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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 085

Chapter 85: Luo Xiu subverts the world! Whitebeard erupts! Betrayal of the Navy? [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

What Luo Xiu did made those sailors, members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the remnants of Roger’s Pirates at the scene all feel very strange.

And the most angry among them is naturally the revolutionary army!

Those high-ranking officials of the revolutionary army all looked at Luo Xiu’s back with a daze, and they couldn’t wait to rush up on the spot to kill Luo Xiu, and then snatch back Kerra, who was hanging on Luo Xiu.

Unfortunately, if you think about it, no one dares to act on it.

They all knew very well that the power that Luo Xiu had was simply not something they could deal with.

If you want to snatch back Kerra from Luo Xiu, I am afraid that you can only wait until the leader of Dorag comes to the headquarters of the navy and let the leader of Dorag personally take action.

Before that, they could only watch as they watched, watching Kerra compromise with Luo Xiu, a damn bastard, in order to protect them!

“Boom… Luo Xiu this guy, it’s really bad! ”

“Such a guy is indeed worthy of the world government saying that he is an extremely vicious thief, and the vast majority of pirates cannot be compared with him!”

“What is his purpose, obviously the war has intensified, what is he still doing here?”

“This guy must not know what method he wants to use to subvert the whole world!”

“Damn it! That is, the Whitebeard Pirates, the Roger Pirates, and these guys from the Revolutionary Army have been pestering our Navy, otherwise, the Marshal of the Warring States will definitely let the three generals strike at the same time and kill this guy first! ”

It is no exaggeration to say that whether it is the navy, pirates, or the revolutionary army, all of them gritted their teeth at Luo Xiu, and they couldn’t wait to kill Luo Xiu directly.

The navy hated Luo Xiu because he destroyed two branches when he was in the East China Sea, and now he has snatched away Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, the most famous goddess of the navy headquarters.

The most incomprehensible thing for these navies is that it is clear that Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit has already come to the headquarters of the Navy, why should he follow Luo Xiu?

Could it be that Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, a goddess-level figure, was really completely tamed by Luo Xiu in this short period of three days, because Luo Xiu chose to betray the navy?

Just thinking of that possibility made these high-ranking naval officials gnash their teeth even more towards Luo Xiu.

However, they still had no way to take Luo Xiu, they could only watch Luo Xiu do whatever he wanted in the naval headquarters.

After all, the three major admirals at this time, the green pheasant and the yellow ape, are entangled with the 14 captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, although they have the absolute upper hand, but with the tacit cooperation of these captains, it may take a while to solve them.

And the red dog general, I don’t know when it disappeared, no one knows what the red dog general is doing now.

Former Admiral Zefa is leading his two students, Ain, Binz, and several admirals, to launch a fierce offensive against the remnants of the Roger Pirates.

Although Zefa’s strength has never recovered to its peak since one of his arms was cut off by pirates, Zefa has not slackened up over the years, and has been exercising silently.

In order to one day continue to fight pirates as a navy.

On the other hand, Jabba, Kulokas, and Sambel, the remnants of the Roger Pirates, are far inferior to Zefa, a former admiral.

Not to mention that since the disbandment of the Roger Pirates a few decades ago, in order not to let the navy and the world government find themselves, they have chosen to remain incognito very thoroughly, and there is no opportunity to continue to fight with the strong, and their strength has long declined to the ranks of the strong.

Under this circumstance, it won’t be long before Zefa can take those of his students to wipe out all the remnants of these Roger Pirates!

This time, Zefa will no longer be the so-called non-killing general like before, he will make these pirates pay with their lives for the crimes they have committed!

Whitebeard stood at the bow of the Moby Dick, silently watching the intensifying war, and his mood became heavier at this moment, Whitebeard rarely regretted something, but not regretted bringing the Whitebeard Pirates to the naval headquarters to rescue Ace, but regretting that he had protected these sons too well over the years.

As a result, their strength is not as strong as others think!

Marko, Joz, and Bista and their fourteen captains, joined forces against the two admirals of the green pheasant and the yellow ape, but still fell into the absolute inferiority.

After all, unlike the top war in the original plot, the green pheasant and the yellow ape also know how huge the enemy their navy will face this time.

The two did not choose to fish and paddle as apes, but also burst out with all their might at the first time, completely suppressing these captains who joined hands on the spot.

It can only be said that the admiral is still a admiral after all, and with all his strength, even if Marko and Joz join forces, they are definitely not the opponents of the green pheasant and the yellow ape!

Other members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group also suffered casualties one after another, and the number of casualties was greater than that of the navy!

The pacifists created by Bassolomi Bear are under the command of Zhan Momomaru, constantly killing pirates and revolutionary troops.

The other admirals did not stop their fierce offensive.

Although he, the world’s strongest man, has not yet personally ended, the three guys of Sengoku, Kapu, and Red Inu have also not participated in this war!

Not to mention the remnants of Roger’s Pirates, and the Revolutionary Army, helping his Whitebeard Pirates attract naval firepower. Whitebeard held Cong Yunche on the side in his hand, took a deep breath, and whispered to himself.

“It can’t go on like this, although Ace is my son, but these brats are also my sons!”

In Whitebeard’s eyes, Ace’s identity is indeed a special one, but anyway, the other members of the Whitebeard Pirates are also his son’s family.

Seeing one family member after another die in front of him, Whitebeard’s heart was dripping blood.

The reason why Whitebeard did not participate in this war in the first place was not because he wanted to raise it, but because his current body was no longer enough to support him for a long period of high-intensity battle.

Judging from the current situation, if he doesn’t end up in person, it will already be impossible!

At this moment, little Oz, who was about to rush to the execution table, suddenly stopped in his steps, and Doflamingo, who landed behind Little Oz, grinned and laughed lowly.

“What’s wrong, Majin?”

Little Oz, who had blood on his face, glanced down and muttered.


In the next second, little Oz’s right foot suddenly broke, rolling freely in the air, and warm scarlet blood shot out from the neat incision that appeared in his right foot.

Little Oz couldn’t support it, and directly fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Doflamingo laughed wildly, his hands waved continuously, and one thin line after another came out of his fingers and landed all over Little Oz’s body.

Under the terrified gaze of Ace on the execution table, Doflamingo swung his hands down sharply, and the huge body of this demon suddenly fell apart!



Ace’s eyes widened sharply, tears shot out directly from his eye sockets, and seeing little Oz’s torn form like Bucky, Ace’s whole person collapsed directly.

After Doflamingo heard Ace’s cry, she glanced up at him, shook her head and smiled.

“Compared with Roger, Roger’s son is really far behind.”

Just because he alone has caused so many partners and family members to die, although Ace’s strength is not good, in terms of identity, there are really few people who can compare with him.

For a time, the two brothers on the execution table, Ace collapsed because of the death of his partner who had a very good relationship, and Saab collapsed because his prospective girlfriend was snatched away by Luo Xiu, this kind of scene is really rare.

Doflamingo ignored Ace and continued to deal with the other members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

As Doflamingo, one of the top of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, dealing with these members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is as easy as chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

And another king, Seven Wuhai, Hawkeye Mihawk, is also easily killing members of the Whitebeard Pirates. It’s just that doing this kind of thing too much is still a little boring after all.

Originally, Mihawk’s goal was to feel the gap with Whitebeard, but not only did Whitebeard’s guy stand on the Moby Dick without ending, but even those captains became the targets of the two admirals of the Green Pheasant and the Yellow Ape.

Mihawk turned his head to look at where Whitebeard was after cutting off the two members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group in front of him with a single knife.

Whitebeard’s face was hidden in the shadows, grieving the fragmentation of little Oz, Mihawk hesitated for a moment, and finally did not choose to swing his sword at Whitebeard, after all, even Mihawk himself could not tell what kind of ending he wanted this war to end up with.

However, at this moment, Longz, who was a vice admiral of the giant race, held the huge axe in both hands, suddenly appeared at Whitebeard’s side, raised the axe at Whitebeard and slashed down.

“Showing flaws, Whitebeard!”

Whitebeard didn’t look at Longzi, directly raised his palm, grabbed his axe, his eyes were abrupt, and his palm violently exerted force, directly pinch and explode Longz’s axe!


Under Lonzi’s terrified gaze, Whitebeard dragged him in front of him, pressed his head on the Moby Dick, and in the next second, the Shock Fruit ability was activated, directly shattering Lonz’s mask!


After the mask shattered, it revealed Longzi’s face that was constantly gushing with blood from his mouth and nose, and his eyes lost focus, completely unconscious!

However, this time, Whitebeard did not directly throw the unconscious Longz aside as in the original plot.

Instead, under the angry gaze of the Warring States, he raised the Cong Yun cut in his other hand, aimed it at Longzi’s neck and slashed down fiercely!


With a knife down, the vice admiral was killed in an instant, his head rolled on the Moby Dick, and blood began to gush wildly from that break in his neck…

The casualties of the Whitebeard Pirate Group far exceeded the top war in the original book, and the anger in Whitebeard’s heart was obviously not able to vent by shaking the vice admiral to a coma!

Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, but as early as the Rox era, he had a great reputation in the New World!

How can such a guy be a soft-hearted person?

“Damn Whitebeard! How dare you?! ”

Sengoku gritted his teeth, and his face instantly became a little fierce and fierce.

At this moment, whether it is Whitebeard or Warring States, the hearts have been filled with anger and hatred, and this top war, no matter what, it cannot be good!

Whitebeard didn’t look at Lonzi, who had already been decapitated by him, grinned at the Sengoku on the execution table, squeezed out a cruel smile, and even planned to jump off the Moby Dick and completely participate in the war.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the Moby Dick, and the big vortex spider Skuyard looked at the back of the whitebeard, and said in a somewhat inexplicable tone.


Whitebeard didn’t turn his head, and directly distinguished who the other party was, and said straightforwardly.

“Skuyard, what are the words, wait until Ace is rescued, the old man definitely does not want to continue to see, your brothers are dying in this war in more and more numbers!”

The words fell, and under Skuyard’s stunned gaze, Whitebeard bent his legs, kicked hard, and his body soared directly into the air, jumping towards the location of the green pheasant, yellow ape, and Marko and Jozi.

“This is… What’s the situation??? ”

Skuyard stood on the Moby Dick a little helplessly, not knowing for a while what he should do.

Whitebeard couldn’t have imagined it at all, because he decided to end early, but instead escaped the filial sword from Skuyard!

However, at this time, Whitebeard didn’t care to guess what Skuyard was thinking, and Whitebeard who jumped into the air raised the supreme fast knife in his hand and raised it high, aiming at the green pheasant and yellow ape below and slashed down fiercely!

The green pheasant and yellow ape, who were originally concentrating on dealing with Marko, Joz, and Bista and other captains, after sensing Whitebeard’s action, raised the ice blade and the Sky Cloud Sword in their hands to resist the sword cut by Whitebeard.


As Cong Yun Che collided with the Ice Blade and the Heavenly Cong Cloud Sword, a violent roar that resounded throughout the sky suddenly spread throughout the entire naval headquarters!

The ground under the feet of the green pheasant and the yellow ape was instantly blasted out of a large pit by this huge force, and the surrounding ground cracked inch by inch, and the dust and fog in the sky directly covered the figures of the three of them.


After seeing this scene, Marko, Joz and the others shouted one after another, when even planned to rush in to help their father deal with the pheasant and yellow ape together.

However, before they could make a move, Whitebeard’s breathless voice came out from the dust and fog in the sky.

“Marko! Take your brothers and rush to the 0.3 execution table and save Ace! ”

“These two naval imps, leave it to the old man to deal with!”

Marko glanced worriedly at the whitebeard’s back that could be faintly seen, and after hesitating for a moment, gritted his teeth and replied

“Yes! Dad! ”

“Everyone, join me, rush to the execution table and save Ace from those guys in the Navy!”

When the words fell, Marko, who had just transformed into the form of an immortal bird, waved his arms that transformed into wings, and his body suddenly rose into the air, speeding towards the location of the execution table.

At the same time, Joz, Bista, and Bramank and the others, gritted their teeth and rushed to the execution table as well.

What they have to do now is to successfully rescue Ace in the shortest possible time, after all, they know their father’s physical condition very well, and they know that he can’t hold out for too long in this top-intensity war!

As the dust and fog in the sky gradually dissipated, a bright yellow light flashed in the yellow ape’s eyes, even if he wanted to stop the behavior of Marko and the others.

However, Whitebeard raised Cong Yunche and slashed directly at the yellow ape, while also shouting.

“Little ghost! You two, there’s no time to stop my son from rescuing their brother! ”

The green pheasant and the yellow ape glanced at each other, and directly gave up the idea of pursuing Marko and the others, and concentrated on dealing with the whitebeard in front of him. They two admirals joined forces, they couldn’t deal with Luo Xiu’s complete monster, couldn’t they deal with a white-bearded man who was already dying of old age?

Since Whitebeard doesn’t plan to give way, let’s kill the strongest man in the world first, and then take the other members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group to take this opportunity to kill them all!

Luo Xiu, who was standing on the other side, watched this scene, the corners of his mouth raised, a playful smile appeared on his face, and whispered softly.

“This top war is really getting more and more interesting.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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