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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 081

Chapter 81: Luo Xiu Revealed! Expose the relationship between Karp and the revolutionary army! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Karp was obviously stunned after hearing Luo Xiu’s words, and in front of Luo Xiu, a guy who knew the identity of Ace and Luffy, Karp obviously did not continue to pretend and sneered.

“The old man only has two grandchildren! But neither Ace nor Luffy will allow you to hurt this guy! ”

When Luo Xiu heard this, he tugged at the corners of his mouth and said playfully.

“Yo, is this what a naval hero does? It’s okay for your grandson to hurt others, and if someone wants to hurt your grandson, that’s not okay.”

“Karp, isn’t it okay to do this earlier? Why pretend to be righteous to deceive those who are ignorant? ”

Karp’s face froze, and for a while he didn’t know how to respond to Luo Xiu’s words.

But at this moment, Karp clearly saw that a strange smile appeared on Luo Xiu’s face on the opposite side, and he looked at himself with a smile and said.

“Lieutenant General Karp, since you said that you only have two grandchildren, then even if I slaughter that guy, you won’t hate me for this?”

When the words fell, Karp followed Luo Xiu’s gaze and looked over, and saw that the ships where the revolutionary army was located were galloping towards the naval headquarters.

And after Saab, who was standing at the bow of the boat at the front, Karp was suddenly stunned on the spot.

“That kid… It’s Saab??? ”

The Karp people were confused, about Ace, Saab, and Luffy drinking and worshipping as brothers, Karp was naturally very clear that when he returned to Windmill Village to visit relatives and saw the three of them together, Karp also tried to get the three of them to join the navy together.

As a result, they all said that they wanted to go to sea to become pirates, which made Karp angry, and he caught three imps and beat them wildly. Sabo was ordered to be bombarded and killed by the Draco when he went to sea, and Karp also heard about it later, and he was angry about it, thinking about finding trouble with the Draco, but in the end he still did not do that kind of thing.

Originally, in Karp’s heart, Ace and Luffy were his closest grandsons, and although Saab joined later, he was also treated like his own grandson.

Karp has long accepted Saab’s death, but what is going on now? How is he still alive?

At the same time that Karp doubted his life for this, Saab, who was standing at the bow of the boat, looked at Ace, who was kneeling on the execution table and was bound by the stone shackles of the sea tower, and shouted loudly.

“Ace! I’m here to save you! ”

Saab’s voice echoed in the sky above 06 of the navy headquarters, making Ace, who was originally saddened by the continuous killing of members of the Whitebeard Pirates, involuntarily diverted his gaze.

When Ace saw Saab, the whole person was directly stunned on the spot, his mouth was wide open, and his face was full of disbelief and doubt.

“Sa… Saab?! ”

Just like Karp just now, Ace was also shocked by Saab’s “resurrection from the dead”, as if he saw a ghost, his eyes widened and stupid in place.

Saab was very satisfied with Ace’s reaction, and just as he was about to say something, a dull voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

Luo Xiu took advantage of Karp’s stunned kung fu, his eyes flashed, stepped down, the whole person directly rose in the air, raised his right foot, and aimed at Karp’s head and pumped it fiercely!


As soon as he kicked down, Karp, who didn’t have time to react, was directly kicked by Luo Xiu, and the huge force struck, causing Karp’s body to crash uncontrollably into the position of the ship where Saab was!

Saab, who was originally planning to respond to Ace, was shocked when he saw this situation, and quickly stretched out his hands and put them against Karp’s body to help him stabilize his figure.

Karp’s hands were as if they were about to explode, and a painful sound unconsciously emitted from the depths of his throat. Saab looked at Karp’s situation with some concern, and asked in a loud voice.

“Mr. Karp, how are you? Is there something wrong? ”

As for the memory before the age of ten, Saab has completely recovered, and of course he also remembers this old man Karp who took great care of him back then.

Moreover, even without this relationship, the mere fact that he was the father of the Dorag leader was enough for Saab to ignore him. Karp shook his head with severe pain, and said in a hoarse voice.

“It’s okay old man, Saab boy, how did you show up at this time? Aren’t you dead? Where the hell have you been all these years? ”

Karp looked Saab up and down, wondering what had happened to the kid and why he was staying with his son’s men.

When Saab heard these concerned words, a warm smile suddenly appeared on his face, and just when he wanted to explain to Karp what he had suffered over the years, a voice suddenly resounded throughout the Navy headquarters.

“Vice Admiral Karp, although I helped you deliver to the ships of these revolutionary troops, you don’t need to thank me.”

“As a naval hero, you shouldn’t turn around and help these revolutionary troops who want to save the sea thieves on the execution platform, right?”

“Come on, Lieutenant General Karp, I believe that you will be able to solve these evil revolutionary troops!”

With Luo Xiu’s voice echoing over the entire Marin Fandor, whether it was the navy present, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, or the remnants of the Roger Pirates, they all involuntarily turned their eyes to Karp and Saab.

Karp’s old face twitched, the whole person was not good, and a bean-sized cold sweat began to appear on his forehead, and he didn’t know what he should do for a while.

The most unacceptable thing for Karp is that Luo Xiu’s guy, I don’t know where to get a live phone worm, at this time he is smiling and pointing the live phone bug at himself and Saab.

Luo Xiu’s behavior allows Karp and Sabo’s every move to spread to every corner of the world through this live phone worm!

Karp can guarantee that everyone watching this public execution is now watching themselves closely to know how they will eventually deal with Saab and these revolutionary troops!

Even Karp’s IQ can figure this out, let alone Saab, who is the second-in-command of the revolutionary army and the chief of staff!

The smile on Saab’s face disappeared instantly, and without hesitation, he smashed his fist towards Karp in front of him, and whispered in his mouth

“Old man Karp, the two of us can only cooperate in a wave of dramas! Otherwise, those guys from the world government will definitely not let you go! ”

Hearing this, Karp nodded without a trace, and also punched Saab.


Their fists collided together, and Karp and Saab slid backwards almost at the same time.

Seeing this scene, the Warring States on the execution table immediately gritted their teeth, and after their faces twitched, the thick anger could no longer be concealed, and it had reached a level that was clearly visible.

“Karp this bastard! Why is every enemy of our Navy related to you bastard! ”

Sengoku was completely furious, and he couldn’t wait to punch Karp’s head on the spot!

Whether it is Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Kid, and Dorag, who is the leader of the revolutionary army, they all have a very deep relationship with Karp.

Now even this revolutionary army imp who suddenly appeared, even knew Karp, and even stepped on the horse with this clumsy performance to try to fool through?

It turns out that even the Warring States can see through Kapu’s botched acting skills at a glance, let alone Luo Xiu!

Luo Xiu took the live phone worm that he had just snatched from the navy, pointed it at the location where Karp and Saab were, and explained to the audience with a smile.

“Oh, it seems that the revolutionary army has more power than everyone knows.”

“Even an unknown teenager of the revolutionary army can be on a par with Karp, a naval hero who has experienced countless wars, personally killed the sea overlord of the year, and arrested One Piece Roger, which is really terrifying.”

Luo Xiu deliberately used this way to be strange when he knew that Rocks was killed by Karp and Roger, and Roger took the initiative to turn himself in.

Let those high-ranking naval officials who know the truth be bad, and their faces instantly become extremely gloomy.

But this time, it was not Luo Xiu who blamed them in their hearts, but Karp, a naval hero who could see at a glance that he was acting!

It is clear that the vast majority of the navy in the headquarters of the navy are desperately trying to win this war, and countless navies have already died.

As a result, your dignified naval hero did not lead the sailors to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, and the remnants of the Roger Pirates.

At least just now, Karp was able to use entanglement of Luo Xiu and prevent Luo Xiu from sabotaging the naval headquarters as the best excuse, but what was he doing now?

In the case of knowing that the arrival of the revolutionary army was not well-intentioned, and also in order to rescue the fire fist Ace on the execution table from the navy, Karp, this old guy, was still acting on a horse?

For a time, except for those navy soldiers who did not know why, all the high-ranking naval officers who knew were full of resentment and dissatisfaction with Karp, a naval hero!

Karp’s face suddenly froze after hearing Luo Xiu’s words, and he suddenly felt like a glow, as if he sensed the dissatisfaction of the Warring States, Zefa, Crane, and the three admirals and other high-ranking naval officials.

In any case, Karp has fought for justice for most of his life, and of course he does not want to be labeled as a betrayal of the navy when he is about to grow old!

Thinking of this, Karp gritted his teeth, stepped fiercely under his feet, and with the help of this force, rushed towards Saab on the opposite side. That raised fist smashed into Saab’s face!


With one punch, Sabo’s body was directly blasted away uncontrollably, even if Saab reacted at the last moment, realizing that Karp’s punch was not acting, and barely blocked his hands in his face.

But the terrifying power contained in Karp’s fist still made Saab a little overwhelmed!


After seeing Saab being punched away, the high-ranking members of the revolutionary army immediately shouted, some of them rushed to Saab to check the situation, and some of them rushed directly to Karp, trying to stop him.

A hint of worry flashed in Karp’s eyes, and he resisted the thought of checking on Saab’s situation.

I couldn’t help but start thinking in my heart, so that he, a naval hero, could also make sense?

Next, pretend to be invincible to the siege of these high-ranking members of the revolutionary army, and pretend to be flown by them. However, just as Karp praised his wit, Luo Xiu’s voice full of laughter sounded again.

Luo Xiu aimed the live phone worm in his hand at Saab, who fell heavily on the ground, deliberately made a gesture of sudden realization, and exclaimed in a lost voice.

“Wow! I just recognized it, it turned out that this young man was the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, Saab, who was the chief of staff! ”

“What a naval hero! Even if he is the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, Lieutenant General Karp will be able to knock the opponent over with one punch! ”

“In this way, even if these high-ranking members of the revolutionary army rush up, it is impossible to have the slightest impact on Lieutenant General Karp, but they will be easily defeated by Lieutenant General Karp like the second-in-command of the revolutionary army!”

Karp was numb, turned his head to look at Luo Xiu, looked at the playful and playful smile on Luo Xiu’s face, Karp’s clenched fists kept creaking, and the bruises on his forehead seemed to want to explode.

If he could, Karp would obviously want to punch this guy Luo Xiu’s head with one punch now!

This guy, knowing Saab’s identity, deliberately did not say that Saab was the second-in-command of the revolutionary army at the beginning, but used this method to guide the navy present and the audience watching this public execution.

Let them feel that Karp, a naval hero, obviously has the strength to easily crush Saab, but he is deliberately acting in this bad way.

Karp has not yet been able to show that Saab is the second-in-command of the revolutionary army.

In order to prove his “innocence” and wash away the “grievances” he was carrying, Karp could only grit his teeth and punch Saab over.

However, as soon as Karp knocked over Saab, Luo Xiu deliberately pretended to be a sudden realization, indicating Saab’s identity, and emphasized many times that Saab is the second-in-command of the revolutionary army!

In this way, even if Karp wants to release water and deliberately pretend to be invincible to the siege of these high-level revolutionary army leaders, it is simply impossible to do it!

At this moment, Karp couldn’t wait to turn around and go to Luo Xiu again, instead of 780 fighting with Saab and these revolutionary army people, it was better to continue to entangle with Luo Xiu!

Unfortunately, this kind of thing can only be thought of, if it really does, then even the Warring States will definitely not let Karp go!

Even if you want to act, you have to act like something, don’t you?

Karp gritted his teeth and could only shake his fist hard, constantly pounding at these high-ranking members of the revolutionary army who surrounded him.

At the same time, Saab also struggled to stand up, shaking his somewhat confused head, and it was a little difficult to recover for a while. Saab did not look at Karp, who was easily crushing the high-ranking members of the revolutionary army, and he could not reveal the relationship between Karp and himself and Dorag, otherwise, it would definitely bring Karp great trouble.

“That guy is the culprit who provoked this war, and the guy who caught Ace and handed it over to the navy!”

Sabo’s gaze turned to Luo Xiu, and he saw Luo Xiu smile and wave his hand to say hello, which made the anger in Sabo’s heart even more turbulent.

For the revolutionary army, all pirates should be eliminated as obstacles in the new era, and extremely dangerous guys like Luo Xiu who do things unscrupulously should be eliminated!

After rescuing Ace, you must find a way to try to kill Luo Xiu!

Thinking of this, Saab shifted his gaze again, looked at Ace on the execution table, and after gritting his teeth, he didn’t waste any more time, and he didn’t even wait for the ship under his feet to dock in the port of the naval headquarters, and with a fierce step under his feet, his body rushed directly towards the position of the execution table.

Karp, who was constantly punching the top of the revolutionary army, couldn’t help but breathe a deep sigh of relief after seeing Saab’s actions.

He is now being pestered by these guys of the revolutionary army, and there is no chance to stop Saab, even if Luo Xiu wants to use this way to yin and yang weirdness, Karp is definitely not afraid!

However, what Karp did not expect was that he was not the only one who noticed Saab’s movements, but Luo Xiu also noticed this.

A trace of essence flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and Sabo, who was originally rushing towards the execution table position, only felt that a restraint suddenly appeared above his body, making him unable to make any movements at all!

“Time stops!”

Those spectators who watched this public execution only felt that the second in command of the revolutionary army in Luo Xiu’s mouth appeared directly on the big screen.

Luo Xiu smiled and looked at Saab, who was bound by his ability to use the fruit of time, and introduced the live phone bug in his hand with great enthusiasm.

“Let me introduce to you, this young man named Saab is indeed the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, and his hometown is the Goya Kingdom from the East China Sea!”

“Some people may not know the name of the Goya Kingdom, but what you need to know is that Lieutenant General Karp’s hometown is in a village below the Goya Kingdom!”

“Doesn’t that seem like a coincidence? IMHO, there are more coincidences! ”

“Because, this second-in-command of the revolutionary army is one of the grandsons of Lieutenant General Karp.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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