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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 385 385 Rumors that shocked the ninja world

Konoha 34 years.

For some unknown reason, the third generation Hokage Uchiha Izuna gradually reduced the number of times he appeared in front of the crowd.

Even the sealing assistance against the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Reina was only done in secret.

This year, Hatake Sakumo officially served as the captain of the Hokage Guards, and the deputy captain position was held by Senju Tsunade.

These new generation confidants that Izuna gradually cultivated all noticed something strange about Naruto.

And this information was passed back to their respective countries along with the spies from various countries who infiltrated into the Country of Fire.

“Could it be that… there is something wrong with Uchiha Izuna’s body?”

Ohnoki, who is now nearly forty years old but has also come from the end of the Warring States Period, made the first guess.

As soon as his conjecture came out, the top management of Iwagakure was shocked.

Immediately, a peak jounin denied it in disbelief: “Lord Tsuchikage, is this impossible? You know, the Second Ninja War has not been 10 years, and Uchiha Izuna was in that war. We all see the power shown.”

In less than a week, they attacked from the Kingdom of Fire all the way to the Kingdom of Thunder, and it was not just a simple invasion.

But to bring down the entire Kingdom of Thunder.

If Uchiha Izuna hadn’t finally decided to end the war with compensation clauses, it would not be impossible for the Kingdom of Thunder to be destroyed!

Such overwhelming power chilled the entire ninja world.

How could such a person have problems with his body?

“Of course, I’m just speculating.”

Onoki Liangzhi explained, with a serious face at the same time, and said: “But, after all, Uchiha Izuna is also a human being. He is also 57 years old now, right?”

“Didn’t Senju Hashirama, the [God of Ninja World] who was not inferior to him at that time, also die in his early forties in less than a few years after his battle with Uchiha Madara? Uchiha Izuna’s experience He has fought no less battles than Senju Hashirama, and no matter how strong he is, it is not impossible for his old illness to relapse.”

After hearing Ohnoki’s analysis of the two-person scale, the senior executives of Iwagakure frowned and thought, feeling that what they said did make sense.

“Then according to Lord Tsuchikage’s wishes, are we going to launch a war against White Earth Town?”

Another Iwagakure executive asked for instructions.

Baitu Town is the richest town in the original land.

In the last Ninja World War, at the suggestion of Onoki Liangshou, he had to cede it out. In the end, due to the fierce competition between Sunagakure and Amegakure, it was acquired by Amegakure.

After Ohnoki took over the two-person scale, he had already tried to snatch this piece of fertile soil back more than once.

It’s just that due to the terrifying existence of Uchiha Izuna, I dare not act rashly.

“Do not worry,”

Onoki’s two scales showed a cunning look and sneered: “In the last ninja war, Kumogakure’s losses were even more serious. Let’s see what they do.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Onoki Liangliang issued another order, “Contact me immediately to the Akatsuki organization.”

The senior members of Iwagakure were shocked again.

“Lord Tsuchikage, what do you mean…”

“The last time Yugakure gained the power to dare to compete with us, wasn’t it because of them? This time we are prepared in advance!”

Onoki’s two-person scale kept sneering.

This time, he must get back what he lost.

Just as Onoki’s two-person scale expected.

After hearing the news that “Uchiha Izuna is seriously ill” from the spies he sent, the Third Raikage suddenly couldn’t sit still.

You know, in the Second Ninja War, the Kingdom of Thunder was the one who was beaten the hardest.

Under the joint attack of Konoha and Yugakure Tsukigakure, or under the pressure of Uchiha Izuna, the country was almost destroyed.

In the end, although the worst outcome was avoided, a reparations treaty was still signed that was humiliating and humiliating the country.

With the Raikage’s fiery temper, how could he tolerate such a thing?

But under the absolute power of Uchiha Izuna, he did not dare to refuse.

Now that the news that “Uchiha Izuna is seriously ill” has come out, how can he not be excited?

Just like in the original work, no one dares to act rashly when Senju Hashirama is alive, but once Senju Hashirama dies, a war breaks out immediately.

It’s just that the current situation in the Kingdom of Thunder is so miserable, and the people in their village are all very angry.

Just hearing the rumor that “Uchiha Izuna is seriously ill” made many people unable to sit still.

“Lord Raikage, do we need to launch an attack immediately?”

Immediately, a hawkish Kumogakure ninja made a proposal to the Third Raikage.

Now every year, the Kingdom of Thunder has to pay exorbitant tributes and compensation to Konoha.

They need to use war to solve their current predicament.

In the meeting, there was also a middle-aged man whose appearance was similar to that of the Third Raikage. He was sitting in a corner, silent.

He is the Fourth Raikage in the original work and the son of the Third Raikage.

However, he is only sixteen years old now.

“Lord Raikage, this is just a rumor now. What if it is a trick set by Konoha?”

Not everyone is a hawk, and this proposal was immediately opposed by many people.

The fear Uchiha Izuna gave Kumogakure was too deep.

They were afraid, what if this rumor was a trick by the enemy to lure Kumogakure into action?

“Humph, according to our information, Uchiha Izuna has rarely appeared in public since half a year ago. If this is their trick, this trick must have been prepared for too long, right?”

the hawks retorted.

“In short, I think we should not start a war arbitrarily. The current situation in our Kingdom of Thunder is very dangerous and we cannot start a war rashly.”

“It is precisely because of this that we should start a war. Only war can end the current predicament of the Kingdom of Thunder!”

At the meeting, the hawks and doves were having a heated argument.

The Third Raikage suddenly slammed the table and shouted: “Everyone be quiet!!!”

Under the threat of Raikage, both parties immediately shut up.

Immediately, the Third Raikage turned to a young man with an eyepatch on his left eye standing next to him and said, “Toutai, what do you think?”

Tutai, a one-eyed man with an unattractive appearance, is a person with the blood-melting and boundary-limiting ability of Yunyin Village.

Appointed as the assistant of the Third Raikage, he has excellent strategic vision.

Even during the Fourth Ninja War, he played a considerable commanding role.

“Lord Raikage, I also think that it is inappropriate to launch a war casually. After all, the rumors about Uchiha Izuna’s serious illness have not been confirmed to be true or false, and with his power, it is difficult for us to get accurate real information. People can get close to Uchiha Izuna.”

As soon as Todai’s words came out, many hawk members were dissatisfied, but under the threat of Raikage, they did not dare to get angry on the spot.

The next moment, Tutai changed the topic, “However, this does not mean that we cannot launch a war, it just depends on which side the target is.”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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