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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 363 363 Three-Party Situation

Just as Kirigakure’s three hundred ninjas were on full alert, guarding the carriage transporting food.

Suddenly, the trees next to one of the carriages began to turn red and swell.

The Xiguashan clan leader’s eyes narrowed, and he discovered it in time. He used the big knife on his back to cut off the big tree in time, and kicked it away immediately.

And just when the big tree flew upside down less than ten meters, the entire trunk of the tree was like a bomb, detonating nearly a fifty-meter radius of the forest area.

“woo woo woo woo!!!”

Amidst such explosions, many horses transporting carts were frightened, raising their feet high and neighing in terror.


Seeing this, Kirigakure’s ninjas quickly slapped their hands on the horse’s neck, trying to calm the frightened horse.

The head of the Xiguashan clan looked extremely serious and said in a deep voice: “Lord Mizukage, we have too many grain trucks to protect, and the range is also very large. We are extremely vulnerable to Iwagakure’s sniper attacks.”

The one just now was a blast escape unique to Iwagakure Village.

It is certain that those who have arrived this time are the elite demolition troops among Iwagakure.

Their status is almost equal to that of Kirigakure’s Seven Ninja Swordsmen in the future.

The second generation Mizukage made a prompt decision and ordered: “Two people form a group, and a carriage leads to Yuyin. I don’t believe that bastard would dare to attack the country of Yu.”

If it were normal, Iwagakure would certainly not be afraid of a mere Yugakure.

He is afraid of Konoha!

Although the war between Konoha and the alliance between Yugakure and Tsukigakure has ended, the alliance between the three countries has not completely ended.

If you run to Yuno Country from here, you can get there in less than half a day.

And if Kirigakure takes action in the country of Yu, the country of Yu will also ask Konoha for help, and I think Uchiha Izuna will not ignore it.

The reason why the second generation Mizukage didn’t go directly to the Land of Fire was because he was afraid that Konoha would hate him too.

“Don’t let them go!”

The second-generation Tsuchikage, who used his unique invisibility technique to hide in the darkness, gave a cold expression.

In an instant, dozens of kunai flew from the front, and gradually reddened and swelled in the middle, like roasted rice cakes.

By inputting special explosive chakra into a specially crafted weapon or other object, it can be turned into a bomb.

This is Iwagakure’s demolition force.

In the future, Deidara, a member of the Akatsuki organization, further made explosive clay and could transform it into animals.

Enhanced its mobility.

“Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet!”

After all, Kirigakure still has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

Dozens of water dragons formed an extremely spectacular scene at one go, attacking the flying kunai.

The moment dozens of kunai were swallowed up—boom! ! ! !

Continuous explosions erupted, spreading waves tens of meters high.

In an instant, a river was created in the forest.

“Earth Release: The Art of Light and Heavy Rocks! Earth Release: The Art of Heavy Rocks!”

Two consecutive moves, first using lightness and weight to levitate the endless stones around him.

Immediately afterwards, he used the weighted rock to increase its weight to the limit in one breath, causing countless boulders to fall and attack like a meteor shower.

“Damn mummy bastard!”

Ghost Lantern Huayue cursed, while the speed of the seals on his hand did not slow down at all.

“Water Release: Water Bubble Technique!”

The water escape chakra exploded, forming countless bubbles in the air.

It’s like those things children blow out of soapy water.

These things rushed towards the meteorites falling from the sky, the moment the two sides collided.

The meteorite and bubble exploded at the same time, and the fragments flew around.

Seeing this, the second generation Mizukage quickly created a wall of water to prevent the aftermath of the attack from affecting the escaping carriage.

The second-generation Tsuchikage’s eyes narrowed slightly under the bandage, and his hands suddenly formed seals to create a split body.

This is not a clone technique, but more similar to Orochimaru’s, which will create two entities.

But the disadvantage is that he cannot use powerful ninjutsu, such as his signature dust release.

The second Tsuchikage planned to use one of them to deceive the second Mizukage, while the remaining one quietly took the back route to kill the remaining carriages.

Even though it was a split body, he was confident that in the hands of those Kirigakure ninjas, he could completely destroy those grain trucks.

Troops led by two shadows have begun a head-on confrontation.

The troops led by Uchiha Yusuke also officially arrived and stopped about five miles away from the fighting zone.

Counting him as the leader, this team from the moon only consists of thirteen people.

“Master Yusuke, Kirigakure and Iwagakure have begun fighting.”

A sentient ninja asked for instructions.

“There’s no rush. We’ll start again when they’re almost done.”

Uchiha Yusuke raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said with empty eyes: “This is our first mission. Although we are facing the shadows of two villages, we must succeed to prove that our Uchiha on the moon has no Let’s live up to the Uchiha name, do you understand?”


The other twelve people responded with a firm drink.

“That’s a split body. If you try to fool me with this kind of thing, how many times do you think I’ll fight you!? Stinky mummy!”

Discovering the second-generation Tsuchikage who was about to take a retreat, the second-generation Mizukage grinned and rushed forward, blocking the opponent.

At the same time, the index finger and thumb of the right hand are raised up to form a pistol, and a water polo the size of a table tennis ball condenses on the tip of the index finger.

“Water Release: Iron Cannonball Technique!”

“Earth Release·Earth War Stick!”

Facing the powerful ninjutsu of the second generation Mizukage, even if he is a split body, he has to use his full energy.

A baguette-like stick of soil sprouted from the ground beneath my feet, trying to block the blisters.

“You go after the grain truck!”

You can see the mouth of the second-generation Tsuchikage moving twice under the bandage, and he said to the five members of the demolition team behind him.

When the five people heard this, they immediately slapped their hands on the ground.

Kirigakure managed to open a path despite the obstruction of more than two hundred people.

He chased the carriage in the direction of escape as fast as he could in his life.


yelled the head of the Watermelon Mountain clan, who was fighting a jounin from the demolition force.

“Chase! It’s best to capture him alive and find out who the spy is. If that doesn’t work, kill him!”

The second generation Mizukage’s face darkened.

Upon hearing this, the leader of the Xiguashan Clan immediately chased after him with dozens of his men.

Plus the dozens of people who had been guarding the carriage to escape.

In total, nearly a hundred people besieged five people, and it was impossible to lose no matter how hard they thought.

But for some reason, the second-generation Tsuchikage, who was already standing in front of the second-generation Mizukage, looked unusually calm.

I don’t feel any uneasiness due to the gap in combat power.

Is he so confident in the five people under his command?

Or…do you have other plans?

Seeing the attitude of his old rival, the second-generation Mizukage Kiden Gengetsu began to have an ominous premonition in his heart.

“Well… forget it,”

The second generation Mizukage suddenly changed his seal, and the water bubbles that originally appeared around him gradually gathered together, and sneered: “If we can deal with you here, this war will basically mean the end, right?”

When the second generation Tsuchikage saw this, he couldn’t help but look solemn, “This move is…”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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