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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 086

Chapter 86: Luo Xiu’s Prophecy! Ace completely collapsed! Death is certain! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

While Luo Xiu sighed that this top war was becoming more and more interesting, the red dog who had just gone to seduce Skuyard to do something to Whitebeard and solved a few deserters by the way returned here.

Chi Inu couldn’t help but be stunned after seeing this scene, obviously he had successfully provoked Skuyard’s emotions just now, how could Whitebeard be okay? Instead, he fought with the green pheasant and the yellow ape?

Could it be that Skuyard’s behavior was recognized by the whitebeard guy?

The red dog frowned, looking at the white beard that was constantly waving the cloud cut, slashing at the green pheasant and yellow ape, and immediately denied his conjecture.

With his knowledge of Whitebeard, this guy would never have defended his sons, otherwise Blackbeard would not have easily killed Saatchi and successfully taken the Devil Fruit.

The reason for this situation is probably because the number of people who saw the sacrifice of the Whitebeard Pirate Group was too much, so that Whitebeard couldn’t help but end up in person, but escaped by mistake!

After figuring this out, the red dog glanced at Scuyard, who was standing stupidly on the Moby Dick and at a loss.

“What a trash! This can’t be done well! ”

After the red dog snorted coldly, he no longer looked at Skuyard, his eyes suddenly froze, his shoulders instantly turned into hot magma, and the magma solution dripped on the ground, and an incomparably hot flame rose in an instant.

Akainu does not intend to participate in the operation of the green pheasant and yellow ape against Whitebeard, his targets are Marko, Joz, and the captains of Bista’s white-bearded pirate group!

After all, against a drooping whitebeard, two admirals are definitely more than enough.

On the other hand, those captains who rushed to the execution table, if no one stopped them, they really might have saved Fire Fist Ace.

In the eyes of the current red dog, Karp, who sits on the execution table and is silent without saying a word, is no longer a hero of their navy, but an unstable factor that will betray the navy at any time!

To be precise, from the moment the Navy decided to publicly execute Fire Fist Ace, Akainu no longer trusted Karp.

It is precisely because of this that when Karp said that he would accompany Fire Fist Ace in the last few days of Advancing City, Akainu directly volunteered and said that he wanted to go with Karp.

It is said that it is to prevent the Whitebeard Pirates 06 from invading the city, but what the red dog really guards against is Karp, the naval hero!

The red dog’s body was obviously filled with magma, and it had reached a level that was hot enough to burn most of the world’s giant objects to ashes, but in his eyes, it revealed a bone-chilling coldness!

“The Great Spitfire!!!”




As the red dog swung his fists, one fist-like huge magma object after another was released by him, and at an extremely fast speed, it blasted towards the location of Marko, Joz, and Bista and other captains.

Everywhere these fist-shaped magma went, the air along the way reached the point of being burned to the point of distortion.

After hearing the whistling, Marko in the form of the immortal bird turned his head to take a look, his pupils suddenly widened, and he shouted.

“Be careful!”

Marko let out a sharp cry, and under the action of the wings transformed by his arms, his body turned abruptly, and his right leg raised high was like a battle axe, slashing down at the magma that had come to him.


With a violent roar that resounded in the sky, Marko directly kicked the magma towards the location of the sailors below. The sailors avoided it, and they couldn’t even make a scream, and after being hit by magma, they were instantly melted into ashes!

Although Joz, Bista and the others are not as strong as Marko, they still successfully blocked this wave of red dogs’ big breath of fire with their own abilities, physical skills, or sword skills.

When the red dog saw that his move only blocked the footsteps of these captains, and did not cause any harm to them, they also used these magmas, causing some casualties in the navy, and immediately became angry.

With a sharp look in his eyes, the lower body directly turned into magma, pushing his body towards the position of Marko and the others. The fist that had turned into hot magma aimed at the back of Bramanke, one of the captains of the fan, and slammed it fiercely.

Bramank turned around as soon as he noticed that something was wrong, but as soon as he turned around, he saw the red dog that appeared in front of him.

Bramanke’s pupils opened sharply, and in panic, he hurriedly raised the mallet in his hand and smashed it at the red dog.

Unfortunately, his wooden mallet couldn’t even stop the red dog for a moment, and it was directly burned to ashes by those magma above the red dog’s fist!


Marko, Joz, and Bista and the others, after seeing this scene, shouted loudly and immediately rushed towards the location where the two of them were.

It’s a pity that it’s too late, when dealing with pirates, the red dog, who has always been a thunder method, when he has the opportunity to directly kill the enemy, but in any case, he will not give the enemy a second chance!


With a dull sound, the arm of the red dog, which had all turned into magma, completely penetrated Bramanke’s heart!

Bramanke’s blood could not even pass, and it was directly melted and evaporated by this hot magma.

Bramank can clearly feel that his heart is penetrated, and he cannot live no matter what, since this is the case…

Bramanke’s eyes suddenly became fierce, not only did not retreat, but also took the initiative to pounce on the red dog in front of him, and after hugging the red dog, he shouted loudly with the loudest voice that could be used at present.

“Marko! Take Joz and Bista and they continue to rush to the execution table, you must rescue Ace! ”

Marko’s breathing suddenly froze when he heard this, and his body instantly stagnated in the air, and tears slipped from the corners of Marko’s eyes in the form of an immortal bird, and then he roared lowly.

“Keep moving towards the execution table!”


The captains took one last look at Bramank and began to frantically rush to the location of the execution table.

They know very well, let alone the current father, even if it is the peak of the father, it will definitely not be able to stop the joint siege of the two admirals.

With his father’s current body, he can’t hold out for long at all, and he will be defeated by the two guys of the green pheasant and the yellow ape! And what they need to do most now is to successfully rescue Ace on the execution table before Daddy loses!

Only in this way can the Whitebeard Pirates no longer have casualties, so that Daddy can continue to live!

The red dog looked at the backs of Marko and Joz and the others, and after sneering, the magma fruit ability broke out again, and in the blink of an eye, he directly burned the Bramank that pounced on him without even the slag.

After shaking his hand, he once again launched a pursuit of these captains.

In order to save Ace before their father was defeated, these captains had decided to gamble their lives, and without communicating beforehand, two captains stood up and blocked in front of Akainu.

They want to drag down the red dog and buy more time for Marko and them, but unfortunately, for the red dog, this level of opponent has no impact at all, and very neatly wipes out the two captains.

After continuing this suicide rescue operation, one captain after another died at the hands of the red dog, causing Ace on the execution table to completely collapse.

“Stop! Stop, please, Marko, Joz, please don’t save me anymore, just let me die, don’t save me like this again…”

Ace broke down and cried, tears continued to slide from the corners of his eyes, and even began to lie on the execution table and began to plead with Marko and the others.

From the time the Whitebeard Pirates came to the Navy Headquarters to now, counting the pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirates, more than half of them have died in this war.

The reason why these family members and brothers who have been with him for more than two years will die is all because of him, and he, the Fire Fist Ace, is the real sinner who caused this war!

After hearing Ace’s plea, his heart was already full of anger and hatred, and the sad Marko could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and roared at Ace.

“Shut up Ace! If you die now, are you worthy of these family members who died to save you? All you have to do now is to honestly wait at the execution table! ”

“After you are rescued by us, you must live well for those family members and brothers who died to save you!”

Ace knelt on the execution table, looking at Marko who was already very close with teary eyes, and the whole person was in a state of collapse, not knowing what he should do.

By now, of the original 14 captains, only Marko, Joz, Bista, and Ezang are still alive.

Everyone else died under the red dog’s fist in order to delay the red dog’s footsteps.

At this time, the four of them finally really came to the execution table, but the red dog that had been chasing them reluctantly also appeared after them again!

Joz glanced at Ace on the execution table, gritted his teeth, turned sharply and rushed towards the red dog, and roared with a hideous face.

“Marko! The task of rescuing Ace is up to you! I’ll stop the bastard of the red dog! ”

Joz’s shining fruit ability was activated, and except for half of his face, the rest of his body had turned into extremely hard and shining diamonds.

After Joz gulped heavily, he rushed towards the red dog regardless.

Marko, Bista, and Eizang didn’t even have time to look at Joz more, so they could only bite the bullet and continue to rush to the execution table.

The Sengoku on the execution table watched the red dog directly suppress Joz in an instant, leaving him directly in an absolutely disadvantageous and precarious situation.

Then he turned his head to look at Karp and said in a deep voice.

“Karp, these three guys, it’s over to you.”

Although Karp has been paying attention to the situation of these white-bearded pirate captains, his face has always been hidden in the shadows, so that the Warring States cannot see it at all.

After hearing the words of the Warring States, Karp was silent for a moment, and then said slowly.

“Warring States, the old man doesn’t want to go anywhere now, he just wants to stay here and accompany the old man and his two grandsons for the last period of time.”

Sengoku’s pupils contracted violently, his fists clenched abruptly, and his face was directly filled with anger.

This guy Karp, it seems, is really determined to betray the navy and let his two grandsons escape from the navy!

Sengoku took a deep look at Karp, that is, it is not suitable to tear his face with Karp now, otherwise, Sengoku will have to consider subduing Karp first.

The most important thing now is to stop these three guys from coming to the execution table!

The Warring States pulled off the cloak of justice behind him, a sharp color flashed in his eyes, stepped on it fiercely, his body suddenly rose into the air, raised his slap, and slapped down at Marko who rushed to the execution table!


With a slap down, the huge and incomparable power directly made Marko’s previous achievements disappear, and his body fell down uncontrollably, and after smashing on the ground, there was a loud noise, as if the entire naval headquarters trembled because of this.

The offensive of the Warring States did not end there, but took this opportunity to also give Bista and Eizang a slap.

With two violent roars, after blowing Bista and Izang all out, Sengoku did not choose to pursue, but gave the task of chasing and killing them to Akainu, and he stepped on the moon step and returned to the execution table.

For the Warring States, these guys from Marko can’t pose any threat to him at all, and it is Karp, the naval hero, who needs to be guarded against by him, the marshal of the navy!

Although Karp had long known that Sengoku could easily solve these captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, his eyes became darkened after seeing Sengoku slap one by one and slap them all out.

Originally, he hoped that Marko and the others would be able to rescue Ace and Saab, so that he would not really need to betray the navy.

But now it seems that these guys are still unreliable after all.

Sengoku took the cloak of justice that had just been thrown on the execution table back in his hand and looked at Kapu’s low-tone Dao 817.

“Karp, after carrying the cloak of justice for decades, don’t be abandoned by your own hands at the last moment!”

Sengoku’s meaningful words made Karp’s body tremble, but he recovered again in an instant.

Looking at Karp, who hung his head and was silent without saying a word, a trace of unbearability flashed in the eyes of the Warring States, and immediately disappeared again, replaced by a thick and determined expression.

If Karp really betrayed the navy and betrayed justice, even if they had the comradeship that had fought side by side for decades, the Warring States would definitely not be soft on him!

Even, Sengoku will choose to execute him with his own hands!

The defeat of Marko, Bista, and Eizang made the members of the Whitebeard Pirates at the scene completely desperate. They couldn’t think of what they could do in the face of such a situation to successfully rescue Ace.

From the beginning full of confidence, to the current full of despair, but also made their hearts have lingering resentment and hatred for Ace, the “brother”.

If Ace hadn’t listened to the advice at the beginning, and had to hunt down Blackbeard alone, how could this situation occur?

In order to save an Ace, they have died too many people, is it only Ace who is his family, and those who die are not their family?

At this moment, even the whitebeards that they originally respected and admired were not as brilliant and great as before!

“It seems that the rescue operation of these guys of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is a complete failure!”

Hancock looked at Diamond Joz, who had been hit hard by the red dog and would be killed by him immediately, and Marko and the others who were slapped out by the Sengoku, and said with some emotion.

Her words were unanimously endorsed by Robin, Nami, Vivi, and Gion, and even Kerra watched this scene in despair, praying in their hearts that the leader of Dorag would arrive quickly.

However, what they didn’t expect was that after hearing Han Cook’s words, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised, and a mocking smile appeared on his face.

“This is not a failure, but even if those people from the Whitebeard Pirates can save Fire Fist Ace from the execution table, that guy will take the initiative to die.”

“Without brains to the point of his kind, it can be regarded as a kind of strength that few people can match.”

Robin and Hancock were a little incomprehensible to Luo Xiu’s words, but Luo Xiu didn’t mean to explain. Just after seeing that the red dog made a move and directly turned into Joz in the form of a diamond, his head was directly exploded, Luo Xiu suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction.

Looking at the ships that were galloping towards the naval headquarters, they were Blackbeard and the prisoners of Infinite Hell, Shanks and the red-haired pirates, and Dorag and the people of the revolutionary army.

A trace of excitement flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes, grinned, stretched lazily, and said slowly.

“The actors have all arrived, and this big drama can finally be staged to the most exciting part!”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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