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Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna — Chapter 86 86 The Strongest Thunder Escape·Qilin

There is no doubt that it is an S-level, even superior to ordinary S-level ninjutsu, so that the super-large jade rasengan lands right on the back of the two tails.

Even though it was Erwei, after receiving the blow from the front, his huge body became unstable and hit the ground heavily.

The super-large jade spiral pill kept rubbing and rotating against Qingyan on his back, causing Erwei to cry out in pain.

Quan Na fell from mid-air, and Erwei on the opposite side was already lying on the ground, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

If it were the size of a normal animal, some women would probably hold it in their arms and comfort it.

However, Quan Nai’s steps were quite unsteady as she landed on the ground.

There is no other reason. The chakra consumed by the super-large jade rasengan is simply too exaggerated.

After Uzumaki Naruto perfectly mastered the Sage Mode, he used the Wind Release and Rasen Shuriken with only two shots.

What’s more, Senna’s Sage mode has not yet been developed, and Uchiha’s chakra capacity is already one point inferior to Senju and Uzumaki, not to mention.

Izuna looked up again, and in less than ten seconds, Erwei, who had just fallen down, actually stood up again.

The wound on the back is being repaired by Qing Yan, healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Sure enough, his abilities are very similar to Marco’s.”

Izuna murmured in her heart that in the future, Hidan’s two idiots, who were not even close to Kage level, could capture the second tail only by virtue of their perverted immortality ability.

Izuna does not intend to use the Mangekyō Sharingan’s ability in this battle.

Immortal Chakra can only relieve new injuries, but cannot heal old ones. The kaleidoscope should be used sparingly.

The second tail struck with a palm again, but Izuna immediately avoided it with Flying Thunder God.

Appeared a hundred meters away.

Looking at the two tails who had recovered 50% from their injuries, Izuna thought to herself: “In this case, I can only use stronger ninjutsu to attack… Tsk, although I’m not very good at it, I’ll just use that move.”

Forming the “Yin” seal, Quan Nai’s cheeks bulged slightly, “Fire Release·Multiple Fire Dragon Flame Bullets!”

Erwei looked stunned. Fire Escape can be said to be the most ineffective attribute for him.

After fighting for several rounds, I believe that humans already know this.

In this case, why did he insist on using fire escape to attack?

Not thinking too much, Erwei prepared to gather chakra to fight back.

At this critical moment, flying thunder god kunai emerged from several giant flame dragons. The fire dragon suddenly changed its direction and did not hit the two tails, but flew towards the sky.

Izuna disappeared instantly, and in an instant, there seemed to be dozens of Uchiha Izuna flashing around Erwei.

Flying Thunder God kills in succession!


Whenever Erwei wants to attack Izuna, he has used the Flying Thunder God to move to another direction.

In a fit of rage, the green flames all over Erwei’s body swelled and exploded, sweeping all around.

The flames swept across and everything on the ground was reduced to ashes in an instant!

“You used fire, which helped me a lot. Originally, it would take a while to prepare for this technique just by relying on my fire escape.”

Izuna’s voice sounded from behind.

The second tail turned around and saw Izuna standing on a huge rock. She was wearing black clothes and had some degree of burns on her left arm and ankle due to her fire escape just now.

“Haven’t you noticed yet?”

Quan Na reminded again.

As his words fell, a muffled thunderous sound of “bang” came from the dark clouds above his head.

Looking up, dense thunder and lightning burst out from the dark clouds from time to time, as if to intimidate me.

Wow, wow~~~

Heavy rain began to fall, but it failed to extinguish the special flames left by those two tails on the lawn.

Bah, bah! ! !

Izuna’s left hand also emitted silvery white lightning. The fire dragon flame bullets just now and the two tails’ fire escape created conditions for creating thunder and lightning.

Seeing Izuna raising her left hand that was shining with lightning, Erwei felt an ominous premonition in his heart and rushed towards Izuna, hoping to resolve the battle quickly.

“Fall with the thunder, Erwei.”

The electric light in Quan Nai’s hand was like a fuse lighting up explosives. The moment it reached the dark clouds in the sky, a roaring thunder electric beast was pulled out from the clouds.


A few miles away, Mito, who was waiting for Izuna, suddenly saw a dazzling silver light shining in the direction of Izuna as he left.

Immediately afterwards, there was a deafening explosion and an earthquake that almost made him fall to the ground.

what happens?

Mito’s heart tightened, he didn’t have time to think of anything else, and immediately rushed over there.

The land was scorched black and broken by lightning.

The huge rock under Izuna’s feet also turned into fragments with the aftermath.

The dark clouds created by the Fire Release gradually dispersed, and facing a ray of sunlight, Izuna, who had also consumed most of his chakra, walked towards the fallen Erwei.

It hasn’t lost consciousness yet, but even with its recovery ability, it won’t be able to fight for a short time.

“Uchiha Izuna, this is the name of the person who wants to sign a psychic contract with you.”

Izuna walked up to Erwei and used psychic techniques to summon the huge scroll that signed the psychic contract.

“Signing a new psychic ninja beast requires the blood of the contractor and the ninja beast. You are the first, second tail. If you don’t want to experience the feeling of being controlled by the kaleidoscope, you’d better cooperate with me.”

After saying that, Izuna took out a new flying thunder god kunai, cut the fleshy balls on the soles of the two tails, and drew a psychic array.

Then he opened the scroll again, cut his finger on the blank scroll, and wrote the words “Uchiha Izuna”.

Putting the scroll in the center of the psychic array, Izuna knelt down on one knee and input chakra into it.

Due to the contract, Senna’s chakra instantly poured into the two tails.

Feeling Senna’s chakra, the second-tailed pupils suddenly shrank and stared at Senna, “Uchiha… Senna!”

Unfazed by Erwei’s almost threatening look, Izuna chuckled and shrugged, “I said, let’s get along well. We don’t need to talk through the kaleidoscope. It’s good for you and me.”

After channeling the scroll back, a white shadow fell next to Izuna. Seeing the fallen two-tails, he couldn’t help but exclaimed, “This…is the tailed beast?”

Quan Nai sat on the ground and said with a smile: “The sealing technique of your Uzumaki clan has an excellent restraint effect on them. If it causes trouble after its injury recovers, let it see it.”

Uzumaki Mito was so surprised that he couldn’t describe it for a moment. The huge amount of chakra in the two tails detected by his perception technique could roughly predict its strength.

And Quan Nai actually defeated it?

Mito then turned his attention to Izuna, his charming face trembling slightly, “Are you injured?”

Come to think of it, how could you not get hurt when fighting against such a monster?

“You know medical ninjutsu? Then help me treat it? It would also be good if there is a knee pillow for me to lie on.”

Izuna smiled lightly and said Hanamichi, and after experiencing a very difficult battle, teasing the Uzumaki Princess made her feel a little happier.


Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Naruto’s Eyes Emperor Izuna

Status: Completed Author:


Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons.


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