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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 084

Chapter 84 Saab dies with confidence, and I take care of my girlfriend! [Kneel and beg for subscription! ] 】。

Kerra was already completely desperate, she never thought that things would turn out to be like this, and Luo Xiu, the extremely vicious thief in the mouth of the world government, was also so bad!

However, no matter what, Kerra can’t watch his comrades in the revolutionary army, who have been with him for so many years, continue to be killed by Luo Xiu!

For this reason, Kerra can only choose to bow to Luo Xiu, a damn bastard, for the time being.

Kerra was convinced that when the leader of Dorag arrived at the naval headquarters, he would be able to change the situation.

Also, even if Saab has now been caught on the execution table, he will definitely protect himself at all costs and not be ravaged by Luo Xiu, a bastard!

Luo Xiu let go of Kerra, let her slump on the ground weakly and weep, picked up Kerra’s chin with the tip of Qiushui’s knife, and said with a smile.

“Miss Kerra, these people in the revolutionary army should really thank you well, after all, in order to save them, you paid a very huge price, even you are willing to take a ride in it.”

Kerra did not respond to Luo Xiu’s obviously joking words, but closed his eyes and did not look at Luo Xiu’s playful eyes, crying for the Basolo Bear and the members of the revolutionary army who died under Luo Xiu’s knife.

At the same time, both the members of the revolutionary army around them and Saab, who knelt on the execution table and was shackled, had already seen this scene.

“Kerra! Luo Xiu, you bastard, let go of Kerra! ”

With several roars, several members of the revolutionary army rushed towards Luo Xiu regardless of it.

Seeing this, Luo Xiu did not have the slightest mercy, and with Luo Xiu’s hand rising and falling, these members of the revolutionary army did not even have a chance to scream, and they were directly beheaded by Luo Xiu!

Kerra, who had been crying since just now, immediately shouted after seeing this scene.

“Luo Xiu! Didn’t you say that as long as I promise you, you will let them go? Why, why did you kill them again? ”

Luo Xiu glanced at Kerra indifferently and said bluntly.

“I mean I will let them go, but that doesn’t mean I won’t kill them when they want to take the initiative to die.”

When the words fell, the footsteps of those members of the revolutionary army who originally wanted to seek revenge on Luo Xiu because their comrades were killed stopped instantly, and they didn’t know for a while whether they should continue to attack Luo Xiu or give up taking back Kerra.

Luo Xiu tugged at the corners of his mouth and said with a mocking look.

“It’s really in line with your revolutionary army’s style of bullying the soft and fearing the hard, only knowing that after provoking a war, you hide in the rear and watch from the wall.”

Luo Xiu’s blunt words made the faces of those members of the revolutionary army at the scene instantly become extremely ugly, and they couldn’t find any reason to refute Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu is also not interested in wrestling with these guys in this regard, and if he has that time, it is better to play with Kerra well!

It’s really best to have NTR in person.

Luo Xiu could hear Sabo’s desperate roar in his ears, not only because Luo Xiu had killed his friend Bartholo Bear, but also the members of the Revolutionary Army.

The most important thing is that in Saab’s heart, the woman Kerla also has a very special status.

“Luo Xiu! Let go of Kerra, don’t hurt her, something is coming at me, let go of her ah aaaa ”

At this moment, Saab was finally able to understand how Luffy felt when he saw Luo Xiu forcibly snatch his partner at the Isle of Justice and the Chambord Islands.

No! To be precise, the damage caused by Luo Xiu snatching Kerra to Saab is far greater than the damage he caused by snatching Luffy’s partner!

Nami and Robin are just Luffy’s partners, but Kerra is no different from Saab’s girlfriend.

Two people who have a good feeling for each other, although there is no way to get along across the line on weekdays, but they almost broke the barrier, and the two can really be together.

Koloxiu’s sudden insertion broke Saab’s heart.

In the face of Sabo’s roar, Luo Xiu pulled up Kerra on the ground, and in her panicked expression, he directly took it into his arms.

Stretching out his hand to pick up Kerra’s chin, Saab, who was kneeling on the execution table, could clearly see Kerra’s delicate face with rain.

After seeing Sabo’s dazzled appearance, Luo Xiu waved his hand with a smile and said hello.

“Saab, rest assured that you will be executed by the Navy, I will help you take care of Kerra.”

After hearing this, Saab on the execution table almost spewed out a mouthful of blood, his eyes seemed to spew anger, and his whole face began to turn blue and white.

“Luo Xiu! Luo Xiu! I’m going to kill you, I’m going to kill you!” ”

Saab kept struggling, the shackles and shackles bound to his body constantly rattled, and his throat roared like a desperate beast, making everyone on the execution table clearly feel the despair of the chief of staff of the revolutionary army.

“Saab, calm down Saab!”

Ace’s face changed, and he leaned on Saab, preventing him from continuing to break free, lest the Battle Congress kick Saab’s face like he and Renly did before.

Even Karp, who had become very silent since just now, was full of worry in his eyes at this time, looking at Saab with a gloomy face, wanting to persuade two words, but he didn’t know what way to persuade.

Sengoku wanted to give Saab a kick in this way to calm down the second-in-command of the revolutionary army.

However, considering that Karp is now around, since he has sensed that Karp is very likely to choose to betray the navy, it is better not to do this kind of behavior that will arouse Karp’s anger even more.

However, there should be reprimands, but it will not be less because Karp is present.

“Calm down little ghost! If you continue like this, the old man will not spare you! ”

Sengoku stared at Saab coldly, and also swept over Karp’s body, since deciding to choose the latter between justice and family, Karp’s IQ seems to have become much higher, and the first pair understood the meaning of Sengoku’s eyes.

Dangjian stretched out his palm and grabbed Saab’s arm, and said in a low tone.

“Sabo, that bastard Luo Xiu, is deliberately provoking in this way, calm down, don’t be fooled!”

“Don’t worry, after that, the old man will kill that bastard with his own hands and snatch that little girl back from him!”

After listening to Karp’s words, Saab did become a little calmer, but his eyes were still staring at Luo Xiu, and his face became a little fiercely distorted.

If the eyes can kill, I am afraid that Luo Xiu’s body is already full of holes at this time.

It’s just a pity that Sabo’s crazy eyes can’t have any effect on Luo Xiu at all, but it also makes the smile on Luo Xiu’s face even stronger.

Luo Xiu said with a smile as he held Kerra and looked at Saboron.

“Don’t worry, Saab, I will definitely take good care of Kerra and will not let you down.”


Saab, who had just calmed down, after seeing the location of Luo Xiu’s arm, his eyes suddenly turned red again, and he roared madly at Luo Xiu regardless of it.

But this time, Sengoku did not have any scruples because of Karp’s presence, and directly stepped on the execution table with a kick, allowing him to have an intimate contact with the execution table like Ace before.

Kerra, who was held in Luo Xiu’s arms, suddenly began to tremble slightly after seeing this scene, warm tears kept pouring out of his eyes, and he shouted loudly to Saab on the execution table with a look of worry and fear.



After hearing Kerra’s shout, Saab also began to shout Kerra’s name, and tears began to appear in his eyes.

The deep affection between the two of them really moved Luo Xiu beyond belief, and Luo Xiu looked at Kerra with a touched look and smiled.

“Kerra, if you do this again, I will be jealous, if I am jealous, then I may not wait for Dorag to arrive, and I will first slaughter your sweetheart Saab.”

Hearing this, Kerra suddenly fell into an ice cave, obviously Luoxiu’s embrace was very warm, but Kerra only felt a bone-chilling chill.

He knows! Luo Xiu, the demon, knew that he had no choice but to compromise with him, in order to save the lives of the rest of the revolutionary army first, but in fact, he pinned his hopes on the leader of Dorag.

Thinking that when the leader of Dorag came to the naval headquarters, he would definitely free himself from Luo Xiu, and he would be able to save Saab from the execution table.

But now Luo Xiu said the thoughts in her heart so nakedly, which made Kerra suddenly become more desperate, and her slender and tender delicate body couldn’t stop shaking.

Especially what Luo Xiu said, if it continues like this, he will not wait for the arrival of the leader of Dorag, he will kill Saab in advance, which makes Kerra’s heart full of fear.

Kerr stretched out his hands and grabbed Luo Xiu’s arms, his face covered with tears, choking and pleading with Luo Xiu.

“Don’t, please, don’t kill Saab..”

Under the angry and desperate gaze of Sabona on the execution table, Luo Xiu stretched out his finger and gently whispered on Kerra’s face, slowly and reasonably.

“So do you know what to do now?”

A trace of dazedness flashed in Kerra’s eyes, and he shook his head a little confused.

“I, I don’t know, but no matter what you ask me to do, I promise you that as long as you are willing to let Saab go, let me do anything.”

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth curled slightly, a weird smile appeared on his face, and he shook his head.

“It shouldn’t be me asking you to do anything, but what you can do to protect Saab.”

Krla felt the playful look in Loxiu’s eyes, and her heart was filled with panic, and for Kerra, who had no experience, she had no idea what she should do now.

Luo Xiu did not urge this, but just looked at Kerra with interest, and Si Shi still felt the despair and anger exuded by Saab kneeling on the execution table.

In Luo Xiu’s eyes, Saab, the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, is completely indistinguishable from others, they are all so double-standard, they are all mouth-hi people!

Luo Xiu’s performance of Saab, the chief of staff, can be said to have a very deep memory!



It is clear that in the eyes and slogans of the revolutionary army, all pirates are the obstacles that must be removed to bring happiness and peace to the people of the world.

Originally, Saab executed this slogan very well, but after recovering his memory, remembering the events before he was ten years old, and remembering that Ace and Luffy were his brothers.

The second-in-command of the revolutionary army actually directly said that Ace was not an obstacle to be removed, but his brother!

There is also the shemale king Ivankov, in the original plot, originally showed indifference to the Navy’s desire to execute Fire Fist Ace.

However, after mistakenly thinking that Ace and Luffy were both Dorag’s sons, he decided not to hesitate to break out of the Advance City with Luffy and come to the Navy headquarters to rescue Ace from the Navy.

From that moment on, Luo Xiu had already understood that this so-called revolutionary army was not as great and bright as their slogans!

It is precisely because of this that Luo Xiu deliberately made the Chambord Islands bigger, so that the name of Straw Hat Kid and Fire Fist Ace appeared in the newspaper at the same time, in this way to attract the attention of Dorag and Saab.

It turns out that Luo Xiu’s prediction is indeed not wrong, Dorag personally led people to the advancing city, Saab, the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, also in order to rescue his brother Ace, led the revolutionary army to stand on the same front as the pirates!

In Luo Xiu’s eyes, like the Revolutionary Army, Shanks, and even the Navy, these guys who talk about ordinary people all day long are even more disgusting than those pure evil people!

Those experiences in the East China Sea had completely blackened Luo Xiu, and the more desperate and angry these guys showed, the more gratifying Luo Xiu’s heart became.


While Sabo on the execution table kept roaring, and his face had become extremely distorted, Kerra looked at Luo Xiu in front of him and knew that he could not let him go easily.

If it was only Kerra herself, then she would rather die like this, and it would definitely not be possible to bow to Luo Xiu.

But now that Luo Xiu threatened her with the lives of members of the revolutionary army and Saab, no matter what kind of anger Kerra had in his heart, it could only turn into a desperate sigh in the end.


Kerra suddenly threw himself into Luo Xiu’s arms, buried his white and tender face on Luo Xiu’s shoulder, and begged with a thick cry.

“Luo Xiu, please let Saab go, let go of the rest of the revolutionary army..”

Luo Xiu backhanded Kerra into his arms, feeling her trembling delicate body, smacking his lips, and feeling a little pity.

Whether it is time or place, it is obviously not suitable to do more things, after all, Luo Xiu does not have any special hobbies! However, when this war is over, Kerra will have to really experience what she has to pay to protect Saab and the people of the revolutionary army!

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu moved to “hang” Kerra on himself, and while carrying her towards the location where Gion and Hancock and the others were, he waved at Saab again.

“Sabo, don’t let down the sacrifice Kerra made for you.”

“After all, in order not to let me kill you, Kerra is willing to sacrifice herself, what a singing and crying relationship, enough to move countless people!”

Saab is going crazy, this time it’s really going crazy.

Saab no longer cares whether he will pay the price or not, frantically trying to break free from the shackles and shackles, desperately struggling in the direction where Luo Xiu is.

However, under the shackles of those shackles, no matter how much Saab tried, he was completely useless.

Saab could only watch as his sweetheart Kerra was so “hanging” on Luo Xiu, being held by Luo Xiu in his arms, and walking towards the position of his other women.

“Bastard! Stop, let Kerra go, I’ll let you go of Krla! Please…”

From the first angry curse to the final plea, Saab’s heart was already full of despair, and the tears that appeared in his eyes were even mixed with a few blood-red lines.

Seeing this situation, Karp on the side clenched his fists, because of the clenched teeth, the muscles on both sides of his mouth began to tremble slightly, and the throbbing eyebrows, as well as the bruises on the forehead, all showed what kind of anger Karp contained in his heart. When he was on Justice Island before, Karp saw with his own eyes how Luo Xiu snatched his own grandson Luffy’s partner, and now he even watched Sabo’s sweetheart be snatched by Luo Xiu, a damn bastard, again.

This is an incomparably huge blow to Karp, a naval hero!

Sabo’s despair made Ace on the side also have angry eyes, and he couldn’t wait to slaughter Luo Xiu on the spot now, and while avenging the revenge of Banaro Island, he could also help Saab snatch Kerra back.

Even the Warring States did not add up to Saab this time, and the chief of staff of the revolutionary army seemed to be really pitiful now.

In this regard, Luo Xiu just wanted to say that this yellow hair, he really took it seriously!

Saab is relieved to die, you, the prospective girlfriend who has not yet determined the relationship, I will definitely help you “take care”, satirely….. Lose..


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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