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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 410 410 Die! The Third Raikage


The surrounding ninjas, including Onoki Liangzhi, were all shocked.

The next moment, the tailed beast-turned-Ki Deng Gui Yue poked his head out from the soil, with a dark purple high-density chakra sphere condensed in his mouth.

It’s Tailed Beast Jade!

“You were completely seen through just now!?”

Ohnoki couldn’t believe it.

Even the Sharingan has difficulty seeing through the combination of Earth Release and Dust Release he just made.

This kind of prediction ability made him couldn’t help but think of the man who should not be messed with in the entire ninja world – Uchiha Izuna!

“Save Lord Tsuchikage quickly!”

The surrounding Iwagakure ninjas were so anxious that they formed seals as fast as they could in their lives.

“Earth Release·Earth War Stick!”

“Explosive Escape·Flying Earth Explodes!”

“Earth Release·Earth Thorn Thorn!”

Almost in the next second, Tailed Beast Tamaki shot towards Ohnoki’s two scales, which were tied up by three tails and were in mid-air.

Rumble——! ! ! !

On the other side of Uzushio Village, a violent explosion occurred.

Many people were thrown upside down by the wind pressure.

In the smoke, a short figure slowly floated out, it was Onoki’s two scales!

At this time, half of his face was covered in blood.

The Iwagakure ninja uniform was also torn in half, revealing a body oozing with blood and covered with wounds.

With the bleeding half of his eyes closed, Onoki’s two scales floated in mid-air and gritted his teeth and said: “Ki Deng Ki Yue… is definitely not an ordinary Jinchuuriki, there is definitely something wrong with him…”

Just now, his ninjutsu attacked Kito and Kiyuki, and he barely managed to divert the tailed beast’s attack trajectory.

Otherwise, I’m afraid I might have died here.

At the same time, Onoki’s two-dimensional scale was also confirmed.

Ghost light and ghost moon, this kid is definitely not an ordinary jinchūriki.

It’s not that Ohnogi doesn’t recognize the strong players of the younger generation.

In fact, the various combat performances of Kito and Kiyue are more like the Uchiha clan than the Kito clan.

What exactly is going on?

“Iwagakure listens to the order and gathers quickly!”

Upon hearing Ohnoki’s orders, the remaining Iwagakure ninjas quickly gathered.

Originally, the total number of flying explosives troops brought by Onoki’s two scales totaled nearly twenty people.

Now there are only three people left!

“Lord Tsuchikage! Are you okay?”

An Iwagakure jounin exclaimed when he saw Onoki’s head full of blood.

Onoki Liangliang quickly waved his hand and ordered: “Summon the detonating clay bird and retreat!”

The three of them looked startled, but they all nodded immediately.

He took out the detonating bird that had been prepared in advance and was eighty-minute similar to Future Deidara’s.

After riding together, quickly evacuate Uzushio Village.

“Asshole! Onoki! Do you want to escape?!”

The Kumogakure ninjas below, who had gradually fallen into a disadvantageous situation, roared angrily when they saw Onoki Liangzhi flying higher and higher on the detonating bird.

Although they succeeded in ambushing the Senju clan, the Senju clan was once a powerful family in Konoha and Uchiha.

Even if they are ambushed, they cannot be easily dealt with.

Their losses just now were not small.

And now Kirigakure’s reinforcements, plus the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the Minazuki clan, so many masters have arrived.

It has already made them nervous.

And those bastards like Onoki Liangsheng actually want to escape at a time like this! ?


Faced with the curses from the Kumogakure ninja below, Onoki Niangshou snorted disdainfully.

There are no permanent allies.

Idiots who can’t understand this bit of truth might as well die here as soon as possible.


Suddenly, a water cannon shot came.

See Ohnoki’s two-dimensional scale’s shoulder penetrated.

Ohnoki was in severe pain and almost fell off the bird’s back.

Turning around, he saw that it was Kiden Kiyuki who had recovered from his tailed beast transformation!

“Lord Tsuchikage!”

Fortunately, the Iwagakure ninja next to him stabilized him.

“Ignore Raikage and those people, retreat!”

Onoki said calmly.


After exchanging punches with the Third Raikage, Tsunade quickly retreated and slid back for more than ten meters before braking to a stop.

“It’s so pitiful that you were betrayed by your allies.”

Noticing Ohnoki’s two-dimensional escape, Tsunade sneered at the Third Raikage.

The Third Raikage’s face darkened slightly, “I had thought of this possibility, but I never really believed him from the beginning to the end.”


Tsunade sneered even more, her eyes filled with hatred, “Kill so many people from my Senju clan, and I want you to pay with your life!”

The Third Raikage said coldly: “There are many people who want me dead, but you are not qualified!”


Tsunade jumped up suddenly and struck with her heel, attacking with an aura that could defeat thousands of armies.

“Hell Thrust·Three Bon Hands!”

boom–! ! !

An explosive roar followed.

With Iwagakure’s escape, the situation on the battlefield has become one-sided.

“According to Mizukage-sama’s order, what should we do with these guys?”

Ghost Leng Yue stepped on a subdued Kumogakure ninja under his feet and asked Loquat Juuzang on the side.

“Who knows, he just asked us to reinforce Senju. It doesn’t matter what happens to the other people in Kumogakure.”

Loquat Juuzang stood on the other side and replied in a nonchalant tone.

“Really? Then-“

Ghost Deng Lengyue licked the corner of his mouth and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

Under the horrified gaze of the Kumogakure ninja below, he swung his butterfly and cut his head in half.

Most of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are bloodthirsty people.


A strong hurricane is coming.

It was caused by the collision between Tsunade’s Tenki and the Third Raikage’s Hell Thrust.

“What an exaggeration…”

Loquat Juuzang raised his right hand and blocked his face.

“Have you given any orders to Ying?”

Ghost Light Lengyue was quite obedient to Mizukage’s orders.

Because he was promoted to become one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen during Madara’s reign.

Madara thinks that Ghost Lengyue’s murderous character can be exploited.

“They said they should either capture him alive or take his body back.”

Loquat Juuzang replied.

“I choose the latter,”

Ghost Deng Lengyue said without hesitation.

He exchanged glances with the other Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Tongcao Yaoyuren, Mu Li Jinpachi, Kuriraki Kushimaru and others.

The seven members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, as well as many masters of Kirigakure, as well as the three-tailed jinchūriki Kito Onitsuki and others, began to approach the center of the battlefield.

Surrounding the Third Raikage in the middle.

Tsunade’s eyes shifted sideways.

The Third Raikage instinctively felt the threat of death, and said in a deep voice, “Do you want to come together?”


Loquat Juuzang hit his shoulder with his decapitating sword, “The Mizukage’s order is to either capture you alive or take your body back. Our unanimous idea is to kill you and take your body back. Of course, you can kneel down and beg for mercy now or just It’s not bad to commit suicide on the ground.”

“Huh, I’ve really been underestimated.”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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