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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 46 46 Of course someone will take care of it

When the tribesmen below heard this, their eyes suddenly shone.

Although the five clan leaders headed by Hagoromo Masashi are dead, the main force sent by their clan to the battlefield has also been killed or captured by Uchiha.

However, they still retain a certain basic combat power within their respective tribes. Of course, their strength must be greatly reduced several times.

After Quan Nai raised this question, the people below started shouting, many of whom had bloodshot eyes and were filled with righteous indignation:

“Kill them! Kill them!”

“Destroy these five tribes!”

“They dare to come and take advantage of our Uchiha while we are recuperating, let them know what the consequences will be if they offend Uchiha!”

Many people’s comrades and relatives died in this war.

As soon as Izumi said this, more than 80% of the people proposed to carry out genocide against the five tribes.

Quan Nai couldn’t help but roll his eyes inwardly. They were really a bunch of stupid people. Can’t they see the situation?

At present, there are only less than two hundred people left to fight in the northwest stone city. With the combined combat power of the five remaining tribes, the number of people capable of fighting is at least a thousand, and even two thousand is a conservative calculation.

Two hundred versus two thousand, crazy, right?

Even if Madara sends reinforcements from his family, it will be a tough battle.

Fortunately, although there are a lot of stupid people, there are still a lot of smart people.

Understanding what he meant through Izuna’s face, Sora Uchiha walked out with a cane and said: “Everyone is silent!”

The people who were talking heatedly gradually became quiet, and Uchiha Sora continued: “Listen to the deputy chief!”

Everyone once again focused their attention on Quan Nai, waiting for the supreme commander’s decision.

Uchiha Sora nodded to Izuna and asked the other party to continue.

“Now, we are unable to launch a complete genocide attack on the five tribes, so we will target one tribe first.”

There was a pause in the middle, and Izuna’s tone became more murderous, “Hagoromo, the culprit who dared to instigate the four clans to attack our Uchiha must make them pay the price!”

Everyone cheered again, but then someone said unwillingly: “But, will the deputy clan leader, Feng Mo and other four clans let them go like this?”

Hearing this, Quan Nai raised a smile and said, “Of course someone will deal with them.”

Many Uchiha people have become accustomed to Izuna’s half-spoken way of speaking.

If it were before, these people would probably still complain in their hearts.

But after the great victory in the Northwest Battle, everyone was convinced by Izuna and had no objections to his decision.

Soon, the four tribes of Northwest Fuma, Watanabe, Saito, and Onikawa received letters from envoys from Uchiha.

Claiming that the war was over and their clan leader had been killed, Uchiha still had a large number of prisoners from each clan in his hands.

If you want to keep their lives, give them a lot of money as compensation.

The clan leader is dead, and the top decision-makers who are left behind in the four clan lands are the elders of each clan.

After meeting the Uchiha envoy and reading the contents of the letter, each of these elders was shocked.

A year ago, they could not have imagined that this battle would fail.

Although the Senju had stood still for nearly a year, which surprised them, but even so, the combat power of the five tribes coalition was still several times that of the Uchiha!

How could you lose?

And the five clan leaders were compensated!

As an envoy, Uchiha Ise faced Elder Watanabe who was almost twice as old as him. He said in a disrespectful tone, “Elder Watanabe, please decide quickly. Do you want money or your people?” life.”

Chief Watanabe’s beard was trembling with anger. He basically had no choice.

If the money is gone, you can find a way to make it again, but if the people are gone, it will take several years or even decades to cultivate a new heir!

“But…this amount is really…can you be a little more lenient and lower it…”

Before Elder Watanabe finished speaking, Uchiha Ise said without mercy: “When the nobles responded to Hagoromo Masashige’s call and attacked us Uchiha, did they ever think of showing mercy?”

Elder Watanabe was speechless at what he said. More importantly, the gap in clan strength made it impossible for him to refute.

In the end, we can only sign and pledge the compensation clause.

Nearly a month later.

You can see one carriage after another carrying goods entering the stone city in the northwest of Uchiha.

When I opened it, I saw that it was full of various copper and silver coins.

These were all signed and pledged by the four tribes in exchange for compensation for the captives.

During the Warring States Period, banknotes had not yet been invented, and the common currencies used were copper coins or silver coins. Although there were gold coins, they were too rare and precious, so they were inconvenient to use.

As box after box of compensation was transported into Uchiha Stone City, Uchiha Sora also released the ninjas of the four clans locked in the dungeon in this order according to which clan the compensation was delivered to.

When leaving, the ninjas of the four tribes couldn’t help but look back at the city. This place might become their lifelong nightmare.

Following Watanabe, Onikawa, and Saito, the last of the four clans, Fuuma, had also received compensation and was let go by Uchiha Sora and the others.

At this time, the only ninja still locked in the dungeon became anxious.

Are the clan elders unwilling to pay to save them?

Let people like you wait for death at the hands of Uchiha?

A Hagoromo chuunin pressed the iron pillar of the cage and shouted to Uchiha Sora outside: “Hey! Our clan’s money hasn’t been delivered yet? It’s impossible!”

Uchiha Sora, who was severely injured in the previous battle, was still holding a cane and wearing a bandage.

After hearing this, a cold smile appeared on his face, “No, we didn’t send envoys to your clan at all.”

Hundreds of Hagoromo ninjas in the prison were collectively shocked, “What, what does this mean?”

“You don’t need to know.”

Uchiha Sora raised his left hand, which was not holding the cane, and waved it. The dozen or so Uchiha ninjas in charge of guarding all turned back, and the hand seals were completed.

“You, you, what do you want to do!!??”

The ninjas of the Warring States Period should have been numb to death long ago.

But when death does come, no one can do it without a trace of panic.

“Fire Escape·Burn in ashes!”

“Fire Release: The Art of Fire Dragon!”

“Art fire escape ho fireball!”

However, what answered them and led them to death was only the endless flames and the ruthless Sharingan of the Uchiha clan on the other side of the cage.

In addition to the compensation coins, the two hundred reinforcements that Izuna asked Madara Uchiha to send have also arrived.

Now nearly a year has passed, but the Senju clan still stands still, which also makes Madara and others in the clan feel a little more relieved.

Two hundred people were assigned to Quan Nai as reinforcements to attack the Hagoromo tribe and completely exterminate them.

This way, you will be more confident.

But this battle must be fought quickly.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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