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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 76 76 Izuna and Mito (Part 2)

In the Land of Fire, in a small town on the coast.

Quan Nai found the hotel and booked only one room. Then the clerk immediately took the two of them to the hotel on the second floor. “Sir and Madam, please have a good rest. Do you have any other instructions?”

Hearing the clerk address him and Uchiha Izuna, Uzumaki Mito became angry. Who is related to this bastard?

“Get me a pen and paper, and the sooner the better.”

Quan Nai threw a silver coin to the other party.

“Okay, don’t worry, I’ll be here soon.”

After receiving the tip, the clerk immediately went downstairs to prepare.

It can be said that as soon as the two of them walked in, the clerk came up with paper and pen.

Having money means getting things done easily.

Quan Nai sat down with a pen and paper and quickly began to write a letter.

Uzumaki Mito stood at the door not knowing why. In the end, he just leaned against the window and stared out the window quietly.

Anyway, he is just a hostage now.

Soon, Quan Nai finished writing the letter, bit her finger, quickly formed a seal, and pressed the palm of her right hand on the table, “Psychic technique!”


A burst of white smoke filled the air, and what came into view was a black and gray Ninja Eagle.

Izuna rolled up the letter, stuffed it into the base of Ninja’s legs, and let it fly out.

“Do you want to take me back to the Uchiha clan?”

Uzumaki Mito asked abruptly.

“Who told you I was going back?”

Quan Nai, who was in front of the window sill, turned around and asked.

Uzumaki Mito frowned in confusion, “You are all facing a joint attack from Senju and Uzumaki. Why don’t you, the deputy chief, go back and take charge of the overall situation?”

“Of course I have my own plans, so don’t think too much about the captives.”

Quan Nai found a quilt from the cabinet in the room, spread it on the floor and lay down, “It’s already very late, go to bed.”

Uzumaki Mito was quite troubled in her heart. Although she did not share the same bed, how could she, an untouched young girl, sleep in the same room with a man?

Soon, the sound of breathing in and out from Quan Nai, who was lying on the floor in a deep sleep, could be heard.

Uzumaki Mito thought, should he escape while he was sleeping?

But as soon as this idea came up, Uzumaki Mito himself rejected it in his heart.

I have seen the fighting situation in the Kingdom of Whirlpool before. The strength of this Uchiha Izuna can be compared with the leader of the Senju clan, Senju Yuma. He can even use the secret technique of the chakra giant that he has never seen before. Be sure to gain the upper hand.

How could such a person escape under his nose?

But when he heard the sound of sleeping sound coming from Quan Na’s mouth, Uzumaki Mito couldn’t help but, with the attitude of giving it a try, he quietly walked around Quan Na’s head, opened the door to the room, and fled outside.

However, when Uzumaki Mito took two steps out of the room, his vision suddenly blurred and his whole body seemed to be paralyzed and he fell to his knees.

Everything at the moment became blurry, and a chaotic dizziness surged through my mind.

Uzumaki Mito’s eyes widened. He hadn’t noticed that his eyes had turned into three magatama sharingan eyes. He put his hands on the ground and said in disbelief: “This, this is…an illusion!?”

“Transfer seal, this is a technique I invented, isn’t it pretty good?”

Izuna’s voice sounded faintly from behind. Uzumaki Mito was shocked and wanted to turn his head away, but his body was controlled by the genjutsu and was unable to move.

Izuna walked to Uzumaki Mito and squatted down, putting a hand on her shoulder, and chakra rushed into the other person’s body, “Relieve!”

In an instant, Uzumaki Mito’s body softened and fell into Izuna’s arms.

“you you……”

Uzumaki Mito was ashamed and angry, his eyes filled with unwillingness.

Izuna, who was born in the 21st century, did not have the old concept of men and women like Uzumaki Mito, so she directly carried him back to the room and said at the same time: “Seal the ‘skill’ and ‘condition’ into the other person’s eyes together. Once the ‘condition’ is met, The technique will be released automatically, well, the technique I sealed in your eyes is the dormancy of the Sharingan, and the condition is when you are ready to escape.”

With that said, Izuna put Mito on the bed. Now he was no longer sleepy. He sat cross-legged on the ground, formed a Thunder Release Shadow clone, and simply started practicing senjutsu in front of Uzumaki Mito.

Anyway, this is not something that needs to be hidden.

Uzumaki Mito was tickled by this lucky move by Izuna. When he sensed the changes in the chakra on Izuna’s body, the anger in his eyes turned into curiosity.

At the moment when Quan Na’s body changed, the Thunder Release Shadow clone next to him quickly took action and hit Quan Na’s body on the back with a palm full of chakra, waking it up and restoring its body to its original state.

“Still not working?”

Quan Na complained to herself.

The effect of the illusion had not been completely eliminated. Uzumaki Mito, who was leaning on the corner of the bed, suddenly said: “The way you practice this new chakra can easily cause their turbulence. If you don’t find a way to control them, you will never succeed.”


Quan Nai turned his back to the other party and replied coldly.

If you knew how to control it, would you still need to go to such trouble?

Uzumaki Mito, who had a good education since childhood, became very angry when Izuna scolded him like this. He snorted: “You don’t know good people’s hearts. I’m just reminding you. If there are any of us from the Uzumaki clan…”

At this point, Uzumaki Mito suddenly realized that he had said something he shouldn’t have said and quickly shut up.

“What did you say?”

Izuna also noticed the abnormality in Uzumaki Mito’s words and asked immediately.

“Nothing, I’m going to sleep.”

Uzumaki Mito pretended to be annoyed, turned over the quilt, and covered her head in the quilt.

After lying there for a long time, Uzumaki Mito noticed that Izuna was not making any movement. He couldn’t help but loosen a corner of the quilt and peeked out with a beautiful eye.

I saw Quan Nai starting to practice again.

“Don’t hold me hostage?”

Uzumaki Mito frowned slightly and couldn’t help but secretly thought in his heart.

She was already prepared to be controlled by Izuna’s Sharingan, but she didn’t expect that the other party didn’t do so.

On the other side, the Uchiha were fighting at the front line of the battlefield with the Sarutobi Shimura clan, in a temporary camp.

Uchiha Yanhuo had a Ninja Eagle responsible for delivering messages standing on his shoulders. He strode into Madara’s camp and reported: “Clan leader, there is a secret message from the Ninja Eagle of the deputy clan leader.”

When Madara, who was looking at the map, heard this, he quickly raised his head and waved to the Ninja Eagle on Uchiha Flame’s shoulder.

The Ninja Eagle flapped its wings, flew to Madara’s arm, and took out the secret message hidden at the Ninja Eagle’s ankle.

The further he looked down, the tighter Madara’s fists clenched.

After reading all the letters, Madara immediately took out the pen and paper, wrote straight, and wrote the letter at an extremely fast speed.

“As quickly as possible, deliver this letter to Yue Uchiha who is guarding Congyun Mountain.”

After Madara closed the envelope, he handed it to Uchiha Yanhuo.


Uchiha Fire nodded and replied.


Madara spoke in a deep voice, “Notify all clan members to retreat!”


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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