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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 72 72 Furious Quan Na

Originally, the illusion of the Mangekyou Sharingan had just taken effect, but was interrupted midway, causing the ability to control the Three-Tails to weaken, and the Three-Tails seized the opportunity.

“Uh huh~~!!”

The three tails let out a low cry as if they were trying to break free from some restraints. Through the Sharingan, Izuna could see that the chakra in the three tails’ body was surging crazily, in order to achieve the purpose of breaking the illusion.

“Damn it, if this is the case, let’s do it again…”

Just when Izuna had this idea, suddenly a stream of mud with the outline of a dragon’s head came from the left direction again.

“Earth Release·Earth Dragon Bullet!”

“Are you fucking annoying?”

At this moment, even with Quan Nai’s calm personality, he couldn’t help but yell angrily.

Fire Release·Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!

The fire dragon and the earth dragon collided in mid-air. After a loud explosion, mud and sparks splashed down at any time.

But the three tails above the head and the three magatama that just appeared in the eyes have gradually faded away.

When he looked at Quan Nai again, his eyes were filled with fear.

Those eyes possess the absolute ability to restrain tailed beasts!

Quan Na also looked in the direction of the ninjutsu.

Senju Yuma, and five ninjas wearing armor engraved with the Senju clan emblem.

And five ninjas with bright red hair from the Uzumaki clan.

Among them, an old man with gray hair and a pretty girl who was only twenty-eight years old attracted more attention.

“Senju Yuma, you damn…”

Quan Nai was so angry that his teeth were almost broken.

And Senju Yuma, who had just released two ninjutsu, also released his hand seals.

When he arrived with five family jounin and everyone from the Uzumaki clan, he was very surprised to see Izuna fighting this monster.

When Izuna released the illusion of Sharingan on the monster, Uzumaki Mito reminded everyone that the monster was affected by Izuna’s illusion, and the chakra in the body became very active.

Senju Yuma felt an ominous premonition in his heart and ordered his subordinates to interrupt Izuna’s illusion.

“Water Release·Desolate Sea Spray!”

Exaggerated seawater gushes out from under Sanwei’s feet, turning the swamp into a river.

The next moment, the three-tailed body was attached to the ground, as if skating, and rushed towards the seaside at a very fast speed.

“Want to escape?”

Izuna instantly sensed Sanwei’s intention, turned around and started to chase after him.

However, just as Izuna turned around, Senju Tengha and three other Senju jounin were already standing in front of her.

Senju Yuma and another Jonin also stood behind Izuna.

In just a few seconds, the three tails were already several hundred meters away.

“Uchiha Izuna, the country of Uzumaki is the territory of the Uzumaki clan, our Senju allies. You broke in without permission. Don’t you want to say something?”

Senju Yuma’s words sounded from behind.

Boom! ! !

What answered him was a silver skeleton arm growing out from around Izuna’s body.

A palm fell, smashing the earth into pieces.

Senju Yuma, as a Kage-level ninja, avoided this move in advance.

It was pity that the Senju Nin who was standing next to him was directly beaten into pulp by Quan Na’s sudden move.

When Susanoo’s arm moved away, the blurred flesh and blood formed a ball, and Mito Uzumaki behind him almost couldn’t help but vomit.

“That is the deputy chief of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Izuna, who actually killed a ninja from Senju with one move…”

Next to Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki and Hikaru and the others’ eyes widened.

I was extremely shocked by Izuna’s ability to kill the Senju Ninja with one move.

But in fact, there is also an element of carelessness on the part of the other party.

After all, the truce agreement between Senju and Uchiha is still there, and Izuna, as the initiator of the agreement, is the person least likely to stir up trouble in the Uchiha clan.

If it were Madara, Senju Yuma and the others would naturally be more vigilant.

However, at this time, due to the interference of Senju Yuma and the others, all the cooked ducks flew away for Izuna, and her brain was completely occupied by angry emotions.

“Kill our clan members and the truce agreement between the two parties will end. Do you understand?”

Seeing that one of his jounin was killed, Senju Yuma said coldly.

“I understand your mother!”

Izuna completely released Susanoo, and Susanoo, who originally only had one layer of ribs and one arm, quickly grew an entire upper body of a skeleton.

Then the muscle veins cover it, transforming into Susanoo’s second form!

It’s not over yet!

Two legs also grew with the addition of Senna’s chakra, turning into a ten-meter-tall giant, like an evil ghost from hell, looking down at Senju Yuma and others.

“This, what kind of ninjutsu is this!”

As an old rival of Uchiha, Senju has long studied their clan thoroughly, but he has never seen this move before.

Cold sweat was constantly dripping from the side of Uzumaki Mito’s pretty face. His perception ability was tightly locked on Izuna, and he murmured: “Good, so cold…such evil chakra…”

Uzumaki Guanghai next to him said in a deep voice: “Hiyori, Hiyori, protect Mito.”

Upon hearing this, the two Uzumaki ninjas quickly stood in front of Uzumaki Mito to prevent the battle from affecting the Uzumaki princess who was not good at fighting.

“Uzumaki Mito?”

Hearing Uzumaki Guanghai’s words not far away, Izuna’s heart moved. That woman is…

“Water Release: Water Bite Explosion Technique!”

At this time, the Senju Tengye seal was used, and through the river created by the three tails, two waterspouts rose from the river and rushed towards it.

“Since I came to this world, this is the first time I want to kill people so much. You all should die!”

Anyway, they were found to have entered the Kingdom of Whirlpool. For the Senju who wanted to break the truce agreement, even if Izuna himself didn’t take action, they would try their best to force him to take action.

In this case, it’s better to simply kill him!

Susanoo waved his sword and cut the Grade B water in half like cotton.

Taking advantage of the huge gap in stature, Susanoo took two steps and stood in front of Senju Tengha and the others.

Susanoo’s Sword, fall!


Senju Tengha shouted, and the three jonin dodged in three different directions at the same time.

The ground was shattered by a sword again, but the three of them were experienced in many battles and were jonins from the Senju clan. This frontal attack could not kill them.

With blood and tears streaming down her right eye, Izuna glanced at the Senju Nin who was the slowest to dodge.


Boom ho ho! ! !

Before the Jonin could react, he saw a black shadow passing in front of his eyes, and then a black flame burned in his chest.

“Uh ah ah! What, what is this!!”

Hit by Amaterasu, he fell from the air and rolled in the water, but the flames showed no sign of extinguishing.

In panic, he could only quickly take off his armor.

boom! ! !

At this time, Susanoo’s sword fell, splitting his body in half before he could make the next move!


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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