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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 428 428 Who will be responsible?

Today, Tsunade, dressed in casual clothes, bought a piece of tea, salmon sushi, and a piece of soju.

This was what she recalled that Izuna liked to eat. The latter was the wine that Izuna once told her that her grandfather, Senju Hashirama, who passed away before she was born, loved it.

She planned to take these things to worship the two of them.

Senju Naoki, who is over fifteen years old this year, is already a chuunin.

As one of the few members of the Senju clan, he is strictly prohibited from going to the battlefield.

His father, Senju Tomokazu, gave strict orders and mentioned this matter to him more than once.

His mother, Senju Rei, planned for him to work in a ninja school when he became an adult.

Although this is not an admirable job, it can ensure that the rope tree can spend its life safely.

Today, Senju Naoki also accompanied Tsunade, taking the food and wine he bought as sacrifices, preparing to go to worship.

Just when the two siblings passed by a police department headquarters that was destroyed by Vulpix and was being rebuilt.

Suddenly, a discussion was heard between two Hyuga clan ninjas who were assisting in the reconstruction of the house.

One of them installed the new sign of the police department and whispered: “Hey, have you heard? It seems that the responsibility for the Vulpix incident lies with Lord Sagumo.”

“Ah… I heard that he made a wrong decision, which led to Vulpix being brought into Konoha, which led to the current result,”

Another Hyuga ninja lowered his voice even lower and said in disbelief: “But, but it’s impossible, right? How could a powerful ninja like Sagumo make such a low-level mistake?”

“It is said that he was trying to rescue his comrades, but fell into the enemy’s trap. If it is true, how can Master Zuo Yun bear this responsibility…”

Senju Naoki on the other side looked at Tsunade in astonishment, “Sister?”

Tsunade frowned fiercely, and finally said a simple sentence, “Don’t worry about it, let’s go.”

Tsuna walked towards the cemetery without looking back.

Tsunade has never taken credit for herself, but it was indeed her and Hatake Sagumo who saved Konoha from Vulpix this time.

Otherwise Konoha would not just lose one-third of its land.

However, these people don’t think about how to thank them, but instead hold someone accountable.

This is the darkness of Konoha, the darkness of people’s hearts.

The relationship between Tsunade and Sagumo Hatake is only average.

She never thought of rushing to defend the other party.

The main reason is that Tsunade no longer wants to participate in ninja affairs.

However, as time went by, the rumors showed no signs of abating and instead intensified.

For the heavy casualties in Konoha this time, Sagumo Hatake must bear the main responsibility!

In order to rescue his companions, he fell into the enemy’s trick, causing serious damage to the village and the villagers.

It was precisely because of the failure of Hatake Sagumo that Kirigakure was now at war with Konoha.

Rumors like this abound.

There were even whispers behind Hatake Sakumo’s back.

Needless to say, there is no need to say how Hatake Sagumo felt after hearing these words.

And when he looked towards the commentators.

The expressions of those people also changed, and they quickly turned around and left.

Hatake Sagumo didn’t defend himself.

If we insist on pursuing him, the responsibility lies with Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

If he hadn’t messed up, would he still need to help rob the prison?

Will it cause so much trouble?

But a strong man like Sagumo Hatake doesn’t even bother to defend himself against those who are creating momentum.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke is now also wallowing in the despair of losing his wife.

Hatake Sakumo didn’t want such a heavy responsibility to fall on him.

However, what Hatake Sagumo didn’t know was that these rumors would spread because of his dear subordinate and Danzo!

While Hatake Sagumo was busy running to rebuild the village, he suddenly met Tsunade and Senju Nousuki who had returned from paying homage to Izuna and Hashirama.


Hatake Saun nodded and said hello.

In terms of age, the two are only one year apart.

And according to their status, they should be evenly matched. Hatake Sakumo called Tsunade “sama”, which was just a matter of etiquette.

Not to mention, Tsunade had resigned from her position as a ninja.

“Ah…Sao Yun-sama.”

Tsunade responded calmly.

“Lord Saun.”

Senju Naoki also bowed quickly and said hello.

Tsunade originally wanted to take the Senju Rope Tree and leave directly, but remembering the rumors that had been circulating in the village recently, she reminded the other party, “Be careful, you are in a very bad situation recently.”

“This… is just some misunderstanding and rumors. Tsunade-sama doesn’t need to worry so much.”

Hatake Sakumo forced a smile.

“Don’t underestimate things like rumors,”

For some reason, Tsunade’s smile looked a little cold, “Now the East and Kirigakure are very tight on the battlefield. Coupled with the Vulpix incident, the village has suffered a lot of losses. Someone needs to bear these huge losses.”

A drop of cold sweat ran down the side of Hatake Sagumo’s face.

“The atmosphere of intrigue in the village is getting stronger and stronger. It is completely different from when the teacher was in power.”

With these last words, Tsunade left with the rope tree.

He glanced at the backs of the Senju siblings as they left.

Hatake Sagumo raised his eyes again and looked at Senna’s face sculpture on the mountain wall behind Konoha in the distance.

Finally, a sigh came out.

He turned around and walked towards the ANBU instead of going home.

It wasn’t because the work was not finished, but because Sagumo Hatake didn’t know what expression to use when facing his son and wife.

If their friends died due to the Vulpix Incident, come and ask yourself why.

Hatake Saunun didn’t know what to answer.

However, even in ANBU, Hatake Sagumo, the squadron leader, did not feel very good.

Although ANBU members hide their true identities, they are all people with families.

During the Six-Tails Rebellion, many family members died in this disaster.

Now that such rumors have spread again, the atmosphere among the subordinates when facing Hatake Sakumo becomes awkward.

Konoha 44 years.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru teamed up to repel the northern Iwagakure army. Although a truce was not signed, Iwagakure finally retreated.

However, before Iwagakure’s joy of retreat could last long, another piece of bad news came.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Koharu, and Mito Kaden, the four highest-ranking people in Konoha, were defeated by the Third Mizukage in the eastern battlefield.

At the same time, the defense line was completely defeated by Kirigakure’s army.

What’s more serious is that as the main force of the Kaguya clan, the situation of the Inar, Deer, and Butterfly clan is extremely serious.

Especially the Kaguya clan was almost completely defeated.

At the critical moment, in order to ensure the retreat of Hiruzen Sarutobi as the leader, Danzo Shimura made a prompt decision to abandon the Kaguya clan!

At the same time, two people, Koharu and Mito Kazuo, and hundreds of remnants of Kaguya’s clan were captured by the Third Mizukage.

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen hopes to redeem the two of them through negotiation.

However, at such a moment, negotiation is basically equivalent to surrender!

Everyone knows this.

Konoha, which has never lost a battle since the end of the Warring States Period, is going to surrender?

This is simply a fantasy!


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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