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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 083

Chapter 83 In the face of NTR, Saab collapses! Rob Kerra! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Luo Xiu, who was ignored by Karp, was not the slightest bit annoyed, but looked at this scene even more happily.

Although Luo Xiu has been deliberately guiding Karp, he is still a little surprised that Karp can endure to this extent, in order not to let the navy be affected because of his relationship with Saab.

So simply chose to arrest Saab with his own hands, and also put Saab on the execution table with Ace? This naval hero has pinned his hopes on the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red-Haired Pirates, and his son’s revolutionary army!

What Karp didn’t know was that his behavior was falling step by step into the trap that Luo Xiu had woven from the beginning.

Luo Xiu deliberately pointed out to Karp from before, saying that the red-haired pirates and the revolutionary army had rescued his own grandson Luffy from advancing into the city.

And Saab led the revolutionary army to the naval headquarters, as if to verify that what Luo Xiu said was all true. This also convinced Karp that his son Dorag would come to the naval headquarters to participate in the war.

The Whitebeard Pirates, the remnants of the Roger Pirates, plus the red-haired Pirates and the Revolutionary Army, there is still no problem in rescuing Ace and Saab from the Navy.

Of course, Luo Xiu could also guess that if Whitebeard, Shanks, and Dorag could not successfully rescue Ace and Saab.

That Kapu, a naval hero, is probably really going to betray the navy.

It is precisely because of this that when faced with a dilemma, Karp finally chose to personally capture Saab, so that the naval soldiers at the scene and the audience who were watching this public execution no longer have the slightest doubt about themselves as a naval hero!

Karp carried the headache-torn Saab in his hand, and stepped on the moon step to the execution table, his face was already extremely dark, and his voice was hoarse.

“The Warring States, the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, has been successfully arrested by me.”

Sengoku glanced Karp up and down, knowing what kind of pain and suffering he had experienced in his heart, and nodded when he did.

“Well done Karp.”

Sengoku waved his hand, and immediately a sailor shackled with a sea tower stone, gave Saab exactly the same treatment as Ace, bound him and made him kneel on the execution table.

This time, Karp did not choose to go to the trouble of Luo Xiu, the naval hero was tired and did not want to continue to humiliate himself, he just wanted to stay by his two grandsons and guard them.

To be precise, Karp stayed on the execution table, and if something really happened, he could also escape here with Ace and Saab in the first place!

In any case, it is the navy and justice for which he has fought for most of his life, but if there is any other choice, Karp does not want to really betray the navy!

413 Sengoku didn’t know what Karp was thinking, but after seeing Karp sitting next to Ace and Saab, his heart became solemn.

“Karp, Luo Xiu don’t bother for the time being, you go and help the sailors deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, and the remnants of those Roger Pirates.”

Karp hung his head, hiding his face in the shadows, not looking at the Warring States, and said slowly in a low tone.

“The old man now just wants to stay on the execution table, and in this last time, accompany the old man’s two grandchildren.”

Hearing this, Sengoku chuckled in his heart, and his eyes began to flicker, but after taking a deep look at Karp, Sengoku finally didn’t say anything more.

It’s just that I can almost determine in my heart that this guy Karp really has the idea of betraying the Navy!

Not only did the Warring States realize this, but Reilly on the side rolled his eyes, and also glanced at Karp with great meaning, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face.

After Sengoku saw the smile on Renly’s face, he couldn’t wait to make up for this guy Renly’s face! Renly noticed the strange appearance of the Warring States, and immediately straightened his face, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and the main thing was a light-speed change face.

The kick of the Warring States just now has already made his nose and face swollen, and if he is kicked again, it will be too much of a loss!

Just as Luo Xiu watched the fun on the execution table with interest, the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the remnants of the Roger Pirates and the Navy escalated again.

Because Moriah was killed by Lo Xiu and Han Cook was also abducted by Lo Xiu, Klockdar was imprisoned in the city after being defeated by Wang Luffy, and even Jinping was captured and locked up for refusing to join forces with the navy against the Whitebeard Pirates.

As a result, only Doflamingo, Hawkeye Mihawk, and Bartholo Mibear were left. Even, the Bartholo Bear was completely lost its self-awareness by the Vegapunk transformation, and at this time, the Bartholomi Bear had to obey the orders of the navy in any action.

It is worth mentioning that the previous Chambord Islands incident, due to Luo Xiu’s sudden entry, caused the Straw Hat Pirates to be completely reduced to a supporting role.

Bassolomi Bear did not know that the Straw Hat Pirates were also in that population auction house, so he did not use his flesh ball fruit ability to send away the Straw Hat Pirates as the development of the original plot.

Instead, he honestly accepted the transformation of Vegapunk and became a war machine for the Navy.

Originally, Bartholo Bear was tasked with assisting Zefa in dealing with the remnants of the Roger Pirates, but after the arrival of the Revolutionary Army, the naval leadership also revised its instructions and turned Bartholo Bear to deal with the Revolutionary Army’s people.

The high-ranking officials of the revolutionary army, seeing that Bartholo Bear, a former friend, is now dealing with them without any sense of autonomy, and their mentality has directly exploded.

In any case, as one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, Basolo Mixiong’s strength can be said to be extremely good, except for a limited number of high-ranking members of the revolutionary army who can compete with him, others are not his opponents at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that wherever the Bartholo Bear goes, it completely presents a crushing posture!

Kerra, who had a close relationship with Saab and could even say that he had a good impression of each other, shouted at him while assisting the members of the revolutionary army to resist the attack of Bassolomi Bear.

“Bear! What happened and how did you become what you are? Don’t you remember us? ”

“Wake up Bear, we’re friends with you, why are you doing this?”

Bartholo Mixiong was indifferent to Kerra’s shouts and continued to attack her and other members of the Revolutionary Army.

When Luo Xiu saw this scene, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

After glancing at Saab, who was kneeling side by side with Ace on the execution table, Luo Xiu handed the live phone worm in his hand to Gion and said with a smile.

“Gion, take this live phone worm, so that audiences around the world can see the situation of the Navy headquarters at any time.”

Gion took the phone worm with some dismay, blinked, and asked with some surprise.

“Me? What about you? ”

Luo Xiu didn’t answer, just waved his hand with a smile, stepped on his feet, and his figure instantly disappeared in place. Seeing the position where Luo Xiu rushed to, Gion seemed to sense what he wanted to do after a brief stunned.

This made Gion a little overwhelmed, it was clear that the war in the naval headquarters was fierce, whether it was the Whitebeard Pirate Group or the Navy, there were casualties all the time.

As a result, you Luo Xiu, at this time, do you still want to do such a thing?

Gion secretly complained a few words in his heart, but he still obediently followed Luo Xiu’s instructions, took the live phone worm, and continued to broadcast the situation of the naval headquarters to those viewers.

Gion did not choose to help the navy in this war, but after hesitating for a long time, finally decided to stand idly by. From the very beginning, Luo Xiu had already said that any of his orders would be obeyed and obeyed by Gion, and Gion did not dare to imagine what kind of cruel punishment he would have made if he disobeyed Luo Xiu’s orders.

After all, Luo Xiu has never advertised himself as a good person and does things, but he has never had the slightest scruples!

While Gion complained about Luo Xiu in his heart, Bassolomi Bear raised his palm expressionlessly, aimed at Kerra in front of him and slapped it down fiercely.

Kerra’s pupils opened sharply, and a trace of panic appeared in his eyes, and he could only close his eyes in despair, raise his hands to protect his head, and try to reduce the pain he was about to endure in this way.

However, in the next second, Kerra only felt that his body suddenly flew into the air, and an arm was wrapped around his waist, allowing Zisan to successfully avoid this slap by Basolo Bear.

“Thank you, thank you…”

Kerra opened his eyes and immediately began to thank the person who saved him, but after opening his eyes and seeing that the person holding his waist was Luo Xiu, Kerra was directly on the spot.

“Let go of me! You guy, get me out of the way! ”

A trace of fear flashed across Kerra’s face, and he began to struggle desperately, trying to break free from Luo Xiu’s embrace.

However, what made Kerra angry and fearful was that the more she struggled, the tighter Luo Xiu’s arms became, and there was no possibility of breaking free from her bondage!

Luo Xiu looked at Kerra in his arms with a smile and said playfully.

“Are you going to thank your benefactor for saving you just in this way?”

Feeling Luo Xiu’s eyes scanning all over his body, Kerra didn’t know what to do for a while, but immediately glared angrily at Luo Xiu and roared.

“Don’t think I don’t know who you are! Will you be kind to this guy? Rather than be saved by you, I’d rather be hit by a bear! ”

Regarding Luo Xiu’s intelligence, the revolutionary army also knows everything well, and naturally knows what he has done since this time!

Luo Xiu not only behaved badly, but also had a bad record in treating women!

Whether it is Marcino, Nokigao, Koya, the three ordinary people of the East China Sea, or Vivi who is the princess of Alabastan, or Nami and Robin of the Straw Hat Pirates, and even the people of the CP organization!

Coupled with that White Star Princess of Fishman Island, and the elite vice admiral of the naval headquarters in Peach Rabbit Gion, all of them were forcibly snatched away by Luo Xiu!

Even Kerra didn’t expect that this guy would target himself at such a time! But Kerra can be sure that being targeted by Luo Xiu, a vicious thief, is definitely not a good thing!

At this moment, Basoromi Bear, who had completely lost his self-awareness, as if he didn’t know Luo Xiu’s strength, still raised his palm and slapped it down at Luo Xiu regardless of it.

Luo Xiu held the famous knife Qiushui in his hand, his lips opened lightly, and he said in a low voice.

“Time stops!”


In an instant, Bartholo Bear suddenly stopped in the air, Luo Xiu did not hesitate at all, directly raised the autumn water in his hand, aimed at the heart of Bartholo Bear and stabbed over.


The sound of the tip of the knife tearing through the flesh and blood sounded, and the autumn water directly pierced the heart of this tyrant bear. It’s just that the Bartholomi bear has been transformed by Vegapunk a few days ago, and the heart is already a dispensable thing for the tyrant bear at this time.

Even if it is pierced in the heart by Luo Xiu, it will not have any effect on the Bartholomi Bear.

However, after seeing this scene, Kerra’s pupils that were held in Luo Xiu’s arms opened sharply, tears instantly welled up from his eyes, and he shouted loudly in his mouth.


Hearing Kerra’s anxious shout, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised, and a strange smile appeared on his face again, pulling the autumn water out of the heart of the Bartholomi bear, aiming at the tyrant bear in front of him and waving it easily!


Every time the slash that Luo Xiu unleashed landed on Bassolomi Bear’s body, it would open a huge wound on his body, revealing the organs in his body that had been replaced with steel.

The Bartholomi bear, whose steel organs were destroyed in his body, suddenly froze and froze in place, even if he was no longer bound by the ability of the time fruit, he could not make any movements at all.

Kerra burst into tears, desperately trying to break free from Luo Xiu’s bondage, but it was simply to no avail.

Finally, under the desperate gaze of Kerra, Luo Xiu decisively raised the autumn water and cut off the head of the Bartholo Bear with a knife


Watching Bartholome’s head roll on the ground and its huge body collapse to the ground, Kerra cried out in despair


Kerra’s desperate shout echoed over the entire Marin Fandor, causing most people to involuntarily turn their gazes.

Even Sengoku, Karp, Rayleigh, Ace, and Saab, who has just recovered, are no exception.

After Saab saw Bassolomi Bear being beheaded by Luo Xiu, his pupils opened sharply, and his face was instantly filled with anger and hatred

“Bear! Damn it! This damn bastard! ”

Sabo was furious, and kept trying to break free from the shackles that bound him, but to no avail except for a loud noise.

Warring States looked at this scene with a gloomy face, and his heart was very eager to solve Luo Xiu, a reckless guy, first, but with the white-bearded pirate group, the remnants of Roger’s pirate group, and those guys from the revolutionary army, he simply could not divide the manpower to deal with Luo Xiu.

After all, the incident in the Chambord Islands has proved that if you want to solve Luo Xiu, you must have the three major generals of the navy strike at the same time!

While Sengoku and Saab had their own ideas, Luo Xiu continued to hold Kerra in his arms, letting her struggle, without letting go of her in the slightest.

“Miss Kerra, do you want to leave the revolutionary army and follow me in the future?”

Hearing this, Kerra, who was crying for the death of the bear, sobbed twice, and the eyes full of anger and hatred stared at Luo Xiu deadly, word by word.

“Even if I die, I will definitely not follow you!”

Luo Xiu not only did not get angry when he heard this, but looked at Kerra with interest, and asked with a smile.

“So sure? If you say so, even if you watch the people of the revolutionary army being killed by me, you will not compromise with me? ”

Kerra was stunned when he heard this, and after reacting to what Luo Xiu meant, he suddenly became even more panicked.

Just when she wanted to say something, Luo Xiu raised the autumn water in her hand, aimed it at a few members of the revolutionary army not far away, and cut down, “Shh–”

A slash containing incomparably terrifying power was swung out by Luo Xiu, and there was no time for these members of the revolutionary army to react, so they died directly under this slash.

This cruel scene not only did not have any impact on Luo Xiu, but also made Luo Xiu wave the autumn water, and in a few breaths, he directly killed dozens of members of the revolutionary army!

Seeing that Luo Xiu’s cruel behavior did not mean to stop, Kerra, who was held by Luo Xiu’s arms, grabbed Luo Xiu’s arm and begged desperately.

“Stop, please, stop.”

Luo Xiu’s movements paused, and he looked at Kerra playfully and asked.

“How? Want to change your mind? ”

Kerra lowered her head, lowered her head and wept, did not respond, and Luo Xiu did not get used to her, and continued to kill those members of the revolutionary army without hesitation.

After seeing this scene, Kerra finally completely desperate, collapsed and cried.

“I promise you, please let them go, I promise to follow you…”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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