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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 408 408 As long as the teacher is still there

“Danzo! Why did you hide it from me and reinforce Uzushio Village without dividing your troops!?”

In the northern battlefield against Kumogakure, in the main camp, Sarutobi Hiruzen scolded his old comrade Shimura Danzo with an angry look on his face.

Today, he just heard from the discussion among his subordinates that the Uzumaki clan was attacked by the secret alliance of the Three Kingdoms.

The damage was extremely severe, and it can be said to be “nearly annihilated”!

Logically speaking, at this time, the side closest to Uzumaki Village should immediately send troops to reinforce!

Why didn’t anyone inform me as the coach about such a big thing?

There is only one reason!

That was Danzo, who was in charge of information transmission, and deliberately suppressed this matter.

Shimura Danzo, on the other hand, had a calm face, not at all moved by Sarutobi Hiruzen’s rage.

Koharu and Mito Kadenen, who were sleeping next to them, tried to persuade him: “Calm down, Hiruzen, we decided to do this together after consultation.”


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the other two old friends with anger and confusion.

“The Uzumaki clan secretly supports Tsunade as the next Hokage. You can’t possibly not know that, right?”

Danzo Shimura spoke calmly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s expression suddenly changed drastically, and he said with a dark face: “What do you want to say?”

“Oh, Hiruzen, are you still confused? In the forty years since the village was founded in Konoha, all the major positions in the village have been monopolized by the powerful clans. When Uchiha Senna came to power, this problem was even more serious and seriously violated I realized the teacher’s original intention of making the whole village civilian,”

Danzo Shimura had a sneer on his lips, “After Uchiha Izuna came to power, the Sarutobi and Shimura clans were suppressed. It can be said that their power is inferior to that of Inokacho. All their power was lost to Uchiha, Senju, Hinata, and Hata. Mu, Kaguya and other big families have a monopoly.”

“Now, you are the political opponent of Hokage. Behind Hatake Sakumo are the support of Uchiha, Kaguya and other clans. Behind Tsunade are the support of Senju, Uzumaki. Although families such as Hinata and Inoshikacho do not have a team, they are nothing compared to Even though you are powerful, they are just wavering between these two people.”

Speaking of this, Shimura Danzo sneered even more, “You don’t want to do anything to weaken their power. Do you think you can win against the two of them? The death of Uchiha Izuna is a good thing. Take this opportunity to let the big families of Konoha Realize that there is nothing special about them, especially a wealthy clan like the Senju.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and hesitated: “But they are our allies of Konoha after all?”

“Put away your innocence and hypocrisy! Hiruzen, now Uchiha and Senju don’t take you seriously. They actively recommend Tsunade and White Fang in order to implement Uchiha Izuna’s policy of the supremacy of the great clan. They are Uchiha Izuna’s disciples, and one is Uchiha Izuna’s confidant. Don’t forget what happened to Tobirama-sensei’s death!”

The moment Shimura Danzo finished speaking, the voice of the intelligence ninja came from outside the door, “Report! Hiruzen-sama! News came from the ANBU. Tsunade-sama led hundreds of ninjas from the Senju clan to Uzushio Village for reinforcements, and was defeated by the third generation. The Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage are in ambush and are now engaged in a desperate battle! Please send reinforcements!”


Sarutobi Hiruzen’s expression changed.

Danzo Shimura was slightly startled, and then sneered again, “Huh, just right. As one of the frontline commanders, she divided her troops without permission and caused heavy losses. Senju Tsunade has completely lost her qualifications to run for the next Hokage!”

The Country of Uzumaki, where Uzushio Village is located.

The sky seemed to be dyed red at this moment.

In front of Onoki Risebra and the Third Raikage, who both have the peak level of Kage level, Tsunade, who has only entered the Kage level not long ago, also feels it is very difficult.

She has been able to hold on until now entirely because of the sage mode granted to her by Izuna, and the rapid self-healing ninjutsu similar to Senju Hashirama’s Yang Release.

After several hours of desperate fighting, more than half of the Thousand-Handed Army had fallen.

Tsunade originally wanted to lead everyone to evacuate.

But unexpectedly, the way back has been cut off!

Ohnoki Two Scales and the Third Raikage came completely prepared, just to strangle her and the Senju clan here.


A Senju Ninja holding a tachi chopped off the head of the Kumogakure ninja who was planning to attack Tsunade. He raised his head and shouted: “Everyone is covering, even if you die! Let Princess Tsunade escape!”


The remaining Senju ninjas shouted in unison.

“No! If you want to leave, let’s go together!!”

Tsunade shouted, with Sage Mode lines and enemy blood on her face.

“Princess, you know we can’t retreat now! At least you have to go! You are the one who wants to be the next Hokage!”

The Senju-nin shouted with a twisted expression.


Just to compete for this position, old man Sarutobi didn’t divide his troops to support him?

Just because of the position of Hokage, the Uzumaki clan as allies were exterminated. Are you still unwilling to help?

Thinking of this, endless anger welled up in Tsunade’s chest, and she struck down with a steel fist. With the power of S-level ninjutsu, she knocked dozens of Kumogakure ninjas within 20 meters directly in front of them into the air. Go to the sky.

“Only an idiot would become Hokage!!!”

In anger, Tsunade shouted these words.

“Hell Thrust·Two Pen Hands!!!”

With an angry shout and an exaggerated chakra comparable to that of a tailed beast, the Senju Nin who had just protected Tsunade was stabbed into skewers in one move.

Tsunade’s eyes narrowed.

It’s the Third Raikage!

“Now you are finished, Uchiha Izuna’s disciple!”

The Third Raikage coldly threw the lifeless Senju-nin away from the string on his finger.

Tsunade gritted her silver teeth, “You bastard… If the teacher is here… If the teacher is still here!”

“Hell Thrust·Ipponsen Hand!!!”

Tsunade’s chakra was almost depleted.

Facing the strongest spear of the Third Raikage, who was known as the “strongest in history”, she was really powerless to resist.

“Princess Tsunade!!!”

Seeing this, the other Senju ninjas rushed forward in a hurry, wanting reinforcements.

But the speed difference is too far. The speed of the Third Raikage is simply not something they can catch up with.

Seeing it, Tsunade was about to be penetrated by the “strongest spear” of the Third Raikage.

“Am I going to die?”

Looking at the increasingly approaching Lightning Escape Spear, Tsunade thought to herself.


“Water Escape·Water Curtain Tianhua!!!”

Just when Tsunade thought she was going to die, a low roar came.

The ground between Tsunade and the Third Raikage cracked, and a violent tsunami rolled out from it. With exaggerated pressure, it suppressed the Third Raikage.

“Lord Raikage!!!”

This time, it was Kumogakure who was shocked.


The expression on Ohnoki’s two scales on the clay bird changed slightly.

“Water Release: Iron Cannonball Technique!”

Suddenly, a water droplet the size of a fingertip broke through the air from below.

In an instant, the clay bird and the head of an Iwagakure ninja were penetrated.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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