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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 087

Chapter 87: Abuse King Luffy! Luo Xiu is terrifying! Blackbeard admitted[Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

“Thief hahahaha… It seems that we have come at the right time, this war, just at the most critical moment! ”

Blackbeard stood at the bow of the snatched warship, looking at the current situation of the approaching naval headquarters, a trace of fanaticism flashed in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Originally, Blackbeard had been worried that he would come late, so that Whitebeard had died at the hands of the Navy, causing his decades-coveted Shock Fruit ability to miss out again.

But now it seems that the timing he came is really just right!

Even Barrett, Red Earl, Klockdar, and Hiliu, who were on the same warship as Blackbeard, couldn’t help but get excited.

For them, the current Navy headquarters is the best stage, and these guys in the Navy have been broadcasting this public execution live around the world.

Then they can also take advantage of this opportunity to announce the return of their people to the world! The fierce beasts imprisoned in the Infinite Hell for so many years have finally managed to escape from the cage!

“Oooo Navy! Lao Tzu has waited for so many years, and finally waited for such an opportunity, are you ready to be slaughtered by Lao Tzu?”

“Whahaha… Think of letting the world see Lao Tzu’s return for the first time, Lao Tzu is already excited! ”

“Thank you so much to Shanks and those guys from the revolutionary army, if it weren’t for those guys, Lao Tzu wanted to escape from Advance City, I don’t know how many years it would have to wait!”

“It’s true, Whitebeard don’t die in such a hurry, Lao Tzu wants to kill his so-called strongest man in the world with his own hands!”


The voices of these infinite hell prisoners echoed over the naval headquarters, causing the faces of the navy, pirates, and revolutionary troops present to change drastically.

What happened in Advance City, except for Sengoku, Karp, and Renly and Ace on the execution table, did not know at all.

Even those high-ranking members of the revolutionary army initially thought that their Dorag leader had just rescued Ivankov and Lightning and the others, and at most brought the leader’s son, the Straw Hat Kid, out of the city together with his Straw Hat Pirates.

But what’s going on now? How could these prisoners, who had been held in Advance City for many years, appear here? What really happened in Advance City?

Originally teamed up to deal with Whitebeard, has completely suppressed the world’s strongest man, it won’t take long to defeat Whitebeard, and even directly kill the two admirals of the Green Pheasant and the Yellow Ape, after seeing Blackbeard and these infinite hell prisoners suddenly appear, the fierce offensive involuntarily stopped.

The green pheasant frowned, looking at the warships that had already docked in the port of Marin Fandor, as well as those Blackbeard, Barrett, Klockdal, Red Count and others who were jumping from the warships one after another.

“How did these guys escape from Advance City? What was that Magellan guy doing? ”

The yellow ape on the side no longer had the cynical and lewd smile of the past, and his face was also full of solemnity, looking at the pirate ship that was immediately behind the warship where Blackbeard was, and another ship, and said in a deep voice.

“Shanks and his red-haired pirates, plus Dorag, and Blackbeard’s guy who doesn’t know the depths, even Magellan is desperate, he will definitely not be able to stop them.”

“But what exactly are the two bastards Shanks and Dorag trying to do by freeing the prisoners of Infinite Hell?!”

The yellow ape held the Tiancong Cloud Sword formed by the gathering of the abilities of the shining fruit in his hand, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and his face was filled with surging killing intent from time to time.

It can only be said that at this moment, the yellow ape finally has the appearance of a bit of a naval admiral!

It was not only the green pheasants and yellow apes who were shocked, even the whitebeard, and after seeing Blackbeard and the prisoners of those infinite hells, their hearts unconsciously became heavy.

What the hell is that bastard of Shanks doing?

He led the red-haired pirate group to invade the city Whitebeard could understand, and Whitebeard had already guessed that the Straw Hat Kid was the imp in Shanks’ mouth who he gambled on an arm.

It is also normal to take advantage of the fact that the navy has no time to advance into the city, and take this opportunity to rescue the straw hat kid from the advancing city. But! Blackbeard, that bastard, why did he also release all those prisoners of Infinite Hell!

Did this guy Shanks watch Blackbeard do such a thing?

If these people all become Blackbeard’s subordinates, it will only make their already very dangerous situation more and more precarious!

When the green pheasant, yellow ape, and whitebeard looked at Blackbeard, Blackbeard also noticed them, glanced Whitebeard up and down, and then couldn’t help but grin.

“It’s really rare to see you so embarrassed, Daddy!”

“In order to rescue that guy Ace, you are really desperate, do you want to use your current body to face the joint forces of two admirals at the same time?”

“Dad, you are already old, you are no longer the strongest man in the world back then, and now it is absolutely impossible to be like Luo Xiu’s damn guy, with your own strength, even in the face of the joint efforts of two admirals, you will not fall behind in the slightest!”

“In order not to let the legend that you have maintained for so many years end so miserably, it is up to me to put an end to you, the strongest man in the world!”

Blackbeard stared at the opposite whitebeard with burning eyes, his face was already full of fanatical radiance, and he couldn’t wait to kill Whitebeard and get the shocking fruit ability that he had coveted for decades into his hands!

However, at this moment, a voice deep in Blackbeard’s mind sounded, making Blackbeard directly stunned on the spot.

“Yo, Blackbeard, do you rate me so highly?”

Blackbeard’s whole person froze directly in place, his neck turned extremely stiffly, and he clearly saw Luo Xiu who was surrounded by several women and was looking at him playfully.

“Luo Xiu! You bastard! ”

The moment he saw Luo Xiu, Blackbeard’s eyes directly turned red, his fists were clenched, and the whole person was directly bad.

The previous encounter on Banaro Island, Blackbeard has not forgotten for a moment, thinking all the time that after he obtains the ability of the Shock Fruit, he must take revenge with his own hands.

Now seeing Luo Xiu at the headquarters of the Navy, it can be said that the enemy is very red when they meet.

“Is that guy who faced the joint siege of two admirals at the same time, and was not killed?”

“Hey, Blackbeard, this little ghost is really as powerful as you say? You shouldn’t be joking with Lao Tzu, right? ”

“That’s right, like this little ghost, Lao Tzu didn’t know how many he killed before he was imprisoned in the damn Advance City!”

“I really can’t understand, the current admirals have already pulled to this look? Forced by this kind of imp to join forces, and stepped on the horse and failed to solve it? ”

“Whahahahaha, it seems that the time for Lao Tzu to escape and advance into the city is really just right!”

These prisoners of Infinite Hell looked at Luo Xiu, and they all frantically mocked Blackbeard, the navy, and even Luo Xiu, especially those guys who had been imprisoned in Advance City as early as ten or even twenty years ago, and began to despise the current navy.

I feel that the admirals of this era are simply pulled to the extreme.

Blackbeard’s face changed suddenly after hearing these guys’ words, and when they wanted to reprimand them to shut up, what kind of person did they think Luo Xiu was?

Can a guy who can be called a fierce thief by the world government be indifferent to this insult and mockery of them?

However, before Blackbeard spoke, a sharp look flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes, and he directly pulled out the famous knife Qiushui on his waist, aimed at the location of Blackbeard and those Infinite Hell prisoners, and slashed down fiercely!


In an instant, a terrifying slash containing boundless power galloped towards the place where they were.

What scared Blackbeard the most was that Luo Xiu, that guy, actually relied on the Time Fruit ability he possessed to exert an acceleration on top of the slash he wielded!

It’s just that in the blink of an eye, this terrifying slash appeared directly in front of him, and the ground of the naval headquarters along the way has been cut by this slash released by Luo Xiu!

Blackbeard was full of fear, completely subconsciously rolled to the side, and at the last moment, he was finally able to dodge this slash.

However, Blackbeard avoided it like this, and it was the prisoners standing behind him who were unlucky!


The sound of slashing and tearing flesh and blood sounded, and one after another, the prisoners, who did not have time to make any reaction, were directly cut off by this slash.

He couldn’t even make a wail, so he directly lost his life.

But in the blink of an eye, those guys who had just kept shouting, saying that they were going to kill Luo Xiu and take this opportunity to become famous in the world again, all died!

They really announced their return to the world through this top war in the naval headquarters, but before they could say their names, they died under Luo Xiu’s sword!

“Phew: Phew…”

Blackbeard’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the fear in his eyes simply lingered, and Blackbeard, who was lying on the ground, was already full of fear and anger in his heart.

These prisoners like idiots, obviously on the way to the headquarters of the Navy, Blackbeard had already warned them.

No matter how arrogant they want to be in front of the Navy, the Whitebeard Pirates, and even the Red-Haired Pirates, and the Revolutionary Army, don’t issue any provocations to Luo Xiu!

These idiots can be poured well, they come up and forget what they said, what is the difference between this stepping on the horse and taking the initiative to find death?

Luo Xiu’s knife made these prisoners, who had just escaped from the cage and were full of ambition in their hearts, instantly recognize reality.

Even Barrett, the Red Earl, the World Destroyer, and the Evil King, these are all among the top powerhouses in the food chain of infinite hell, and their faces have become extremely solemn at this time.

They can all clearly feel that the strength of this guy Luo Xiu is indeed just like what Blackbeard said before, and it is not something that ordinary people can provoke at all!

Even Hawkeye Mihawk on the other side, after seeing this slash that Luo Xiu casually swung, his eyes instantly became sharp.

Luo Xiu’s sword technique seemed to be even more powerful than he had expected!

Blackbeard got up from the ground, holding the dagger in his hand, not even daring to blink his eyes, looking at Luo Xiu in a deep voice.

“Luo Xiu, I don’t want to have a conflict with you now, my goal is Whitebeard, so the two of us still don’t affect each other for the time being.”

Luo Xiu smiled playfully and looked at Blackbeard with interest.

“Blackbeard, are you begging me?”

Blackbeard’s face sank, and boundless anger welled up in his heart, but after thinking of the importance of the Shock Fruit to himself, Blackbeard still pinched his nose and said with an urn.

“If you want to understand it that way, I don’t have an opinion.”

Luo Xiu glanced at Blackbeard with great meaning, and I have to say that Blackbeard’s style can be regarded as a real pirate.

Especially in terms of being able to flex and stretch, even if you look at the whole world, I am afraid that few people can compare with Blackbeard, Luo Xiu really does not intend to target Blackbeard now, after all, the target he wants to target has also come to this naval headquarters.

“Ace! Saab! I’m here to save you! ”

Luffy stood at the bow of the Redfors and shouted at his two brothers kneeling on the execution table. Seeing this, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised, a weird smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Blackbeard with a smile and said.

“Blackbeard, I’m looking forward to seeing if you can get what you want from Whitebeard, don’t let me down.”

When the words fell, Blackbeard’s pupils opened sharply, his face changed suddenly, and his eyes were filled with a thick look of horror and doubt.


Looking at the teasing smile on Luo Xiu’s face, Blackbeard unconsciously took two steps back, swallowed his saliva, and said hard.

“Thief hahaha…. Luo Xiu, I don’t understand what exactly you are saying. ”

Luo Xiu waved his hand with a smile, and didn’t say anything more, the reason why he talked about this matter was just to make Blackbeard a tool for himself!

Luo Xiu can be sure that with his words, Blackbeard will only find Whitebeard more desperately, and at all costs, he will kill Whitebeard in the shortest possible time and get his Shock Fruit ability!

In this way, Blackbeard can completely become a tool to help Luo Xiu share the firepower!

After all, what Luo Xiu is going to do next is destined to make everyone in the Navy headquarters crazy!

Blackbeard glanced at Luo Xiu and found that he really didn’t seem to be planning to target himself, which made Blackbeard couldn’t help but breathe a deep sigh of relief and no longer had the slightest hesitation, stepped fiercely under his feet, and rushed directly towards the location where Whitebeard was.

“Barrett! Red Earl! Klockdar! Now that you have come to this wonderful stage, it is time for you to come to a grand performance under the eyes of the whole world! ”

“Otherwise, what’s the point of you following Lao Tzu here?”

Blackbeard rushed towards Whitebeard while encouraging these prisoners of Infinite Hell, and although it was a very clumsy radical method, it was very effective.

Klockdahl, who had a cigar in his mouth, glanced at Barrett next to him and said in a deep voice.

“That guy with the white beard, it’s mine!”

Klockdar’s eyes sharpened, and his lower body suddenly elementalized, pushing his body towards Whitebeard.

However, at this moment, a violent drink came, and Jinping, who was also one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, raised his fist and directly smashed Klockdar’s body.


“Save Klockdar, I won’t allow this guy of yours to go to Daddy’s trouble!”

Klockdar, who was caught off guard, was beaten out, and after stabilizing his figure, he stared at Jinping with a gloomy face.

“Just because you want to stop me too?”

Klockdar roared and launched a frantic offensive towards Jinping.

Looking at Klockdar, who was fighting with Jinping, Barrett’s face showed a trace of disdain, and a cold thought.

“Is it already weak to this extent? Klockdar? ”

Barrett didn’t even even look at the sand crocodile who had been with him, but instead showed a cruel smile and rushed towards the pheasant.

The other Infinite Hell prisoners did not hesitate in the slightest, and they all shouted and launched an attack on the people nearby.

For them, whether it is the Navy, the Whitebeard Pirates, the remnants of the Roger Pirates, or the people of the Revolutionary Army, they are the targets of their killing!

Seeing this scene, Luo Xiu said that he was very satisfied, he was worthy of being the best group of tool people, which was really good.

Luo Xiu didn’t waste time, what he had to do now, in addition to torturing King Luffy, was to expose the true face of these guys in front of the whole world!

With a fierce step on his feet, he directly appeared in front of Shanks, Dorag, and Luffy and others who had just boarded the naval headquarters, and said with a smile.

“Meet again, Wang Lufeisang.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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