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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 369 369 Shocking Secret (Part 1)

Izuna remembers that in the original work, the name of one of Sunagakure’s jinchūriki was called “Funfuku”.

But that’s not his original name.

As he was imprisoned for longer and longer, no one gradually knew his real name.

Finally, the people of Sunagakure called him “Fengfu”.

Among the yellow sand in the sky, two figures shuttled out and stood in front of Fenfu Temple.

“Is this right here?”

Izuna said with empty eyes.

“It’s heavily guarded inside.”

Madara crossed his arms over his chest and spoke indifferently.

“If it is true, then it is the location of the last spiritual vein. The secret left by the Sage of Six Paths, or Kaguya Otsutsuki and Black Zetsu, will probably be cracked.”

Quan Nai chuckled and started walking forward.

“Kill? Or…”

Madara walked side by side on the right side, his tone extremely calm, as if it was just a small matter like removing weeds on the roadside.

“I don’t like killing people indiscriminately, but if they are discovered, they must completely disappear from this world.”

Izuna chuckled.

It’s the same thing as the second generation Mizukage.

If he could get rid of the second Tsuchikage in time without discovering Uchiha Yusuke and the others, then his own people wouldn’t do anything to him.

If you can avoid killing, try not to kill. If you do what needs to be killed, Izuna will not be lenient at all. This is his way of doing things.

The two of them walked into the temple, and as soon as they stood at the door, a ninja wearing a Sunagakure forehead protector spotted them.

“Hey, are you…”

Before he could finish his words, Madara’s Mangekyō Sharingan glanced across them lightly, instantly making them stand there sluggishly as if they had lost their souls.

Quan Nai raised his hand and waved.

The Yin Escape energy shield enveloped the two of them and formed a round ball. After a second, it slowly shrank and became smaller until it finally disappeared.

Along with their physical bodies.

“The breath of chakra here…”

After entering the temple, Madara immediately sensed an unusual aura coming from the temple.

“Try it and you will know.”

Quan Nai’s body suddenly changed and entered a semi-sixth path form, with six Tao-seeking jade floating around her body.

The seals on his hands changed rapidly, and the air around him began to vibrate.

not only that.

Remains of the Hyuga Warring States Period in the Land of Fire.

The water spirit spring of the Kingdom of Water.

The Earth Dragon Veins of the Earth Kingdom.

The spiritual waterfall in the land of thunder.

It resonated with everyone at this moment, emitting a vast sacred source of chakra.

It was only owned by Otsutsuki Kaguya, who had eaten the fruit of the sacred tree, and by ninjas of the level of Sage of Six Paths.

Or should I say, this is the chakra left over from the sacred tree of the past.

As if receiving some kind of call, the bodies of Izuna and Madara disappeared into Fenfukuji Temple.

After a while, the two brothers opened their eyes and found themselves in a strange and familiar alien space.

Because they had joined once before at the Soul Falls, the two of them seemed extra calm this time.

“Don’t you think it’s a lot more stable here?”

Madara took the initiative to speak and looked around with empty eyes.


Izuna agreed.

The last time I came here, this place seemed extremely unstable, and the entire alien space seemed extra distorted.

But this time is different.

Although the scenery is still very strange, the distortion has disappeared and the restless chakra has settled down.

But for some reason, Izuna felt that this was a sign of a storm.

The two quickly arrived at the entrance to the rippling space.

Yes, this is the place where Izuna speculated that the Sage of Six Paths and Hamura Otsutsuki sealed Kaguya.

“I haven’t awakened my samsara eye yet.”

Madara’s tone was filled with annoyance.

When he and Quan Nai arrived last time, they speculated that two pairs of reincarnation eyes were needed to explore the secrets of this place.

But at this moment, I still haven’t awakened the samsara eye.

Madara, who had always been proud and arrogant, couldn’t help but feel a sense of frustration.

“It doesn’t matter anymore, brother, can you activate the power of Indra in your body?”

Quan Nai looked sideways.

Madara frowned slightly and subconsciously replied: “Ah, that’s okay.”

“In that case, let’s get started.”

The moment the words fell, the aura on Quan Nai’s body changed drastically again.

Her hair, which was originally black, gradually turned completely white.

The six-path state also gradually covers the whole body, and slowly begins to evolve into the six-path form of the complete body.

“Izuna, what are you doing!?”

Seeing this scene, even Madara was shocked.

“Just some time ago, it was finally completed.”

Quan Nai smiled slightly.

The points gained through the Second Ninja War are combined with the original chakra of the yin and yang attributes transferred to himself from the outside demon.

Finally able to use the perfect Six Paths form for a short time.

The strength is no less than that of Sasuke Uchiha during his battle with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

“Do it, brother!”

Quan Nai’s hands suddenly clasped together.

At this moment, Madara, for some reason, seemed to have awakened memories from the abyss of his heart.

Without thinking, my hands started to move.

Received the impact of chakra from the two brothers.

The last time he arrived, the black tentacled arm that was launched towards Quan Na stretched out again and attacked Quan Na in dense numbers.

As expected, countermeasures were set up for those who wanted to lift the seal.

That is, the Blood Succession Snare!

A more terrifying force than the blood inheritance limit and the blood inheritance elimination.

Even the combination of Izuna, who is in the Six Paths state, and Madara, who has already understood the power of Indra, is a power that is difficult to contend with.


Suddenly, Madara put a hand on Izuna’s shoulder.

Quan Nai’s pupils moved slightly, and Madara said solemnly: “I’ll give you Indra’s chakra, defeat him!”


Quan Nai chuckled softly, and the Tao-seeking jade behind his back changed form, forming an Amama Spear.

The Spear of Creation suddenly struck.

There was no earth-shattering explosion as imagined when Izuna or Madara usually fought.

Rather, it was like a silver needle piercing the ball, finally poking out a pinhole.

It is far from allowing the ball to explode, and then just poke a small hole to allow it to leak.

But enough is enough.


The two brothers jumped at the same time, passed through the sealing barrier, and jumped into it.

“Is it Hagoromo… no, is it Indra?”

Just as they entered this dark space, a woman’s voice, a woman’s voice without any emotion, rang in the minds of Izuna and Madara.

“Kaguya Otsutsuki?!”

Madara’s expression changed and he looked towards the dark space all around.

No, nothing.

Then use chakra to sense…

No way!

Is it a barrier again?

Cut off the ability to perceive chakra.

“She is now a will body without a specific body. In other words, her body is at the alternating point between the real world and the underworld.”

Izuna opened her mouth to explain and couldn’t help but smile, “I see, I know the secrets of Black Zetsu and the Sage of Six Paths.”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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