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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 437 437 I, the Kaguya clan, have rebelled!

Uchiha Obito spent more than three months recovering from his injuries.

As in the original novel, Madara helped him transplant the White Zetsu body created by Hashirama’s cells.

Obito’s left eye was also transplanted to Kakashi. After three months, the title of [Sharingan] Hatake Kakashi gradually sounded on the battlefield fighting Iwagakure.

Following Madara’s actions, Izuna also began to respond.

He secretly sent Bai Zetsu to inform the Kaguya clan that they can take action!

A conspiracy that could shock the rule of the fourth Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, began to break out.

The 49th year of Konoha is about to usher in autumn and winter.

Tonight, there are about two hundred ninjas left in the Kaguya clan, plus more than four hundred women, children, and the elderly and disabled.

A total of more than 600 members of the Kaguya clan rebelled against Konoha!

It was more serious than when Uchiha Madara led more than a hundred Uchiha ninjas to leave Konoha.

For the years-long suppression of the Fourth Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen faction, the Kaguya clan’s anger has reached a critical point.

When faced with the obstruction of the Hyuga guard clan, he even fought with more than a dozen guards from the Hyuga clan.

After all, Kaguya has an overwhelming numerical advantage.

After seriously injuring these dozen Hyuga guard ninjas, they walked away.

When the fourth Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen learned about this, he was shocked.

Even Danzo was frightened.

Because the entire Konoha is under the surveillance of his organization [Root].

The Kaguya clan is another key target of surveillance.

They had done such a big thing, why didn’t their own people report it at all?

How could Danzo know that Quan Nai’s deeper hidden hand had been controlling everything behind his back.

As the Sandaime Hokage, he already knew the ANBU’s action patterns very well.

In such an emergency situation, the Fourth Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen could only dispatch the ninjas that could still be deployed in the village.

Among them, two young ninjas, Hatake Kakashi and Nohara Lin, were also among them.

A defection operation that is enough to shake the position of the fourth Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen begins!

In the dark underground cave, Madara sat on the withered wood throne as usual, closing his eyes and meditating.

Not far away, Uchiha Obito was exercising his body, coordinating the right half of the arm made by Hashirama’s cells.

At this moment, Bai Zetsu emerged from the rock above his head and shouted to Uchiha Obito: “Hey! It’s not good, something happened to the Lin you are talking about and the idiot Kakashi!”

“What’s wrong?”

Uchiha Obito looked shocked.

After several months of exercise, he could clearly feel his body recovering.

He was about to return to Konoha, but he didn’t expect to get such bad news first.

“What happened!?”

Obito shouted anxiously.

“The Kaguya clan collectively defected to Konoha, and the two of them followed the large army in pursuit! They were ambushed by the Kirigakure troops, and now more than half of the entire team is dead.”

“What did you say!?”

Uchiha Obito looked shocked, rushed to the rock wall, and punched it.

However, the moment his arm made of Hashirama cells hit the mountain wall, it was like mud and fell limply from the shock.


Uchiha Obito covered his arm and cried out in pain.

“With your current physical condition, it is impossible to break the stone wall.”

The specially made Uzumaki White Zetsu came out from the other side and said

“I have to save Kakashi and Lin!”

Uchiha Obito shouted through gritted teeth with determination.

After a brief silence, Uzumaki Baizetsu opened his body.

Like a piranha, it wrapped Uchiha Obito’s body inside and said: “Use my body, this power is enough.”

“Is this okay? Aren’t you Madara’s subordinates?”

Uchiha Obito said in surprise.

“He’s a good kid.”

Bai Jueguai smiled.


Uchiha Obito said sincerely.

After covering his whole body with Uzumaki Bai Zetsu’s body, Obito took off a black robe hanging on the wall and put it on.

With one heavy punch, he smashed the mountain wall blocking the exit into pieces and walked away.

Madara, who was sitting on the deadwood seat, opened his eyes slightly and looked in the direction Obito left.

After a few seconds, he closed his eyes again.

“Master Izuna is also ready.”

Bai Jue leaned against Madara’s mountain wall and said.

“Where are Kakashi and Rin!?”

After being put on Uzumaki White Zetsu’s body, Obito’s speed increased significantly by several levels, and he shouted anxiously.

“The southern coastal area of ​​the Country of Fire has now been completely reduced to a colony of the Country of Water.”

Bai Jue replied telepathically.

“How could this happen! Where is Minato-sensei?”


Uchiha Obito hurriedly explained: “I mean where is the golden flash!?”

“That guy was busy with battlefield matters at the Iwagakure battlefield. The Kaguya clan’s rebellion was so sudden that Konoha didn’t have time to call those masters back.”

“how come……”

Uchiha Obito’s anger turned into helplessness, and he could only continue to rush towards the south as fast as possible.

“Kakashi, Lin, I am finally coming back to you, so promise me nothing will happen to you!”

Uchiha Obito yelled inwardly.

“Well, let me remind you, Obito.”

Uzumaki Baizetsu, who possessed Obito, suddenly spoke.


“I’m afraid Kirigakure has been planning this conspiracy for a long time. The other party has sent a lot of combat power. I’m afraid you can’t do it, so I’ll help you. Also, be aware that you can’t save people. The gap in combat power is too big.”

“No, I must rescue Kakashi and Lin!”

There was unquestionable firmness in Obito’s tone.

Getting closer and closer to the southern coast of the Fire Country.

And in the southern battlefield area.

There were corpses of Konoha shinobi everywhere.

Their average strength is not high, and the highest one is only a jounin.

Elite Jonin, top Jonin and even Kage-level experts were sent to the battlefield of Earth Kingdom to prepare to end the third ninja war.

The Kaguya clan rebelled under such circumstances, which really caught Konoha off guard and caused huge losses.

Nohara Lin was also kidnapped for a while in the melee, and even Kakashi couldn’t find her.

A few hours later, Nohara Lin reappeared on the battlefield.

The first words spoken by Nohara Rin who had just returned made Kakashi unable to believe it.

“Kakashi, kill me!”

“What are you talking about? Lin!”

Nohara Rin gritted her teeth and said: “Kirigakure sealed the Six-Tails in my body. They plan to let me return to Konoha and cause the Six-Tails to explode in the village just like last time! I have been cursed and cannot commit suicide. Hurry up.” Move your hands!”

Kakashi looked shocked.

He also knew about the previous Vulpix incident, and he was only five or six years old at the time.

That time, it was his father and Tsunade-sama who were able to turn the tide.

Now that her father is dead, Tsunade leaves Konoha.

If Kirigakure succeeds again, the consequences will be disastrous!


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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