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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 080

Chapter 80 Everything is in Luo Xiu’s hands! Sengoku breaks the defense! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Looking at the warship speeding towards the distance, and the words of Blackbeard that echoed over this area, the faces of Shanks, Dorag, and Magellan suddenly turned livid and hideous.

Rao was Shanks and Dorag, and he didn’t expect that things would turn out to be like this.

Obviously, their plan was just to rescue Luffy and his Straw Hat Pirates, as well as Ivankov, Lightning and the others and leave the Advance City immediately.

As a result, Blackbeard, this guy, actually released all the prisoners in the city!

Yes, not only the prisoners of the Infinite Hell, but also the prisoners of the other five floors were released by Blackbeard, and the rest of the prisoners.

It’s just that except for the guys who left on the same warship as Blackbeard, the other prisoners who wanted to escape have all been killed by them.

The most important thing is that the prisoners they killed, even if they add up, there is no way to compare with the threat that those guys in Infinite Hell can bring!

They even didn’t dare to imagine how terrifying the escape of Barrett, the Red Earl, the Evil King, and the guys of the World Breakers would have on this world!

In particular, Blackbeard’s meaning is already very obvious, what he has to do now is to take those guys from Infinite Hell to the Navy headquarters and participate in the war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates!

Just when they were furious, the Redfors of the red-haired pirate group suddenly heard a wail containing boundless pain.


After hearing Luffy’s roar, Shanks and Dorag looked over for the first time, and clearly saw that Luffy was lying on the deck and rolling around, trying to alleviate the pain in this way.

Luffy’s body was already covered in scars, and warm scarlet blood was constantly pouring out of the wounds. Qioba, who is a ship doctor, is kneeling beside Luffy at this time, anxiously stopping Luffy’s bleeding.

Seeing this scene, Dorag was about to go to check on Luffy’s situation, but Shanks took a step faster than him, stepped sharply under his feet, and his figure disappeared instantly, appearing directly next to Luffy.

Dorag’s footsteps suddenly became a little strange, how did he feel, compared to himself, this red-haired Shanks was more like Luffy’s father?

“Luffy, how are you?”

Luffy, who was wailing, couldn’t care to respond to Shanks’ question at all, to be precise, Luffy couldn’t hear what Shanks said at this time!

Bucky on the side glanced at Luffy lying on the deck with a slightly complicated look, and then looked at Shanks and said.

“Straw Hat Kid, this guy is here to protect your ship, if it weren’t for him, your ship would have been destroyed by those Blackbeard guys.”

Hearing this, Shanks was stunned, and then his eyes were suddenly filled with surging killing intent and anger, and he couldn’t wait to cut off Blackbeard’s head with a knife now.

However, at this moment, Magellan, who was still dripping venom on his body, looked at Dorag beside him with a blank eye, and said word by word.

“Dorag! If it weren’t for you two damn bastards, Advance City, how could it have become like this? How could those prisoners in the infinite hell escape! ”

Magellan was about to collapse, as the warden, but finally watched those prisoners escape on warships, Magellan couldn’t wait to kill the two culprits Dorag and Shanks directly!

After hearing Magellan’s words containing boundless anger and killing intent, Dorag’s anger dissipated, replaced by a thick sense of embarrassment and remorse.

Dorag’s hand behind his back waved, signaling for Ivankov to take the men of the revolutionary army to board the ship first.

Ivankov understood what Dorag meant, and even followed Dorag’s instructions, sneaking away from Magellan with Lightning and the others.

At the same time, Beckman, Jesus, and Rachiru and others made the same move as Ivankov, walking towards their Redfors.

In order not to let Magellan notice this, Dorag quickly opened his mouth to attract his attention.

“Don’t worry, Magellan, these prisoners escaped because of us, and we will definitely assist the navy to capture these guys again!”

Magellan was already carried away by anger, except for Dorag in front of him, there was no one else in his eyes, and he spat out a mouthful of venom with anger on his face, and said hatefully.

“Are you farting Dorag! You think I don’t understand you? Say what will assist the Navy in capturing these prisoners, will you really be so kind? ”

As a comrade who once fought side by side, Magellan knows this guy Dorag too well!

What will assist the navy to recapture these escaped prisoners together, if Dorag really has such kindness, will the style of the revolutionary army only provoke a war in the kingdom, and he will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?

Magellan, or those naval officials, knew very well that the revolutionary army led by Dorag was best at provoking disputes in the kingdom and making the rebels and the kingdom’s army war against each other.

Only after the consumption between the two is almost the same, the revolutionary army will hold high the banner of justice and participate in the war!

What is the name of the beautiful name to prevent the senseless attrition of the strength of the revolutionary army, are not the people who die in the war?

Magellan’s blunt words made Dorag’s face turn pale for a while, after catching a glimpse of Ivankov and the others who had boarded their ship out of the corner of his eye.

Dorag did not hesitate at all, and as soon as his thoughts moved, the natural wind and wind fruit ability was launched, and a violent wind surged up, pushing Dorag’s body to fly directly to the ship that had been launched.

Seeing this scene, Magellan suddenly felt fooled, a fierce anger began to erupt in his chest, Magellan roared, three terrifying and vicious poisonous dragons, towards the ship where Dorag was.

“Dorag! Damn you! ”

In the face of this attacking poisonous dragon, Dorag suddenly waved his hands, and a violent wind fell directly from the sky, instantly crashing these three huge dragons into the sea.


As the sea began to storm, Dorag took a deep breath and shouted to Magellan, whose eyes were red.

“Magellan, I won’t shirk my responsibility, those prisoners, I’ll help the navy deal with it!”

“They are going to the headquarters of the Navy now, and I will take someone to support the Navy now!”

Hearing this, without waiting for Magellan to react, Shanks, who was standing on the Redfors, was stunned on the spot, and for the first time he felt that someone could be compared with himself in terms of occupying the great righteousness!

Luffy’s daddy isn’t simple!

Unexpectedly used this excuse to go to the headquarters of the Navy and participate in this war?

While Shanks was stunned, Beckman had also given an order to let the Redfors under their feet begin to move at full speed, and in a blink of an eye, they sailed directly away from the area where the city was located.

Leaving Magellan standing alone at the gate of the city, his fists clenched, his eyes red, and his whole body began to tremble violently with anger.

“Dorag! Shanks! You two damn it! ”

Magellan’s roar echoed over the entire sea, but it could not stop Shanks and Dorag from leaving.

Magellan frantically began to destroy the surrounding objects, using this way to vent the anger in his heart, until after the destruction of the scene, Magellan, who had calmed down, took out a telephone worm with both hands and began to contact the Marshal of the Warring States.

The phone worm rang for a long time before it finally connected, and the confused and dazed question of the Warring States came from inside.

“Magellan? How to contact the old man at this time? Is there something going on? ”

Magellan opened his mouth when he heard this, and for a while he didn’t know how to explain it to the Marshal of the Warring States.

After being silent for a while, when the Warring States wanted to ask again, Magellan finally spoke obscurely.

“Marshal of the Warring States, something happened in the Advance City, and those prisoners in the Infinite Hell all escaped…”

The headquarters of the navy, standing on the execution platform, after hearing this, the pupils opened sharply, and the whole person was directly on the spot, and cold sweat began to drip on the forehead.

As a naval marshal, the Warring States naturally knew very well how powerful those prisoners held in the infinite hell really had!

The threat of letting the prisoners of Infinite Hell escape is even more terrifying than the Four Emperors of a New World! Rao is a Warring States, and at this time, he couldn’t help but swallow his saliva with some difficulty, his voice suddenly became a little hoarse, and he looked at the phone worm in his hand and said in a low tone.

“Magellan, what happened and what would happen?”

Magellan no longer hesitated, sorted out his thoughts, and directly began to describe to the Warring States what happened in the advance of the city.

Listening to Magellan’s story, the Sengoku’s face became more and more gloomy, and due to anger, his body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

Renly and Ace, who were kneeling on the execution table, both noticed the strange appearance of the Warring States, which made them all wonder what happened to make the Marshal of the Warring States become like this.

While the two of them were curious, Sengoku gritted his teeth and squeezed out a voice containing boundless anger from between his teeth.

“Dorag! Shanks! Blackbeard! These three damn bastards! The old man is going to solve these three damn guys with his own hands! ”

In an instant, the Warring States were even a little uncontrollable, and directly burst out an incomparably powerful overlord-colored domineering, and even the towering execution table under his feet became a little shaky.

And Renly and Ace, after hearing the low roar of the Warring States, couldn’t help but be a little frightened. What exactly did these three guys do to make the Warring States angry to this look?

Just when the Warring States were furious about this, Magellan’s irrepressible cry suddenly came from the Shen Talk worm.

“Marshal of the Warring States, I’m sorry, I’m ashamed of your trust, I have no face to continue living, it’s really disappointing for you.”

Sengoku’s pupils contracted sharply when he heard this, and he instantly realized what this guy Magellan wanted to do, and immediately roared at the phone worm.

“Magellan! Are you trying to escape responsibility with death? The old man told you that as the warden of Advance City, you have an unshirkable responsibility to let the prisoners of Infinite Hell escape! ”

“Didn’t you say those guys are coming to Marin Fando right now? The old man, in his capacity as a marshal of the navy, ordered you to come to Marin Fandor immediately and capture all those prisoners! ”

“This is your responsibility as the warden of Advance City, and it must be carried out immediately!”

Under the nervous gaze of the Warring States, Magellan on the other side of the phone worm was silent for a long time, until the Warring States couldn’t help but want to continue to provoke Magellan in this way, he finally choked up and said…

“Yes! Marshal of the Warring States! I’ll set off for Marin Fandor now, I’ll definitely kill those bastards with my own hands!” ”

Sengoku breathed a deep sigh of relief when he heard this, and said in a deep voice to the phone worm.

“Good! The old man is waiting for you in Marin Fandor! ”

After the phone worm hung up, the Warring States finally couldn’t hold back the anger in his heart, his forehead was bruised, and his face became a little hideous and distorted.

Seeing this situation, Reilly rolled his eyes and looked at the Warring States and said slowly.

“Warring States, I said before, let this war end here, if you listen to me earlier, how can the incident evolve into the current situation.”

Renly had already guessed that the reason why the Shanks guy would invade the city with the red-haired pirates was to rescue Luffy’s kid.

Now that the purpose has been achieved, then they will come to the naval headquarters to rescue themselves and Ace! It is precisely because of this that Renly will now completely let go of his heart.

After hearing Renly’s words, the Sengoku footsteps instantly stopped, and he turned his head sharply to look at Renly, looking at the wistful smile on Renly’s face, Warring States could no longer control the anger in his heart.


Sengoku raised his right foot and kicked Renly’s disgusting face, and the huge force made Renly’s body roll uncontrollably on the execution table.

If it weren’t for the shackles of shackles, just this kick, I’m afraid Renly would have fallen directly from the execution table! Ace’s whole person was dumbfounded on the spot, stunned to watch this scene, he could clearly see that after Renly was kicked by the Warring States, his face was swelling rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even Ace was caught off guard by the Warring States, let alone Renly as a party! Renly struggled to sit up from the execution table, glared angrily at Sengoku, and roared lowly.

“Sengoku! You bastard, why are you doing this to me?! ”

Sengoku looked at Renly without showing weakness, his eyes filled with lingering raging anger, and he said word by word.

“The old man doesn’t just want to do this to you! The old man will also kill you bastard in front of the whole world! ”

Feeling the cold killing intent emanating from Sengoku’s body, Renly gasped and stared at him, but did not say anything more.

For fear that after he completely angered the Warring States, this guy from the Warring States did not follow the rules, and did not wait for the time to come, so he cut himself first.

In that case, he, the Hades King, Rayleigh, would die too badly!

What happened on the execution table was not only visible to these people in the Navy headquarters, but also spread 1.8 to every corner of the world through the live broadcast phone worm.

Everyone was a little curious about what happened to make Sengoku, who was a naval marshal, act so irrationally.

Even the whitebeard couldn’t help but glance at the Warring States, surprised by the rare irrationality of this old opponent who had always been calm and calm.

And Luo Xiu became so strange after seeing that the Warring States were connecting a phone worm and listening to the other party’s report, and even kicked Reilly over.

This situation made the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth couldn’t help but curl slightly, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

Luo Xiu slashed at Karp with an understatement, although with Luo Xiu’s strength, he could easily defeat Karp, or even kill him directly, but Luo Xiu did not do this, but used this way to play the naval hero.

The reason why this is so is because Luo Xiu’s trial of Karp has not yet arrived! But now it seems that this best time is about to come!

“Lieutenant General Karp, it seems that your own grandson, the Straw Hat Kid, has been successfully rescued from Advance City.”

“You say, how long will it take for the straw hat kid to get to the naval headquarters?”

Hearing this, Karp was shocked in his heart, gritted his teeth and smashed his fist towards Luo Xiu, while also roaring lowly.

“Shut up! Luffy, that kid, it’s absolutely impossible to leave Advance City! Even more unlikely to come to Marin Vando! ”

No one wants Luffy to come to the Navy headquarters at this time more than Karp, and if that really happens, even he, the naval hero, will definitely not be able to keep Luffy!

Luo Xiu chuckled when he heard this, and suddenly turned his head to look into the distance, looking at the ships that were heading for the naval headquarters, as well as Saab, the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, who was standing at the bow.

Suddenly looked at Karp again and said with a smile.

“Lieutenant General Karp, it seems that you are going to die in this war with not just two grandsons, but three!”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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