stood at the door of the classroom.

“The attack is harsh, Ye.”

A white-haired boy from the Kaguya family whispered as he passed by Uchiha Ye who was standing there.

Uchiha Ye, holding a bucket filled with water in both hands, stood at attention by the door, unable to let a drop of water fall to the ground.

After hearing what the Kaguya boy said, he closed his eyes and sneered: “Oh, if you don’t teach the idiots Sarutobi and Shimura a lesson, they won’t know who has the final say in Konoha now. Don’t you think so?”

At the same time, Hatake, Kaguya, and the little girl sitting next to Tsunade, Hinata, who were passing by, all changed their expressions slightly when they heard this, and walked into the classroom without refuting.

Later, they consciously distanced themselves from Sarutobi and the new students of the Shimura family, so that the only people sitting next to the new students of the Sarutobi and Shimura families were ordinary people who didn’t know why.

Konoha Ninja Club, Minister’s Office.

“Clan leader, Inubi, the instructor in charge of Princess Tsunade’s class, wants to ask you something.”

Uchiha Ise reported to Izuna.


Izuna, who was dealing with the documents presented by the ANBU, raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: “Can’t we just let the Education Department handle such a small matter?”

Although Izuna is still the principal of the ninja school in name, he is basically just a name in name.

It’s been years since I’ve dealt with school matters.

Uchiha Ise said again: “It was Yanhuo’s son Uchiha Ye who injured Sarutobi Hiruzen’s nephew Sarutobi Kosuke. This matter… the Education Department does not dare to deal with it casually, so please give me a word, clan leader. .”

The brush in Quan Nai’s hand stagnated.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Tsk, no wonder.

The son of the twelve guardian ninja warriors.

The nephew of the Sarutobi clan leader.

They are all second-generation Konoha officials.

Ordinary people would not dare to deal with it.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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