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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 80 80 Quan Na’s Northern Operation

“Have you heard? The Senju and Uchiha are going to war again!”

“I’ve heard about it too, but it’s said that they each have their own opinions. They clearly signed a three-year truce agreement, but it’s only been broken halfway through.”

“Tell me, which side broke the agreement first?”

“I think it’s the Uchiha. I’ve hired both ninjas from these two clans. I feel like the Senju people are easier to get along with.”

In a small inn on the official road in the northern part of the Country of Fire.

A group of merchants and civilians were discussing the current rumors about the war between Senju and Uchiha after a year and a half.

However, in the midst of the heated discussion, they did not notice that in the corner of the post house, a man and a woman were sitting opposite each other, drinking tea and eating meatballs, taking a break.

“We are about to start a war with the Senju. What do you, the deputy leader, want to do if you don’t go back quickly?”

The woman’s voice was ethereal and sweet, but she was only sixteen or seventeen years old. From her tone, you could vaguely hear her confusion and confusion.

The man responded calmly: “I am participating in the war in my own way. I really want to kill Senju Yuma. To be honest, your grandfather is also one of the targets.”

This man and woman are naturally Izuna and Uzumaki Mito.

When I heard Izuna say that he wanted to kill his grandfather, Mito Uzumaki frowned slightly and pouted in dissatisfaction. However, when he thought that the other party was originally an enemy of his own clan, he had nothing to say and could only suppress his temper. Inside the belly.

After putting the last meatball on the bamboo skewer into his mouth and leaving a few copper coins on the table, Quan Nai stood up and said, “Let’s go.”

Uzumaki Mito pursed his lips and followed in small steps.

The two of them have been traveling together for almost half a month, and Uzumaki Mito himself feels that he is almost used to this situation.

But as soon as this thought occurred, Uzumaki Mito shook his head hard and drove it out of his mind.

What are you thinking about yourself!

He kidnapped his own person!

This area is already considered the northern border of the Country of Fire. Going further north, you will pass through the dense forest area of ​​the Country of Fire and enter a wetland.

Although it is not desolate, it is indeed a bit inferior to the fertile wilderness of the Fire Country.

It’s no wonder that in the later Ninja War, the other four countries were trying to fight against the Fire Nation.

After Izuna took Uzumaki Mito out of the inn, they entered a wet area and then headed north for more than a week to reach the future border of the Land of Thunder.

Of course, like the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Thunder has not yet established a nation.

The two of them didn’t stop until night. Quan Nai found a suitable location for camping, made a fire, caught two hares, and roasted them on the fire rack.

“Why did you come so far away?”

Mito Uzumaki was sitting on the other side of the fire and couldn’t help but ask.

“Thanks to Senju Yuma and your grandfather, I had to spend so much effort.”

With a hint of resentment in her tone, Izuna took off a hare and handed it to Uzumaki Mito.

Mito Uzumaki raised his eyebrows slightly, but still took the roasted hare. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized: “You, your target is the tailed beast!”

“You know tailed beasts?”

Izuna couldn’t speak clearly while chewing rabbit meat in her mouth.

At the same time, I was a little surprised, because among the Uchiha clan, they were called “monsters with amazing chakra”.

Unexpectedly, Uzumaki Mito opened his mouth and said the name “Tailed Beast”.

“Of course, according to the history handed down from our whirlpool, there are nine tailed beasts in total. From one tail to nine tails, they are all monsters evolved from chakra. A long time ago, they also fought with humans. Even if humans exhausted The power kills them, and as long as some time passes, they will be resurrected…”

Speaking of the latter, Uzumaki Mito’s mouth felt a little dry, and he subconsciously swept his lips with his tender tongue.

Quan Na threw the kettle over and said, “Drink.”

Uzumaki Mito picked up the kettle, took a sip, and spurted it out. He shouted at Izumi Naiko: “This, how can this be wine!?”

Quan Nai smiled hoarsely, “You don’t know how to drink?”

Uzumaki Mito threw the kettle back angrily, and Izuna took it and took a sip.

Mito Uzumaki didn’t continue talking, and took big bites of the rabbit meat. However, the grilled food was already dry, and after a few bites, she felt her lips and throat became even more uncomfortable.

Quan Nai stood up and said, “Wait for me, I’ll go find water.”

After saying that, Quan Nai turned around and walked towards the other side.

Uzumaki Mito stared at his back quietly and whispered to himself: “He is not a bad person…”

As soon as he said this, Uzumaki Mito suddenly realized the contradiction between his position and his, and stopped in time to stop thinking about this matter.

Under the light of the fire, Uzumaki Mito’s pretty face looked even more charming.

“What are you thinking about?”

I don’t know how long it took, but Izuna’s voice suddenly sounded in my ears, which made Uzumaki Mito wake up. He turned his head and looked to the side, only to see that Izuna had returned.

“No, it’s nothing. Water, where’s the water?”

Uzumaki Mito said in a panic.

Go ahead. Quan Nai glanced at her suspiciously and put the kettle on the fire. “The water here doesn’t feel very clean. Just in case, let’s boil it and drink it, so that you women won’t feel uncomfortable.”

Uzumaki Mito blinked, “Aunt, what aunt?”

Quan Na felt ashamed. There is no such thing as calling menstruation “aunt” in this world!

“It’s…that thing you women have to bleed on those few days every month.”

Quan Nai explained awkwardly.

“On those days of the month, bleeding…”

Uzumaki Mito thought for a moment, then his pretty face turned redder and redder, and he slapped Izuna, “You, you, scoundrel!”

Seeing that a slap was about to hit her face, Izuna held the other hand that Uzumaki Mito had slapped with her other hand.

Uzumaki Mito was so angry that he didn’t think much and turned his other hand into a slap.

Izuna ignored the kettle and threw it directly into the fire, grabbing Uzumaki Mito’s palm with her other hand.

After his hands were bound, Uzumaki Mito was still unconvinced and stomped on him.

“Still coming? You’ve had enough!”

Quan Nai said quickly, isn’t it just to say “aunt”? If I were to tell you dirty jokes about my past life, would you just come and seal all the corpses away?

The hands moved slightly, releasing some chakra, which shocked the body of Uzumaki Mito, causing the Uzumaki princess who was good at sealing but not good at fighting to tilt her body and fall forward onto Izuna’s chest.

Time stood still for a moment, and the atmosphere in the air was filled with a hint of sweetness and ambiguity.

Izuna couldn’t help but slowly lowered the hand holding Uzumaki Mito, and instead hugged her slender waist.

Well, men are all big pigs, and they fall in love with each one they meet.

There is some truth in what he said. Only now that Izuna has feelings for Uzumaki Mito, he would do this. Eighty percent of it is because of Uzumaki Mito’s beautiful face.

But isn’t the first motivation for men to pursue women because of their faces?


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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