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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 82 82 Feelings

In the original work, in addition to how Senju Hashirama practiced senjutsu, Madara and Uchiha Sasuke both obtained the power of six paths and were forced to awaken.

Uzumaki Naruto, Jiraiya, Kabuto and others all learned their skills in the three major immortal places. Therefore, Uzumaki Mito pointed out the shortcomings of Izuna’s self-taught senjutsu, which is enough to show that she is indeed very accomplished in this area.

Although Tsunade’s senjutsu training place is Shigun Forest, many people speculate that the senjutsu training place of Senju Hashirama, Tsunade’s grandfather, is also Shigun Forest.

But this has never been confirmed, so it is impossible to say for sure. Perhaps it is possible that Senju Hashirama’s senjutsu training was also helped by Uzumaki Mito.

Quan Na chuckled and replied: “Then let’s get started.”

Facing the other party’s smile, Uzumaki Mito flattened his lips and asked Izuna to wait for a moment.

Then he walked about three meters away, knelt down, and made a mark with his long fingers that Izuna had never seen before.

Uzumaki Mito closed his eyes and began to concentrate chakra. About five minutes later, chakra suddenly appeared in his body. Centered on Izuna, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, a seal array emitting a red halo appeared under him.

From around the sealing formation, four long light whips rose from four directions and connected to Quan Na’s limbs.

But Izuna herself didn’t feel any obvious discomfort.

At this time, I heard Uzumaki Mito on the opposite side say: “It’s time to start.”

Hearing this, Izuna formed seals to generate senjutsu chakra.

As before, when Izuna began to condense the senjutsu chakra, her body was gradually eroded by natural energy, turning into the appearance of the Kimimaro Five in later generations.

Just as clues emerged, Uzumaki Mito’s chakra was introduced into Senna’s body through the red light whip connected to Senna’s body, suppressing the rioting natural energy and returning Senna’s body to its adult form.

Izuna, who closed her eyes to concentrate her chakra, did not feel any of this. She continued to concentrate her senjutsu chakra and tried to control this power for her own use.

The higher the concentration of refined senjutsu chakra, the more frequent the sealing of Izuna’s curse became. Seeing this, Uzumaki Mito could only continue to consume his own chakra to suppress the natural energy.

The principle of this sealing technique is the same as the method adopted by Yamato to prevent the Nine-Tails’ energy from going wild when Uzumaki Naruto practiced Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken in later generations.

But Izuna’s level was not at the same level as Naruto at that time, and Uzumaki Mito also had to spend more chakra and energy to suppress it.

Time gradually passed from morning to noon. Finally, large beads of sweat fell on Uzumaki Mito’s head, and her bright red face gradually turned pale. Her chakra was about to be exhausted.


Uzumaki Mito couldn’t maintain the seal to deliver chakra. After letting out a cry, he put his hands on the ground and gasped softly.

The sealing array under her body and the chakra light whip connecting her body disappeared. Izuna naturally felt it and immediately opened her eyes and looked towards Uzumaki Mito.

Seeing the pale face of the other party, Izuna quickly ran over without thinking, lowered her body and held Mito Uzumaki’s shoulders, and asked worriedly: “Are you okay?”

A strand of red hair bangs stuck to his face due to sweat, giving Uzumaki Mito a messy beauty.

Shaking his head, Uzumaki Mito said with difficulty: “It’s just that the chakra is exhausted, no, it’s okay.”

Quan Na pushed the bangs that were scattered on her face behind her ears, and gently wiped the sweat on her forehead with her sleeves, “Take a rest first, and that’s it for today.”

Regarding Izuna’s rather intimate move, Uzumaki Mito pursed his lips tightly. In the fierce inner struggle, he finally did not refuse. After pretending to be calm and nodding, he turned his head to the side and stopped looking at the other party.

He carried Princess Mito Uzumaki to a tree and lay down half against the tree. Through the memory transmitted back by the shadow clone, Izuna knew that not long after Mito Uzumaki began to assist her in practicing sensu, all the shadow clones disappeared.

Just like the principle of “looking to the left and looking to the right at the same time”, refining senjutsu chakra requires high-intensity concentration.

When it reaches a certain level, energy can no longer be dispersed to the shadow clone.

During this period, the shadow clone did not find any clues about Erwei.

Glancing at Uzumaki Mito, who was resting half against a tree trunk, Izuna took out a shadow clone and searched again.


After sending out the shadow clone, Izuna sat next to Uzumaki Mito and said, “Do you believe in the dream of creating a village where all ninjas can live in harmony?”

Hearing the change in the other person’s address to him, Uzumaki Mito’s delicate body trembled slightly as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. When he heard the following question, his eyebrows tightened and he couldn’t help but ask: “Is this possible?”

Izuna couldn’t help but smile. He was not a love saint in his previous life, and he was not very good at getting along with women. He simply mentioned the unattainable dream that Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara discussed when they were young. .

“This was the dream of my idiot brother and another idiot when they were young. Originally, I had no interest in it, but the more I experienced the cruelty of the Warring States Period, the more I could understand their ideal.”

Speaking of this, Izuna couldn’t help but think of the fact that in order to provoke the conflict between Shimura and the four northwest tribes, as “Kite”, he killed many members of the Uchiha [Zetsu] force.

A flash of unbearability flashed in his eyes, and Quan Na bit his upper lip tightly with his lower teeth, “I… also really want to end this era of war.”

Mito Uzumaki stared at Senna, feeling that he understood him a little better.

“And you?”

Quan Nai looked over and asked, “Do you have any dreams?”

Mito Uzumaki lowered his head, thought for a long time, and said slowly: “My grandfather said when I was very young that I have a high talent for sealing. I am the heir of Uzumaki and I have lived to this day. The purpose of survival is, It is to protect the whirlpool, this…this is my dream…”

After a pause, Uzumaki Mito continued: “Not long ago, Senju Yuma, the leader of the Senju clan, came to my grandfather and asked for an alliance and marriage as a sign of goodwill. Grandpa agreed and decided to let me…”

Speaking of this, Uzumaki Mito paused again and glanced at Izuna with inexplicable emotions in his eyes, “Then he was kidnapped by you.”

Izuna had already used Sharingan to ask these things before, but when Mito Uzumaki said it himself, she still felt quite uncomfortable.

With a thought in his heart, he stretched out his hand to hold Uzumaki Mito’s bare hand. Izuna leaned closer, and their shoulders were close to each other.

Uzumaki Mito’s heart was beating wildly, and he subconsciously wanted to retract his hand, but was held tightly by Izuna.

I wanted to withdraw my hand several times, but I just couldn’t.

After several times with no results, Uzumaki Mito gave up and did not speak. He remained in this state, his heart beating wildly. It was not until the sky turned from noon to dusk that he heard a “gurgling” sound coming from Uzumaki Mito’s stomach. break in.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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