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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 078

Chapter 78 Don’t be silly Luffy, Nami Robin has returned to Luo Xiu! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Even Blackbeard didn’t expect that things would turn out to be like this!

Originally, when Magellan, the warden of the advancing city, appeared just after he arrived in the Infinite Hell, and hit him hard.

Blackbeard is already almost desperate, and even ready to have his ambitions not yet realized, he has not obtained Whitebeard’s shock fruit ability, nor has he become One Piece, so he is mentally prepared to die in Advance City!

As a result, the appearance of Shanks and the red-haired pirates gave Blackbeard hope again, making him feel that he had a chance to escape from the city.

Compared with recruiting those strong people in the Infinite Hell to become his subordinates, it is obvious that his own life is more important!

However, before Blackbeard could start running, Dorag, as the leader of the revolutionary army, also came to this infinite hell, and even, instantly attracted Magellan’s hatred!

The occurrence of this situation gave him, Blackbeard, who was the first to invade Advance City, the best chance!

The entire prisoners of the Infinite Hell were all released by him taking the lead, and Blackbeard’s purpose of coming to this city was successfully achieved!

“Thief hahahaha….. Shanks! Dorag! You say, how can I thank you both? ”

“If it weren’t for the two of you, I wouldn’t have released all the prisoners of the Infinite Hell, even if I wanted to leave this Advance City, I’m afraid it would not be easy to do!”

Blackbeard’s words made Shanks and Dorag’s faces instantly become extremely gloomy, Rao was the two of them, and they didn’t expect such a situation!

It can only be said that Magellan’s guy was too desperate just now, so that the two of them did not have the effort to pay attention to Blackbeard’s movements at all, except for the same all-out burst to resist Magellan’s attack.

Even the two of them were like this, not to mention Magellan, the warden of Advance City!

At this time, Magellan’s lungs were almost exploded, and he threw away Dorag and dragged his arm, panting heavily, and roared angrily at the blackbeard on the opposite side.

“Blackbeard! You guy is looking for death! ”

After taking a deep breath, Shanks raised the griffin in his hand, the tip of the knife pointed directly at Blackbeard, his eyes were cold to the extreme, and his face was gloomy.

“Tichy! Do you know what a huge upheaval the whole world will cause when you do this? ”

However, all the prisoners who are qualified to be imprisoned in this infinite hell all have a good strength even in the new world.

It took the Navy decades to imprison so many strong people, and as a result, this guy Blackbeard, in just a few minutes, ruined the Navy’s decades of efforts!

Even Shanks couldn’t imagine what a terrifying 900 chaos it would cause if all of these guys were brought back to the new world!

However, after hearing Shanks’ righteous words, Blackbeard couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Shanks! This kind of words come out of your mouth, how ironic it sounds! ”

“Lao Tzu released these prisoners of infinite hell, which will cause great turmoil in the whole world.”

“You and that Dorag next to you, even if you do the same thing, there will be no turmoil, and you will represent justice?”

“Shanks! Lao Tzu really feels disgusting every time he sees you! ”

As Blackbeard’s voice fell, the prisoners suddenly couldn’t help but grin cooperatively.

They also completely understand that for a guy like Shanks, no matter what they do, it is right and righteous!

But if others do the same, it’s evil and unforgivable!

It is worthy of being the four emperors of the new world, at least in terms of skin, it is enough to surpass countless people in the entire world!

Blackbeard’s words made Shanks’ face more and more gloomy, and he wanted to refute Blackbeard, saying that Luffy was different from the other prisoners of Infinite Hell.

Luffy was a young man who inherited Captain Roger’s will and gambled on an arm, but after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea.

Even Shanks himself felt that such a statement was indeed a little too brazen. Dorag let out a long breath and shook his head.

“Magellan, anyway, these prisoners of Infinite Hell were released by this guy because of us, in that case, let’s fight side by side again after a long time and deal with these prisoners together!”

Magellan glanced at Dorag coldly, and Tui spat out a mouthful of venom, without mercy at all.

“After so many years, even you guy Dorag has learned this shameless look!”

Now that I want to fight side by side with myself and deal with these prisoners, what have I done earlier?

In Magellan’s eyes, Dorag and Shanks are no different from Blackbeard!

The members of the revolutionary army who were rescued by the two of them, as well as the straw hat boy, are no different from the prisoners in this infinite hell!

Just like Blackbeard said, the two guys Dorag and Shanks are simply the same!

They are also very good at standing on the moral high ground, taking the lead in occupying the righteous side and labeling the enemy as evil! I didn’t think anything before, but now I think about it, the more disgusting it gets!

Magellan’s attitude of drawing a line made Dorag’s face stiffen, but in the end, Dorag still did not get angry, but took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

“Magellan, even if you want to trouble me, you have to wait until you solve these prisoners of infinite hell!”

“As the warden of Advance City, you don’t want to see these prisoners escape from Advance City and return to the new world, do you?”

Hearing this, Magellan’s face changed, and he glared at Dorag and Shanks viciously, and the anger in his heart was not concealed at all, and he roared lowly.

“Who do you think this situation will happen?”

Magellan really wanted to punch the heads of the two bastards Dorag and Shanks!

If it weren’t for the two of them, Blackbeard who invaded Advance City would have been solved by him a long time ago, and it would have been impossible to give him the opportunity to release the Infinite Hell Prisoners!

As a result, these two bastards, now pretending to be good people, say what to help themselves deal with these prisoners together?

What did you do with the early horse? Can you two die?!”

Dorag and Shanks looked at each other, and their faces became a little ugly, but now is obviously not the time to think about this with Magellan, the most important thing now is to solve Blackbeard and these prisoners of infinite hell!

Dorag’s eyes suddenly froze, and a breeze appeared beside him, and under Dorag’s control, this breeze condensed into a wind blade and was held in his hand.

Shanks shook the supreme fast knife Griffin in his hand, and the armed color domineering instantly wrapped it in it, and his body began to exude a raging momentum.

Even Magellan did not insult Dorag and Shanks again, and venom began to drip continuously on his body, and his face became terrifying and hideous because of the infiltration of venom.

Seeing this, Blackbeard’s eyes flashed, and without the slightest hesitation, he retreated directly behind the group of prisoners and grinned.

“Hey, hey, hey! Although I have released you, if you want to leave the Advance City, it is still up to you!” After hearing Blackbeard’s words, these prisoners were not only not the slightest dissatisfied, but volunteered to agree. ”

“Of course there is no problem! Lao Tzu has been locked up in this damn infinite hell for so many years, and he has long been looking forward to this day! ”

“Magellan! Lao Tzu has long told you that when Lao Tzu escapes from this damn cage, Lao Tzu will definitely slaughter you with his own hands! You guy, are you ready to die in the hands of Lao Tzu?! ”

“Hey, hey, hey! Magellan is Lao Tzu’s, and Lao Tzu will slaughter Magellan with his own hands! ”

The prisoners screamed, shouting at Magellan, Dorag, and Shanks.

Even Barrett, who had the title of Devil’s Descendant, slammed his fists together and burst out with a dull sound, looking at Shanks on the opposite side and laughing viciously.

“Shanks, let me see what kind of strength you, the Four Emperors of the New World, have now!”

Barrett has been very disdainful of Shanks from beginning to end, when he was in Roger’s Pirates, he already had the same strength as Renly, and Shanks was still playing pirate games with Bucky!

If he could, Barrett wouldn’t mind killing Shanks with his own hands and taking away his title of Four Emperors of the New World! In Barrett’s eyes, the so-called partnership has no value at all!

To be precise, in the entire Roger Pirate Group, only Roger, who is the captain, will be put in the eyes of Barrett, in addition, even if it is Renly, Barrett has never paid attention to it!

Red Count Baloric Ledfield, World Breaker Bundy Waldo, Evil Lord Abaro Pizarro, Klockdar, and even Jinping all made a look of excitement.

For these guys, they each have a reason to escape from Advance City, and no matter who stops them, they will definitely not have any possibility of compromise!

Barrett’s eyes flashed a fierce color, and with a fierce step under his feet, a deep pit appeared directly in place, and the descendant of the devil used this power to rush towards the location where Shanks was opposite.

Seeing this, Shanks did not hesitate at all, raised the griffin in his hand, and took the initiative to attack Barrett!

But when he was in Roger’s Pirates, how many times stronger Barrett was than him, and now it’s all a thing of the past!

For Shanks, he doesn’t want to see the prisoners, including Barrett, return to the new world anyway, and cause great turmoil in the whole world!

With the fight between Shanks and Barrett, this big melee in the infinite hell has officially begun!

Those prisoners who had been imprisoned for many years finally escaped from the cage, and they must successfully escape from this damn Advance City at all costs!

Magellan and Dorag, who dared to stop them, must also be completely torn apart by them full of anger!

Magellan roared at Yu no Shiru standing in the rear while launching a crazy offensive against these prisoners with his poisonous fruit ability.

“Hiliu! Are you going to be complicit with these prisoners? Grab your saber and join me against these prisoners! ”

The first thing Hee-ryu did after coming out of the cage was to take out a cigar and put it in his mouth and light it.

At this time, hearing Magellan’s words, a thick white smoke erupted from Hiliu’s mouth, and after a long silence, he finally said slowly.

“Magellan, from the day you locked me up in this infinite hell, I have been a fellow prisoner of these people!”

“Don’t worry, I will personally send you on the road, and I won’t let you suffer too much!”

After speaking, Hiliu did not waste time, directly lifted the saber in his hand, and rushed towards Magellan.

Seeing this, Magellan’s face became even more vicious and distorted, like a crazy release of venom on the prisoners around him, and for a while, a terrifying wailing roar resounded in this infinite hell!

Blackbeard, who was standing at the back, smiled, looked at the big melee in front of him with a look of excitement, and began to carefully select who was suitable to recruit into his Blackbeard Pirate Group!

The previous subordinates, when they were on Banaro Island, were all killed by Luo Xiu, if they didn’t take this opportunity to recruit some suitable subordinates, then whether it was to seize Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit ability, or after the end of that war, to seize territory in the New World, it would not be so easy to do!

At the same time as the unprecedented melee of Infinite Hell began, under the leadership of Beckman, Jesus, and Rakiru and others, Luffy also successfully rescued his partners one by one.

Although they are members of the Straw Hat Pirates, no matter what, Solon, Sanji, and Joba and Brooke do not have Luffy’s deep back and special identity, and naturally they cannot all be imprisoned on the sixth layer.

It can be seen that in addition to the background needed in the new world, even in the prison of Advance City, the background is also needed!

Jesus Bu looked at these members of the Straw Hat Pirates who were full of joy because they escaped from the cage and met their partners again, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

“Usopp, how good it would be if he were still alive…”

After hearing Jesus Bu’s words, Luffy’s joy with the Straw Hat Pirates instantly dissipated, Luffy clenched his fists and looked at Jesus Bu with a firm face.

“Jesus Bu! I will definitely avenge Usopp! Usopphe, my partner! ”

“Luo Xiu, that bastard, not only killed Usopp, but I also had two partners, all of whom were forcibly snatched away by that guy!”

In Luffy’s mind, even when Robin was in the Chambord Islands, he righteously drew a line between himself and the Straw Hat Pirates.

But Luffy still firmly believes that Robin is just like in the capital of seven waters before, just using this way to protect their Straw Hat Pirates, instead of turning his back on them and choosing Luo Xiu!

At that time, when he saw with his own eyes that Nami was also snatched away by Luo Xiu, Luffy’s whole person collapsed, and he has not eased up until now.

Solon, Sanji, Frankie, Brooke, and Choiba also promise Jesus that they will kill Loshou to avenge Usopp and snatch their companions Nami and Robin back by the way!

When Jesus heard this, his eyes were red and he shook his head, and said word by word.

“Revenge is such a thing, of course, it is up to me, the father, to do it myself! When I arrive at the headquarters of the navy later, I must personally blast Luo Xiu’s head!” ”

Obedient to this, Luffy’s eyes suddenly widened, looking at Jesus Bulian and asking.

“Jesus Bu, is Rosho in the headquarters of the Navy now? What about Nami and Robin? Is it also by his side? ”

Without waiting for Jesus to answer, Beckman on the side nodded and said in a deep voice.

“Those two partners of yours are indeed by Luo Xiu’s side, but I think that the two of them seem to have completely devoted themselves to Luo Xiu.”

When the words fell, the scene suddenly became silent, and in the next second, Luffy clenched his fists, looked at Beckman with wide eyes and shouted.

“You talk nonsense! Nami and Robin are our partners! They will definitely not leave us, and they will definitely not choose to follow that bastard of Luo Xiu! ”

“That’s right, that’s right! We’re going to defeat Luo Xiu! Snatch Nami and Robin back! ”

All the members of the Straw Hat Pirates agreed with Luffy’s words, and shouted that they would immediately go to the naval headquarters to defeat Luo Xiu and take back Nami and Robin.

Seeing this situation, Beckman shook his head helplessly, and immediately said nothing more.

Anyway, with his experience as the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate group, as well as the IQ he possessed, Beckman was naturally able to tell that the two women who originally belonged to the members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group seemed to have completely fallen to Luo Xiu!

Only Luffy and his companions are so convinced that Nami and Robin are still members of their Straw Hat Pirates! After learning that Nami and Robin were at the headquarters of the Navy, Luffy was directly resurrected with blood, looking impatient, and roared lowly.

“We’re going to the headquarters of the Navy quickly!” While snatching Nami and Robin, you must also save Ace from the navy! ”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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