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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 486 486 Konoha Destruction Plan

“Quan, Teacher Quan Nai, what on earth is this…”

Hinata was also frightened by this sudden turn of events.

Especially the scene where Gaara completely transforms into Shukaku is really impactful.

Izuna stood behind Hinata, patted his little head, and said with a smile: “Hinata, you save people first, you still have your sister to take care of, don’t you? Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

Although she has a very cold relationship with her father, she has a good relationship with her younger sister Hanabi.

After Hinata heard this, she immediately rushed in the direction of her sister Hanabi.

Before leaving, Quan Nai gave her a few special instructions.

Although the war between Rooftop Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen is gradually getting ready to begin.

But Gaara, who is currently in his complete state, should not be underestimated.

Shukaku is the weakest among the nine tailed beasts.

But in terms of destructive power, he is not inferior to other tailed beasts.

But the ability to control sand is completely a shameless “natural system”.

Just a single strike of “Sand Falls Burial” caught dozens of Konoha ninjas off guard and were buried in it.

“It’s really not easy to be able to completely control a tailed beast at such a young age.”

Kakashi immediately removed his blindfold and tried to control Shukaku’s genjutsu.

Sharingan has the ability to restrain tailed beasts.

However, being hit by Kakashi’s genjutsu, Shukaku only paused for half a second before waving his thick arms to attack again.


Kakashi’s expression changed.

“The fifth door, Dumen, open!!!”

Metkai opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia without hesitation.

He grabbed the disciples Xiao Li and Kakashi together, and barely avoided Shukaku’s attack.

Boom! ! !

However, even though Kakashi and the others avoided it, Shukaku’s palm struck down hard and almost shattered more than half of the audience in the martial arts arena.

Those civilians who had not had time to evacuate naturally became the dead souls of Shukaku’s men.

“It’s so, so terrible.”

Ino’s face turned pale and he couldn’t believe it.

“Ino, Shikamaru, Choji! You genin leave immediately! This is not an opponent you can deal with! Go to the village immediately and help evacuate the villagers!”

Asuma yelled.

The weaklings who are currently only at the genin level are not qualified to participate in such a battle.

All they could do was evacuate the villagers.

But even so, the level of danger is comparable to an A-level mission.

Now the village is full of ninjas from Sunagakure and Sound Ninja, and no place is safe.

“Genjutsu of that level is useless against a jinchūriki who can master the tailed beasts.”

Gaara, who stood above Shukaku, said coldly.

Kakashi frowned, “Can you use tailed beasts to disrupt the chakra in your body? Sure enough, like Kumogakure’s Kirabi, he is a perfect Jinchuuriki!”

Even Kankuro, Temari and many other Sunagakure ninjas from the same village as Gaara couldn’t believe it.

Is that really Gaara?

When did he master Shukaku’s power?

The next moment, Kakashi solemnly said: “Leaving Shukaku here is too dangerous! Move him immediately!”

Metkai was startled.

As Kakashi’s most frequent enemy, he certainly knew what Kakashi wanted to do, but the risk was too great.

Moreover, it was a behemoth like Shukaku who was transferred.

“There is no other choice!”

The next moment, Kakashi’s left eye Sharingan turned into a large triangular windmill, “Mangekyo Sharingan, Kamui!!!”

On the top of the building, a team of Anbu had already arrived outside the barrier.

But facing the Four Purple Yang Formation, they had no choice but to stand outside the barrier and stare.

“Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes!!!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath, and the raging sea of ​​fire that erupted dyed the world inside the barrier red.

Orochimaru smiled contemptuously, “The fire escape invented by Sandaime Uchiha Izuna, but when you use it, it’s not even 10% powerful, Sarutobi-sensei~~”

The next moment, Orochimaru slapped his hands on the ground, forming a vast cement swamp.

Then the swamp rose up, forming an earth dragon to isolate the sea of ​​fire.

“Earth Release·Swamp Dragon!!!”

Used B-level earth escape to block A-level fire escape.

In the first round, Orochimaru was really better!

“To this extent? It seems that the plan is easier to complete than I thought.”

Orochimaru continued to sneer.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had already taken off his white robe and was dressed in an armored combat uniform. While forming seals, he shouted sharply:

“Wind Escape·Vacuum Continuous Waves!”

“Water Escape·Water Curtain Lianhua!”

The fusion of wind and water forms a natural disaster level combined ninjutsu.

Seeing this, Orochimaru also smiled slightly, “The combination of wind and water. I heard that during the Warring States Period, the Sarutobi clan often used it in combination with the Shimura clan. Is your buddy helping you now?”

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The combined ninjutsu fell, bombarding everything around him into dust.

Orochimaru’s body was also submerged in it.


The ANBU members outside couldn’t help but pump their fists and cheered, “As expected of Hokage-sama, no one in the entire ninja world can resist such a powerful combination of ninjutsu!”

“That’s not necessarily the case~~”

However, the ANBU members outside could not wait for a while to be happy.

Like a snake shedding its skin, Orochimaru emerged from his original body and sneered: “At this level, you can’t even kill me~Teacher~”

“Hmph! I didn’t think this technique could kill you.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly.

The edge of Konoha Village.

Kakashi used his divine power to directly transfer Shukaku here.

But he could transfer a behemoth like Shukaku in one go.

His chakra, which was not very good to begin with, was completely consumed in one breath, and he fell down unable to complain.

And Gaara was equally surprised that he would be forcibly transferred.

But seeing Kakashi kneeling on the ground, he could more or less guess the reason.

“It’s a technique I’ve never seen before, but with your current chakra, you won’t be able to unleash it a second time, right?”

Gaara said coldly.

Then, using Shukaku’s power to control the sand, he tried to roll up Kakashi and hang him.

“That’s it for you, Shabao will send you…”

Bang! ! ! !

Just when Gaara was about to launch a fatal blow to Kakashi.

There was a loud sound like a meteorite falling to the ground, and even Shukaku’s heavy body staggered.


Gaara had to interrupt his attack on Kakashi and turned around to look.

A white-haired old man was making strange gestures on a toad that was not inferior to Shukaku in size.

“I, the Great Toad Immortal of Mt. Miaomu, am here to appear!!!”

Above Gamabunta’s head, Jiraiya shook his long hair and shouted: “Poor little tanuki! Let me, the Great Toad Sage, conquer you!”

Gaara frowned, “What’s going on? Is this guy…an idiot?”

Shukaku smiled sinisterly and said, “I think so.”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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