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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 56 56 Uchiha, join the battle!

One ninja clan becomes a subordinate clan of another ninja clan. This is a double-edged sword and a very dangerous choice.

Once a small clan becomes a subordinate clan of a large clan, they will face the choice of relocating as a clan.

That is to say, the clan land is moved to the periphery of the big clan clan land to act as a defensive wall.

In this way, if other tribes want to take advantage of these small tribes, they will naturally have to consider the consequences of angering the big tribes.

But once a war breaks out among the big clans, the small clans living in the outer wall area will naturally become a protective wall.

For example, if Watanabe becomes a subordinate clan of Uchiha, other ninja clan will naturally not dare to attack Watanabe at will.

But if they were settled in the Eastern Tribe area, then if the Senju attacked, they would become Uchiha’s shield against the Senju.

To put it more unpleasantly, they are cannon fodder.

Secondly, once the subordinate clan is suspected of collaborating with the enemy, it will be easy for them to be destroyed by the own clan.

Once they become a subordinate clan, the small clan will be monitored by the big clan, especially the senior officials, who have no freedom at all.

After Watanabe Ryoukai said these words, Uchiha Enhuo and others all had their eyes gleaming. They had held the highest family meeting again and again for this purpose.

Sarutobi Kosuke was also shocked, because this decision was very dangerous.

Many large clans have subsidiary clans, the most famous of which is the Hyuga clan.

They are the Byakugan owners who think highly of themselves. They can be said to be the largest clan in the Warring States Period with the largest number of subordinate clans.

Adding up the big and small, there are seven or eight subordinate clans.

According to their words, the existence of these subordinate clans is to protect the Hyuga clan.

After Izuna learned about this incident, she felt that in the future, Hinata would divide the family to protect the clan, which probably started from the custom of this subordinate clan.

But Uchiha and Senju, whose strength is still higher than Hinata, have few subordinate clans.

The reason is the relationship between the two largest families in the Warring States Period.

The Hyuga clan’s behavior is quite stable, and the advantages of being their subordinate clan outweigh the disadvantages.

As for the Uchiha and Senju clans, they were going to have a deadly fight within a few days.

Being their subordinate clan is tantamount to becoming cannon fodder in the war between the two top powerful clans in the Warring States Period.

Who wouldn’t want to get between these two beasts?

“Clan Chief Watanabe, can you represent your four clans?”

Madara asked rhetorically.


Watanabe Ryoukai said this with great confidence.

Now that the four tribes are on the verge of extinction, before I came here on behalf of the four tribes, I had already discussed it with the other three tribes. No matter what choice I made, the other three tribes would choose to follow.

They are now grasshoppers on a thread.

A smile appeared on Madara’s lips, causing Sarutobi Kosuke to instantly feel a strong sense of uneasiness.

Sure enough, the next second, Madara said: “Please come back, Mr. Envoy of the Sarutobi clan.”

The meaning is already obvious, Uchiha wants to accept the four clans as tributaries and attack Sarutobi Shimura together.

“Mr. Uchiha Clan Leader!”

Sarutobi Kosuke was surprised and wanted to step forward.

But as soon as he took a step, he was blocked by Uchiha Yanhuo and Uchiha Nobu on both sides.

The scarlet Sharingan slowly rotated in the pupils. After Madara agreed to Watanabe Ryumi’s conditions, they were already enemies.

“see a visitor out.”

Madara faintly uttered two words.

Bang! ! !

Shimura Keizo, who rushed back to his clan from the northwest battlefield, heard that the Uchiha chose to accept the affiliation of the four northwest clans and refused the peace between his own clans. He was so angry that he threw a pair of jade porcelain tea sets that he cherished very much to the ground and smashed them. Crush.

“In order to gain Uchiha’s support, you don’t hesitate to become a subordinate. Haha, Watanabe Ryumi, you are smart, but you don’t know if you can survive tomorrow if you live today!”

Keizo Shimura cursed.

Do you think Uchiha’s thighs are so huggable?

Even if they can escape this disaster, if they go to war with the Thousand Hands in the future, you will be the first to be sent to death!

“Calm down, Keizo.”

Sarutobi Koga handed over a new cup of tea, “What we have to consider now is how to deal with the battle situation where Uchiha also joins.”

After receiving the news that Uchiha had joined the battle, Shimura Keizo immediately returned to his clan without stopping.

Sarutobi Koga was another quasi-kage-level master who sent out the Sarutobi family. His cousin Sarutobi Koga replaced Shimura Keizo as the supreme commander of the northwest battlefield.

After being reminded by his old friend, the hot-tempered Shimura Keizo calmed down a little, sighed heavily, and asked: “What do you think should be done? Furukawa.”

“It is indeed dangerous for Uchiha to join the battle, but it does not mean that we have no chance of winning.”


Sarutobi Koga continued: “Although they dispatched a combat force of about 600 people, they actually still retained many people in the eastern region to prevent their old enemy Senju. In other words, they are not determined to destroy our two races. Come to fight.”

Shimura Keizang thought it made sense.

Although Uchiha Madara, the clan leader, is personally taking the lead here, but thinking about it, I feel that this is because he, the new clan leader, has been in office for a year and has not yet produced any results.

Uchiha Izuna, who was in the limelight before the Northwest battlefield, Uchiha Gakuye, a veteran strongman, Uchiha Sen and others are already guarding their original posts.

Uchiha didn’t intend to fight this battle with all his strength.

So there is still a chance of winning on my side.

“That is to say, as long as the group led by Uchiha Madara is defeated, Uchiha will not continue to increase the number of troops to attack, right?”

“That’s right, we don’t need to be scared just to hear that the Uchiha are joining the war.”

Sarutobi Furukawa was also a hero-level figure in the Warring States Period, and his aura gradually became more impressive, “We have no chance of winning this battle.”

Even most people in the Uchiha clan thought that Izuna was staying in the clan and sitting in the rear.

But in fact, all that is left in the clan is Quan Na’s shadow clone.

As for Izuna himself, after Madara sent a message from the front line and announced that the four northwest tribes were willing to become Uchiha’s subordinate tribes, he set off north from the tribe.

Go to the unknown island where Libra Jugo’s ancestors lived after being investigated by Uchiha Sashu.

The five major kingdoms have not yet been established, and the land under Senna’s feet cannot be called the “Land of Fire”.

However, as an island country, the Country of Waves has been established because there are few wars.

Senna’s route is to first arrive at the Country of Waves, then rent a boat to go north to the small Senju Island at the northern end of the Country of Waves.

Immortal Chakra, this is the purpose of Izuna’s visit.

This thing will most likely help alleviate the side effects of the Mangekyō Sharingan. Once obtained, you and Madara will be able to use the Mangekyō more frequently.

It is equivalent to raising the strength to another level.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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