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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 082

Chapter 82: Luo Xiu is crazy to provoke trouble! Karp was forced to exterminate his relatives! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

As Luo Xiu’s words fell, the entire naval headquarters, or the entire world, seemed to fall completely silent. Whether it is the naval soldiers at the scene, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, or the remnants of the Roger Pirates, or the people around the world who are watching this public execution.

At this time, they all looked at Luo Xiu blankly, and Saab, who was standing in front of Luo Xiu, bound by his ability to use the fruit of time, had a look of disbelief and doubt on his face.

What did they hear?

The second-in-command of the revolutionary army, Saab, who is the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, turned out to be the grandson of Lieutenant General Karp? What’s wrong with the world? Lieutenant General Karp, how can there be a grandson of the second-in-command of the revolutionary army!

“Luo Xiu! Shut up! ”

When the Warring States on the execution table saw Luo Xiu’s change, an ominous premonition appeared in his heart, and he felt from the beginning that Luo Xiu came to the naval headquarters at this time, and there was definitely a huge conspiracy.

Even if they can’t guess Luo Xiu’s true purpose, the Warring States also have a hunch that what Luo Xiu is planning will definitely make the entire navy suffer greatly!

It turns out that Warring States’ guess is indeed correct, after hearing Luo Xiu so directly reveal the relationship between Karp and Saab, the whole person of Warring States was directly on the spot, anger welled up from his heart, making this naval marshal instantly not calm.

“Luo Xiu! What the hell are you guys up to?! ”

Sengoku glared angrily at Luo Xiu, his eyebrows kept jumping, and the twitching corners of his mouth and cheeks showed what kind of anger this naval marshal contained in his heart.

In the face of the roar of the Warring States, Luo Xiu smiled and aimed the live broadcast phone worm in his hand at the Warring States on the execution table, and greeted him extremely politely.

“Marshal of the Warring States, I’m helping you recognize the relationship between Lieutenant General Karp and this second-in-command of the revolutionary army.”

“Isn’t the revolutionary army the worst enemy of your navy besides pirates? Isn’t it very important to find out the intelligence of the revolutionary army? ”

Sengoku opened his mouth, Rao with his IQ, he didn’t know what to say for a while.

It’s just that the clenched fists keep creaking, and Renly and Ace, who are kneeling beside him, can feel the anger in the hearts of the Warring States very clearly.

Just when the Warring States wanted to say something, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth were slightly hooked, and a strange smile appeared on his face, looking at the Warring States and said slowly.

“Then again, the relationship between Marshal of the Warring States, Lieutenant General Karp and Saab, could it be that you already know about it? That’s why you behave so calmly? Didn’t you mean to blame Lieutenant General Karp at all? ”

“After all, a young and promising junior like Saab, Vice Admiral Karp, as a grandfather, not only did not let him join the navy and fight for justice with you, but allowed the other party to become a member of the revolutionary army.”

“It’s really strange to think about it.”

Luo Xiu’s words resonated with all the sailors present, and when they heard Luo Xiu say that Saab was the grandson of Vice Admiral Karp, a strange emotion had already arisen in their hearts.

Vice Admiral Karp is obviously a hero of their navy, but why did he train a chief of staff for the revolutionary army?

It’s just that they are afraid of the prestige and reputation of Vice Admiral Karp’s naval hero, so that even if these sailors have doubts, they can only press down in the end.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was Luo Xiu, an extremely vicious thief, who asked the doubts they wanted to ask but did not dare to ask!

After the Warring States heard Luo Xiu’s words, his pupils contracted sharply, and a few drops of cold sweat involuntarily appeared on his forehead, and his teeth unconsciously began to tremble slightly.

Luo Xiu, this guy, really wants to take this opportunity to completely subvert their navy!

The Warring States had completely understood that when Luo Xiu almost picked out the relationship between Ming Kapu and Fire Fist Ace before, he did not successfully change the topic and interrupt Luo Xiu’s words that he almost blurted out!

But at that time, Luo Xiu didn’t want to say it directly!

Originally, Sengoku couldn’t figure out why, but now they learned that the advancing city was invaded by the red-haired pirate group, Dorag, and Blackbeard, and the straw hat pirate group was also rescued, and at this time they were rushing to the naval headquarters.

Sengoku understood, everything was figured out!

What Luo Xiu wants to expose is definitely not only one Saab, whether it is Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Kid, or Dorag, the bastard who once betrayed the navy, it is Luo Xiu’s target to expose!

Once the relationship between them and Karp is revealed by Luo Xiu, not only will Karp become a rat across the street that everyone shouts at, but the entire navy will completely lose the trust and support of the public!

Even just thinking about that scene, Sengoku’s entire heart lifted up because of this, and his body trembled slightly because of the fear of that kind of thing happening.

Luo Xiu also pointed that damn live phone worm at himself, so that even if the Warring States wanted to avoid this problem, they couldn’t do it at all!

Sengoku swallowed a mouthful of saliva inexplicably, his voice had become hoarse at some point, and he picked up the megaphone bug and said in a deep voice.

“The old man doesn’t know, but the old man believes in Karp, believes that Karp, as a hero of our Navy, is absolutely impossible to do something that betrays the Navy and justice!”

The words of the Warring States echoed over the entire naval headquarters under the influence of the megaphone worm, so that all the sailors present could not help but breathe a deep sigh of relief after hearing them.

You must know that for these sailors, Vice Admiral Karp, a naval hero, can be called the idol of the vast majority of naval soldiers, and many people are working hard for Karp.

If even Vice Admiral Karp betrayed the navy and betrayed justice, then the belief that supported them to fight the pirates would probably collapse completely!

The Warring States saw the reactions of these sailors in their eyes, which made the Warring States secretly breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, the Warring States clearly saw that a strange smile appeared at the corner of Luo Xiu’s mouth, as if his own way of dealing with it was expected by Luo Xiu!

Sengoku, who sensed that something was wrong, wanted to continue to add something, Luo Xiu looked at the Warring States with a smile and said first.

“Marshal Sengoku is right, and I also believe that Vice Admiral Karp will not betray your navy and the justice that the navy is carrying.”

“The reason why this happened must be caused by the disobedience of Saab’s grandson!”

“But as the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, he must have caused many innocent people to die tragically over the years, right?”

“As far as I know, according to the propaganda of your navy and the world government, these people in the revolutionary army are all more hateful and damn guys than pirates.”

“Therefore, I will help so that your navy can take this opportunity to also dispose of the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, and by the way, you can also wash away the responsibility of Vice Admiral Karp, so that others will not continue to misunderstand the hero of Vice Admiral Karp!”

When the words fell, Luo Xiu turned his head to look at Saab, who was about to break free from the shackles of the ability of the fruit of time, a trace of essence flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly raised his right leg and kicked Saab’s head!


With a dull sound, Saab’s body rolled towards the ship he was originally on and flew out, and the target that Saab crashed into was Karp, who had just solved a group of high-ranking members of the revolutionary army!


While tumbling in the air, Saab uncontrollably let out a bitter wail containing boundless pain from the depths of his throat. Although Saab could guess that Luo Xiu single-handedly provoked this war and let this war evolve into what it is now, there must be a very terrifying conspiracy.

But he still didn’t expect that even he, the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, would become a pawn in Luo Xiu’s conspiracy!

After seeing Saab being kicked away by Luo Xiu, Eston on the execution table was blinded and wanted to roar on the spot.

However, the Sengoku and Renly beside him both noticed this, and the Sengoku pupils contracted violently, and he immediately stepped Ace on the ground, making his face come into close contact with the execution table, and the roar that he originally wanted to make was forced into a vague whimper.

“Hmm! Hmmmm…”

Even if it was just a snort, Sengoku and Reilly could still tell what this guy wanted to say, which made both Sengoku and Reilly very happy, fortunately Sengoku stopped Ace at the last moment.

Once people notice the relationship between Ace and Saab, or even directly stimulate Luo Xiu, let Luo Xiu expose the relationship between Ace and Karp together.

That will definitely cause a huge shock for the navy, and at that time, Rayleigh dares to guarantee that the Warring States will definitely not continue to wait until the prescribed time, but will execute him and Ace on the spot!

Although Saab directly called out Ace’s name when he brought the revolutionary army to the headquarters of the navy at the beginning, neither the naval soldiers at the scene nor the people who were watching this public execution knew the relationship between them!

At this moment, the same thought appeared in the hearts of Warring States and Renly, Ace, this kid, is really brainless!

Obviously Luo Xiu only exposed the relationship between Karp and Saab, do you, the son of Roger, the One Piece King, also want people to know that he was sheltered by Karp and raised as his own grandson?

Sengoku turned off the megaphone worm as soon as possible, and to Ace, who was stepped on the execution table by himself, squeezed out a hoarse and low voice from between his teeth, and said word by word.

“Fire Fist Ace! The old man warns you, from now on, don’t say a word again! ”

“If you dare to expose your relationship with Karp, let alone you, even Karp will be spurned by the whole world because of this!”

Ace, who was still struggling, immediately became completely honest after hearing the words of the Warring States, allowing the Warring States to step on his head and let his face constantly rub on the execution table.

Even, Ace’s heart was full of fear, and cold sweat began to gush out on his forehead.

He finally reacted to what a terrifying impact the words he almost blurted out just now would have on Old Man Karp!

Even Saab’s identity as a revolutionary army can trigger a crisis of trust in Old Man Karp among the sailors.

If you let the navy soldiers and those people know that the son of Roger, the dignified pirate king, grew up under the protection of Karp.

Then I’m afraid that it will really be as the Warring States said, Old Man Karp, a naval hero, will be spurned by the whole world in an instant, and after the World War II countries saw Ace honest, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and turned their eyes to Luo Xiu again, clearly seeing the playful and playful smile on Luo Xiu’s face.

Luo Xiu’s smile made the Warring States angry at the same time, but also full of helplessness.

Even he, the marshal of the navy who was originally known as the wise general, faced with this extremely tricky situation, he didn’t know what to do next!

The Warring States knew very well that with Luo Xiu’s words and actions just now, he had attracted the attention of everyone who was watching this public execution!

It is no exaggeration to say that for the viewers around the world who are watching this public execution, the war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates is no longer so important.

What they want to know more is what kind of explosive news and intelligence Luo Xiu, an extremely vicious thief, can still say!

After Luo Xiu glanced at the Warring States with interest, and Ace, who was trampled under his feet, he smiled and turned the direction of the live phone worm in his hand and aimed at the location of Karp and Saab.

Let the audience around the world can clearly see what kind of attitude this naval hero will use to treat his grandson, chief of staff of the revolutionary army!

Karp looked gloomy as Saab rolled in the air towards him, his eyebrows jumping wildly, and his clenched fists kept making crisp crunches.

Over the past few decades, Karp, who has experienced countless wars large and small, did not know for a while what he should do now. Sengoku saw Karp’s hesitation, and after his cheeks twitched, he raised the megaphone worm again, and shouted low in Kapu’s direction

“Karp! No matter what his status is, since he chose to come to Marin Fandor, he is the enemy of our navy! ”

“As a vice admiral and a hero who is regarded as an idol by all sailors, Karp, you know what exactly you should do now, even Sengoku can’t guarantee, if you don’t interfere, what kind of choice this guy Karp will make in the end.”

This entanglement shown by Karp made Sengoku’s heart full of worry, but he heard Magellan say that Luffy, who was Karp’s own grandson, was coming to the naval headquarters with the red-haired pirate group!

And the bastard guy Dorag also committed the evil act of invading the city, causing all the prisoners of the infinite hell to escape.

After Dorag and the Straw Hat Kid are involved in this war, the position of this guy Karp is really going to become a huge hidden danger!

At this moment, the Warring States were extremely happy, fortunately, he had sent a request for help to the steel bone before, so that the commander-in-chief of the three armies promised to support the navy with his elite.

Otherwise, once those prisoners of Infinite Hell are involved, and this guy Kapu really betrays the navy, then their navy is really in danger!

Karp felt the gaze of the Warring States, and also knew that most of the marines of Marin Fandor were watching him, wanting to know whether he would betray the navy and betray the justice he was carrying.

Just as Saab was about to crash into Karp, Karp’s eyes suddenly darkened, clenched his fists, and smashed a punch on Sabo’s body.


With a punch, the terrifying power made Saab fall down in an instant, and the power wrapped in Saab’s body directly broke the ship under Karp’s feet.

After seeing this scene, the high-ranking members of the revolutionary army could not help but shout loudly.


Ignoring the guys’ shouts, Karp plunged headlong into the sea, fished Saab out of the seabed, and held it tightly in his hand. It is clear that he is a grandson who has been lost for so many years, and it is difficult to meet again, but he has to experience this situation and personally capture Saab, which makes Karp’s heart drip blood.

Saab still covered his head and kept hissing in pain, and at this time, Saab only felt as if his head was about to explode on the spot.

Luo Xiu’s kick just now, if he hadn’t deliberately converged some strength at the last moment, maybe Sabo’s head would really be broken apart by a kick like a watermelon!

Karp pursed his lips without saying a word, holding Saab in his hand, stepping on the moon step, and swept towards the execution table. When passing by Luo Xiu’s side on the way, Luo Xiu clapped his hands and gave a thumbs up and praised.

“Well done, Lieutenant General Karp! Worthy of being a naval hero! Even if your grandson does such an evil thing, you will bring him to justice with your own hands! ”

“Admiration and admiration, it seems that those guys who suspect that you betrayed the navy and suspect that you are sorry for justice should stand up and apologize to you.”

Karp clenched his teeth, the muscles on both sides began to twitch slightly, but in the end he still did not continue to be angry, Luo Xiu’s strength is stronger than him, and finding Luo Xiu’s trouble is no different from self-inflicted humiliation!

It will even put Saab in crisis, instead of this, it is better to take Saab directly to the execution table and wait to see if anyone can save him with Ace.

If not, he would really be going to betray the navy as a naval hero!.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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