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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 499 499 Grandfather and Grandson Group

Although the grandfather and grandson can use the Sharingan when using the Shogen no Jutsu, they cannot use the Mangekyou Sharingan.

In addition, he could only exert about 30% of his body’s strength, so he was defeated one after another.

But even so, the task has been achieved, it is just a delay.

In the cave, Gaara’s tailed beast extraction has been completed.

Bai Zetsu’s body slowly poked out from the cave wall again, “Here they come, it’s Kakashi and the others.”

“What? Didn’t you kill them directly? It seems that Uchiha is not as powerful as imagined.”

Since being defeated by Shisui, Deidara never misses an opportunity to taunt his opponent.

Shisui, who was also in a phantom state, remained silent.

“We are currently in the country of Wano, and the only ones who can be dispatched are Deidara, Scorpion, Shisui and Mirror. Who among you is going to deal with it? I’m afraid they won’t let us leave easily.”

Bai Jue spoke again.

When Bai Jue said these words, there was a loud “plop” sound.

Gaara’s body fell heavily to the ground, obviously lifeless.

Uchiha Kage said coldly, “On the other side of Metkai and Yuhi Kurenai, it’s up to Shisui and I to stop them. Deidara and Scorpion just need to stop Kakashi and the others. If there is an emergency, just Run away.”

The seal has been completed, Uchiha Mirror said no more, and the phantom standing on the statue’s fingers disappeared.

Zhisui glanced at the direction his grandfather left and disappeared.

“Tsk, who would run away? Just let them see my art!”

Deidara said unconvinced, he always felt that this old guy Uchiha Kage looked down on him at all.

“At least don’t be careless. Kakashi, the clone ninja of Konoha, is not in vain, and he is also followed by the Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tails. Let’s go.”

Payne reminded him and disappeared.

The other members also disappeared one after another, and when only Deidara and Scorpion were left as the main body, the heretic golem also turned into smoke and dissipated.

Almost the moment the two of them landed, a huge force hit the rock at the door, shattering it, and the reflected sunlight illuminated the entire cave.

Kakashi’s three-member squad and Chiyo rushed into the cave, and the first thing they saw was Gaara lying on the ground.


Naruto’s eyes widened and he yelled.

Deidara chuckled, “Okay, stop talking, who is the Jinchuriki?”

The other side is in front of Matt Kaiban and Yuhi Bengang.

The combination of Uchiha Kagami and Uchiha Shisui made the eight people present feel tremendous pressure.

“Is this a real person this time? Besides Uchiha Shisui, there is actually another one.”

A drop of cold sweat dripped down the side of Inuzuka Kiba’s face.

They had defeated Uchiha Shisui just now, but unexpectedly, when they went to check, they found that Uchiha Shisui’s body had turned into the corpse of a Sunagakure ninja.

It’s a strange substitution technique, but it’s not the real thing anyway.

And now, they were standing in front of him again.

This time…it must be the original body, right?

“Uchiha Shisui…the other one is…”

Yuhi’s red ruby ​​eyes turned slightly, and when she caught a glimpse of the Sharingan in Uchiha’s mirror eyes, she suddenly lowered her head to stop herself from looking at the mirror eyes.

“Uchiha Mirror, the cousin of Uchiha Shisui’s grandfather! It was written in the information provided by Lord Jiraiya.”

Metkai said in a deep voice: “Be careful, everyone, according to the intelligence, they are all people with Mangekyo Sharingan!”

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically.

It is not a secret that the Mangekyo Sharingan was developed because of the relationship between the Third Hokage Uchiha Izuna.

Even as a child, Sasuke knew about the existence of the Mangekyo Sharingan without specifically asking his father, Uchiha Fugaku.

It is an evolved version of the Sharingan that can only be awakened under certain special circumstances and is extremely rare among the Uchiha clan.

Since the death of Uchiha Izuna many years ago, the Uchiha clan has continued to seek ways to obtain the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Uchiha Itachi had it, but he didn’t expect two of them to appear again.

“Then, old man, what should we do?”

Shisui asked, raising his index finger.

Uchiha Jing was indifferent and said calmly with his eyes closed: “Just knock them all out.”

The moment Uchiha Kagami finished speaking, Inuzuka Kiba and others felt a flash in front of their eyes.

The Uchiha mirror that was standing next to Uchiha Shisui suddenly disappeared.


Inuzuka Kiba, Tenten, and even Yuhi Kurenai were all shocked.

Tiantian rubbed his eyes in disbelief and subconsciously whispered: “Where are the people?”

Metkai suddenly came to his senses, turned around and shouted to Yuhi Kurenai: “Red! Be careful!!”


Yuhi Hong was startled, and suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression coming from behind.

Turn around sharply.

I saw Uchiha Kage’s kick as fast as lightning, kicking towards his lower back.

Okay, so fast! !


In an instant, a white shadow passed by.

A palm covered with azure chakra slapped the soles of Uchiha Mirror’s feet.

Bang! ! !

The fierce air vibrated, and the shock wave produced caused the surrounding trees to twist.


Tiantian Xiao Li and others shouted excitedly.

It was Hinata who took action just now to help Yuhi Kurenai block Uchiha Kagami’s kick.

Uchiha Jing’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Uchiha Shisui couldn’t help but said in surprise, “I can’t believe it…she actually blocked the old man’s attack, such a small girl…”


A green shadow rushed to Uchiha Shisui’s left side.

“Konoha Powerful Cyclone!!!”

Shisui instantly pulled out his broken blade and held it in front of the opponent’s feet. A symphony like metal collision erupted in an instant.

“Mr. Kai~ This scene really reminds me of the past~”

Shisui resisted Metkai’s attack with his knife and raised a smile on his lips.

“I never expected that you would betray Konoha.”

Metkai frowned.

He didn’t have a close relationship with Shisui, but he knew that the other person was a man who truly possessed the “will of fire”.

Such a person would betray Konoha.

Of course many people can’t understand it.

Zhisui’s expression froze, and then his smile flashed with bitterness for a moment, “Well… there are many reasons.”

“Konoha Powerful Cyclone!!”

Xiao Li rushed in from the other side, using the same move as spreading his legs, preparing to flank Shisui.

But the strength and speed are obviously inferior.

“Kid, the taijutsu ninja’s attacks are too ostentatious. You can only rely on speed. Let’s go back and practice more.”

Shisui smiled slightly, his cheeks bulging like a frog, and the next moment he breathed out violent black mist and smoke, burning everything around his body.

“Fire Release·Burning Ashes!!!”

Metkai was startled.

It’s really awesome, you can directly use advanced fire escape without any seal!

“First door, open the door, open it!”

Without hesitation, Metkai opened the first door.

He rushed towards Xiao Li and pulled him away.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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