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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 68 68 Secret Action

“Deputy leader, I’m sorry that it took so long to find out. At present, we have found traces of a tailed beast here. It is one with three tails on its back and looks like a turtle.”

Uchiha Sashu knelt on one knee in front of Izuna and handed a small map to Izuna. A picture was drawn with a red pen on a location on it.

More than twenty days have passed since Izuna issued the order to find the tailed beasts. Considering the previous efficiency of the secret investigation department, this is already a long time.

However, there are not many personnel available for mobilization in the Secret Investigation Department, and the tailed beasts all live in the wilderness far away from human traces.

Even if Izuna gave the general direction, it was not easy to find them.

During this time, Izuna became slightly more proficient in mastering the immortal transformation.

At least he won’t easily fall into the crisis of natural energy runaway, but he is still far away from the true immortal mode.

Although I can’t remember how long it took Naruto Uzumaki to master the Sage Mode in the original work, his progress speed is definitely far beyond his own.

There is a huge difference in the growth rate between a person pondering alone and being guided by an immortal.

“This location is very close to the Kingdom of Whirlpool… No, or it should be said that it is very close to the Senju.”

Izuna frowned.

The red circle on the map is the sea area in the southeastern part of the Fire Country, the sea area separated from the Whirlpool Country.

In other words, they are behind the Thousand Hands Clan and directly in front of the whirlpool.

Izuna, an Uchiha deputy chief, ran here to catch the tailed beast. I have to say that the risk was quite high.

“Yes, so we hope that the deputy chief can wait until we secretly investigate the whereabouts of other tailed beasts hosted by the department before taking action.”

Uchiha Sasuke also advised.

Although Uzumaki has not officially joined the Sengoku War, he has always been an ally of the Senju.

If Izuna takes action, if something unexpected happens, he will be surrounded by the Senju and Uzumaki clans, which is too dangerous.

“No, I’ll go there.”

However, Izuna overruled Uchiha Sasuke’s attempt to stop him.

“Deputy Chief!”

Uchiha Sasuke said anxiously.

“In your eyes, do I look like someone who would take uncertain actions?”

Izuna asked rhetorically.

Uchiha Sasho was speechless for a moment, “This…”

“If we are really surrounded by them… No, that’s not possible. I will use my secret technique to escape, so you don’t have to worry.”

Izuna stood up, formed a seal to form a thunder escape shadow clone, and said to Uchiha Sashu: “Although the shadow clone is left behind, there is a high probability that it will be affected by the battle with the main body and disappear by then. I will tell the people at the decision-making level I want to carry out a confidential mission, and hide the fact that I am not in the clan from all the lower-level ninjas.”

Even though the Thunder Release Shadow Clone can withstand some damage compared to ordinary Shadow Clone, if the tailed beast is the opponent, this ability to withstand is almost non-existent.

When Quan Nai leaves this time, he must notify the decision-making group headed by the three elders.


Uchiha Sashu saw that Izuna had made up his mind and knew that he was powerless to stop him, so he asked again: “Deputy chief, do you want to send someone to accompany you?”

“No, I am enough.”

This trip, like stealing the scroll before, was a secret infiltration.

The number of sentient ninjas on the Senju side far exceeds that of the Uchiha. It is impossible for ordinary ninjas to avoid their eyes. Only those with the Flying Thunder God can do it.

Unless you are a ninja who has reached the pinnacle level of Jonin, it is just a light kick in front of the tailed beast.

Now during the war, most of the high-end combat power that was originally left within the clan has been transferred to the front line. For the sake of the overall situation, it is better not to use high-end combat power.

As the head of the secret investigation department, Uchiha Sashu naturally understood these truths and simply said: “The elders will be notified by their subordinates. Deputy chief, you must be careful.”

As an old rival of Uchiha, Senju was not idle when Uchiha united with the four northwest tribes to deal with Sarutobi and Shimura.

It was just because they sent a small number of troops to operate secretly and did not mobilize troops on a large scale that the Uchiha people mistakenly thought that they were really implementing the treaty and staying in their own territory.

In fact, a large number of Senju elites, including the clan leader Senju Yuma, plus the two brothers Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, have been operating in secret in the form of a small team.

Taking advantage of the Flying Thunder God, Senju Tobirama took his eldest brother Senju Hashirama and walked ghostly through the battlefield to the mountains behind the Sarutobi Shimura clan, preparing to meet with the clan leaders of the two clans. .

As for the actions of these two brothers, not one of the Uchiha and thousands of people from the four tribes discovered it!

Although there are only two people, Senju Hashirama alone is now enough to fight one against a thousand, and Senju Tobirama’s Flying Thunder God can completely allow the two of them to escape among thousands of troops.

Because Senju Tobirama was very confident about this operation.

On the other side, Senju Yuma, the clan leader, personally led a team of five Jonin across the sea to the Uzumaki clan’s homeland, the Country of Uzumaki.

He came here with only one purpose – to persuade Uzumaki to join the war, and to implore Uzumaki and Senju to marry in order to strengthen the alliance between the two clans.

In fact, Uzumaki Hiroyuki, the great elder of Uzumaki, would have met Senju Yuma two days ago.

In the Uzumaki clan, the power of the great elder is even higher than that of the clan leader, and he is the true decision-maker.

After hearing Senju Yuma’s proposal to marry the two clans and hoping that the Uzumaki clan would officially participate in the war, Uzumaki Guanghai immediately held a high-level meeting and arranged a residence for Senju Yuma and the others to stay temporarily.

The Uzumaki clan has not participated in the war for a hundred years, but the Senju side directly sent the clan leader as an envoy, which shows their determination on this trip.

To be honest, most people who are accustomed to the whirlpool of peaceful life do not want to participate in the war, so the vast majority of people are opposed to it.

Moreover, if the Uzumaki wants to be peaceful, it cannot do without the help of the Thousand Hands. For hundreds of years, the Uzumaki has been able to live peacefully because of the Thousand Hands blocking the way.

In addition, the clan leader Senju Yuma is coming this time, so the Uzumaki clan is even more afraid to refuse casually.

For a time, the discussion among the top management of Uzumaki was also in full swing.

Senju Yuma and the other six people stayed in Uzumaki Village for three days, waiting for the outcome of Uzumaki Hiroyuki’s discussion.

Although Senju Yuma himself can tolerate it, his people can’t help but become impatient.

“Clan leader, you said the people in this whirlpool have been discussing it for too long, right?”

Senju Yuma brought a jounin this time, Senju Tengha couldn’t help but complain.

It’s already the third day. They’ve been discussing it for too long, right?

Another person also said: “This Uzumaki is really timid and fearful. If it weren’t for us Senju, would they have been able to live a peaceful life for so many years?”

Senju Yuma smiled slyly, “You are too impatient. We can afford it. After Hashirama and Tobirama successfully establish an alliance with the Sarutobi Shimura clan, we can use it as capital to negotiate with Uzumaki. “


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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