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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 424 424 Inexplicable Sadness

In two days, Sarutobi Shinnosuke rushed back to Konoha non-stop.

During this time, neither Hatake Sagumo nor Kirigakure’s pursuit troops caught up.

And Sarutobi Shinnosuke didn’t care about this at all, and didn’t eat, drink or sleep along the way.

At most, I just drank a few sips of stream water when passing by the river.

When Sarutobi Shinnosuke rushed back to Konoha, he just stepped into the gate of Konoha, staggered and fell down.

Fortunately, there was no damage to Sarutobi Tsukiki behind him.


Members of the Hyuga Security Department who were on patrol saw the mask on Sarutobi Shinnosuke’s face, and hurried over in surprise.

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

The Hyuga family ninja from the security department lifted up Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Sarutobi Tsukuki on his back and asked.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke struggled to speak, pointing to Sarutobi Yuuki next to him and said: “Don’t, leave me alone, hurry up, call Lady Tsunade, here, here… heal her.”

Several ninjas from the Hyuga family looked at each other, but one of them rushed towards the Senju family’s territory.

Although Tsunade has given up her identity as a Konoha ninja, she has not left Konoha, but has been living in seclusion in the Senju clan.

In fact, it’s not just Tsunade. Since the Uzushio Village incident, the Senju clan’s vitality has been severely damaged, and they may not be able to recover within decades.

Under such circumstances, it can be said that the entire Thousand Hands clan has entered a state of seclusion.

However, even so, Tsunade would not break with Konoha or become a rebellious ninja.

She still returned to Konoha Hospital from time to time to help out.

When people come to seek medical treatment, they will basically choose to help.

And just as the Hyuga ninja rushed to the Senju clan, others helped carry Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Sarutobi Tsukuki to Konoha Hospital.

This scene was seen by “Uchiha Sasuke” who was eating meatballs with a group of girls no more than seven or eight years old in a meatball shop.

“Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!”

A girl with purple hair tied in a ponytail kept stuffing balls into her mouth one after another.

Yuhi Hong on the side said angrily and funny: “Anko, please slow down, no one will compete with you.”

“Thank you for treating us to something to eat.”

Nohara Lin, who was sitting next to him, thanked the handsome man in front of him, who looked very similar to the third generation Hokage Uchiha Izuna on the Hokage Yan Diao.

According to the big brother, his name is “Sasuke”.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s fate to meet again. What’s more, this company is not worth much.”

“Sasuke” smiled.

After saying that, “Sasuke” waved his hand and called the waiter to settle the account.

“Mr. Sasuke, do you also live in Konoha?”

Nohara Lin asked curiously.

“I used to live here, but now I live out. I just come back to visit sometimes.”

“Sasuke” said with a slight smile.

“Why did you leave? Konoha is such a good place, but I don’t know how many people want to live in Konoha, but you left instead.”

Yuhi Hong was very puzzled.

“There are various reasons. Okay, I’ll leave first. You guys can eat slowly.”

“Sasuke” smiled, turned around and left the meatball shop, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

A few seconds later, the third generation Hokage Uchiha Izuna appeared on the mountain wall behind Konoha.

“Sasuke” appeared above him out of thin air.

But for some reason, no one saw it!

Chakra emerged from his body, and Izuna returned to his normal appearance.

Standing on his face sculpture, looking down at Konoha below.

“I didn’t expect that one day I would actually attack Konoha myself.”

After staring at this bustling village for a long time, Izuna couldn’t help but sigh.

“This is a sacrifice that must be made for a peaceful future.”

A faint voice came, and Quan Nai looked sideways. It was an old man with long white hair who had seen him in his seventies and used a sickle as a crutch.

Uchiha Madara!

In sharp contrast to his brother who is only three years younger than him, Madara now looks like an old man who is about to die!

“If you can’t bear to do it, just let me do it.”

Age spots said in a low and hoarse voice.

“I can still do this little thing myself, don’t use the elephant turning technique casually, brother.”

Izuna said calmly.

The art of turning elephants.

A special ninjutsu that can only be used by ninjas with the samsara eye.

Sacrificing a living person to create a clone that can use his own ninjutsu and even blood succession limits.

The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of chakra and only has less than 30% of the original strength.

Madara in the Shoken no Jutsu form disappears quickly. Staring at Konoha below, Izuna suddenly formed a seal and pressed her right hand to the ground.

“Turn·Psychic Technique!”

At this time, at the request of the Hyuga ninja, Tsunade had just walked out of the Senju clan and was rushing towards Konoha Hospital.

And Sarutobi Tsukiki, who was in the ward, suddenly let out a sharp scream.

The next moment, an extremely evil red chakra formed a pillar of light and shot straight into the sky!

It was in the direction of Konoha Hospital.

Tsunade, as well as countless residents of Konoha and ninjas, stared in the direction of the light beam in stunned silence.

The ninjas felt an almost endless surge of chakra.

“What is this chakra!?”

Now at home, Uzumaki Rena was preparing to transfer the Nine Tails in her body to Kushina on a certain day. When she sensed this chakra, her expression also changed drastically.

She could feel that the nine tails were rioting in her body!

A harsh chirping sound came.

Konoha Hospital was instantly crushed into powder by the weird huge white tentacles that poked out from it.

The entire building was destroyed in an instant!

Quite similar to Tsunade’s psychic beast Slug, the monster waving six tails roared and flashed through the streets of Konoha.


“Weird, monster!”

“Run away, run away!”

A second later, the surrounding residents returned to their senses, screaming and fleeing in all directions.

Tsunade, who was originally rushing towards the hospital, jumped to the roof of a house opposite the hospital.

The Hyuga ninja following Tsunade said in disbelief: “This, this, is this…”

“It’s a tailed beast, Vulpix!”

Tsunade gritted her teeth and said: “Wasn’t Vulpix captured by Kirigakure? Why does it appear here!?”

“This, this, I don’t know.”

The Hyuga ninja lowered his head and said.

“never mind!”

Tsunade Kaisha commanded: “Your security department immediately evacuates the villagers and asks all the ninjas in the village to rush over to deal with Vulpix! I will hold on here first!”

Although she hated the actions of Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others with gritted teeth, Tsunade did not hate Konoha itself.

Now most of the experts in the village are fighting on the front lines.

We can only rely on her here.

“Psychic art!”

Tsunade bit her finger and summoned the psychic beast Slug, which was not inferior to Vulpix in size.

“Tsunade-sama, then, isn’t that Vulpix? Why are you here?”

The slug that had just been summoned saw the Vulpix dancing wildly opposite and asked in confusion.

“I still want to know!”

Tsunade pounded her fist hard, “Anyway, let’s deal with this guy now!”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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