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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 088

Chapter 88 Exposes the Monchi family! Karp is in disrebelief! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

The moment they saw Luo Xiu appear, Shanks and Dorag became directly vigilant, staring at Luo Xiu with both eyes, in case this extremely vicious thief suddenly rioted.

Regarding all the news about Luo Xiu since this time, the two of them have never given up collecting, and naturally they also know how powerful Luo Xiu is now.

When facing Luo Xiu, there must be no slack!

Luffy was also caught off guard by Luo Xiu’s sudden appearance, but Luffy, who immediately reacted, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he roared at Luo Xiu on the opposite side.

“Luo Xiu! You bastard! Give Nami and Robin back! The two of them are my partners! ”

Until now, Luffy still clearly remembered the powerlessness he experienced when he faced Luo Xiu the first two times. The first time on the Isle of Justice, Losho killed Usopp and snatched Robin.

Previously in the Chambord Islands, Luo Xiu forcibly snatched Nami away in front of him, and even caused their Straw Hat Pirates to fall into the hands of the Navy!

If it weren’t for the appearance of Shanks and his own father Dorag, even Luffy would not know how long he and his friends would be held!

For Luffy, whether it was rescuing Ace and Saab from the Navy, or taking Nami and Robin back from the damn bastard, Luo Xiu, it was something he had to do!

Now that he has met Luo Xiu at the headquarters of the Navy, of course, he has to do two things together! Facing Luffy’s roar, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised and said playfully.

“Luffy-san, it’s been so long, why are you still so obsessed?”

“When I was in the Chambord Islands before, Robin has already told you in person, she is no longer from the Straw Hat Pirates, and your brain, in terms of idiocy, will really never disappoint.”

Hearing this, without even waiting for Luffy to react, Shanks and Dorag’s faces instantly became gloomy.


Shanks pulled out the supreme fast knife Griffin on his waist, and the tip of the knife pointed directly at Luo Xiu on the opposite side, and said in a cold and deep voice in his eyes.

“Luo Xiu! Single-handedly let this war evolve into what it is now, you guy is too dangerous for the whole world! ”

“No matter what kind of strength you have, and what dangerous plans you are planning, it must stop there!”

Dorag opened his mouth, a little overwhelmed for a while, his eyes glanced at Shanks strangely, the feeling in Advance City before was indeed correct, Shanks this guy is really the same kind of person as him.

But you’ve said everything I want to say, let me say something!

Dorag glanced at Saab on the execution table 203, and Kerra, who was surrounded by Robin, Nami, Vivi, Hancock, and the five women of Gion, took a deep breath, and said slowly.

“Although I don’t want to pick up people’s teeth, I also have to admit that what Shanks said does make sense.”

“I already know what you did before, and I know how you treated Saab, Kerra, and even our revolutionary army.”

“A wanton guy like you is absolutely not allowed to continue to exist!”

The smile on Luo Xiu’s face expanded, raised the live phone worm in his hand, and aimed at Shanks and Dorag, who said these words righteously in front of him, not only did not get angry, but also asked with a smile.

“Is it? I want to ask, whose credit is it that these prisoners of the infinite hell were able to escape from Advance City? ”

“Also, this straw hat kid, and his straw hat pirates, who rescued them?”

When the words fell, Shanks and Dorag’s momentum suddenly froze, and their faces froze instantly, and for a while they didn’t know how to answer Luo Xiu’s question.

Although the prisoners of Infinite Hell were unleashed by Blackbeard’s guy, if it weren’t for the invasion of the two of them, Magellan himself would have been able to take Blackbeard out!

In this way, the prisoners of Infinite Hell were able to escape from the cage, which was completely caused by the two of them!

What was most unacceptable to Shanks and Dorag was that when Luo Xiu said these words, he also pointed the live phone worm at the two of them, so that the audience watching this public execution around the world could clearly see the faces of the two of them!

If at this time, it is the responsibility of the two of them to admit that the reason why these vicious prisoners were able to escape from the city, then how can they pretend to think about ordinary people in the future to deceive those ignorant people?

Just as Shanks and Dorag were frantically thinking of countermeasures in their minds, Luffy, who was standing between the two, directly raised his clenched fists and roared at Luo Xiu.

“It was Shanks and Dad who rescued me and Solon! But this time, I will definitely not be like Justice Island and Chambordi Islands, I must personally beat this guy of yours away!” ”

As Luffy’s voice resounded over the naval headquarters, Shanks and Dorag only felt as if their breathing had stopped.

Both of them turned their heads stiffly to look at Luffy, their faces full of doubt.

They really didn’t expect that it was too late for the two of them to deny it, how did Luffy say it?

Could it be that Luffy really has no brains at all like Luo Xiu said?

After hearing Luffy’s words, the smile on Luo Xiu’s face became even stronger, and he held the live phone worm in his hand and pointed it at Luffy, and asked with a smile.

“Luffy-san, what you said about sending me flying, is it with your own power, or relying on your guide, the red-haired Shanks, or as the leader of your father’s revolutionary army, Monchi What about D. Dorag? ”

Luffy didn’t hesitate in the slightest and said straightforwardly.

“Even without the help of Shanks and Daddy, I can still defeat you!”

Luo Xiu smiled and nodded, his eyes hovering playfully on Luffy, Shanks, and Dorag, clapping his hands in praise.

“It’s worthy of Luffy-san, he really has courage, but the background of your straw hat boy is probably something that most people have not expected, right?”

“The red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors of the New World, is the guide who makes you a pirate, the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchi M. D. Dorag, is your biological father. ”

“The son of One Piece Roger, Fire Fist Ace, who is the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, is your sworn eldest brother, Saab, the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, and your second brother.”

“Even that naval hero, Vice Admiral Karp, is your own grandfather, am I right? Monchi S. D. Luffy? ”

As Luo Xiu’s voice sounded, the entire naval headquarters seemed to fall silent instantly.

The navy, the Whitebeard Pirates, the Roger Pirates, the Revolutionary Army, and even the Infinite Hell prisoners who had just arrived here all turned their attention to Loxiu, Luffy, Shanks, and Dorag.

What did they hear?

Straw hat kid, the son of the leader of the revolutionary army? Also stepping on horses is the influence of their Navy, the grandson of Vice Admiral Karp?

Even Fire Fist Ace, who knelt side by side on the execution table, and Sabo, chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, were the eldest brother and second brother of the straw hat boy, respectively?

Also, even the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors of the New World, who stepped on the horse, was the guide who made the straw hat kid a pirate, right?

After a short silence, the entire naval headquarters was suddenly in an uproar, and everyone shouted loudly.

“How is that possible? How is this possible? How can Straw Hat Kid, who is one of the Pirate Supernovas, be the grandson of Vice Admiral Karp? I absolutely don’t believe it! ”

“That’s right! Vice Admiral Karp is a hero of our navy and an idol for all our sailors, how could he be such a person! ”

“However, Lieutenant General Karp has admitted before that the chief of staff of the revolutionary army is his grandson, and now Luo Xiu has also said that the straw hat boy, the fire fist ace, and the chief of staff of the revolutionary army are sworn brothers, which is difficult not to feel that there is no relationship between them!”

“The most important thing is that the last name of the straw hat kid is Monchi! Even the name of the leader of the revolutionary army is Monchi D. Dorag! How could they not matter! ”

“How could it be… Lieutenant General Karp, how can he have such a son and grandson?! ”

In an instant, the entire naval headquarters boiled, and all the sailors turned their eyes to Karp, who was sitting on the execution table, wanting to get a definite answer from Vice Admiral Karp!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if you look at the entire navy, the idol in the minds of the vast majority of sailors is Karp, the vice admiral, not the three admirals of red dog, green pheasant, and yellow ape!

Because Lieutenant General Karp has always been very easygoing, no matter what his status is, he can easily talk to Lieutenant General Karp. Also, Lieutenant General Karp has received too much credit over the past few decades, personally capturing countless pirates and saving countless ordinary people!

In their eyes, Vice Admiral Karp became a naval hero after getting rid of the sea overlord Lockes in the Valley of the Gods War.

And then captured One Piece Roger, which made Vice Admiral Karp’s hero’s reputation reach its peak, even if more than twenty years have passed, Karp has always been an iconic figure of the Navy!

Even, many people choose to join the navy and become part of the navy, there is a big reason why they came to Karp! Karp has been hiding his face in the shadows from beginning to end, and no one can see what kind of reaction Karp is at this time.

However, the Warring States beside him, Ace, Saab, and Reilly can clearly feel that Karp’s body is condensing a raging and crazy momentum.

Sengoku felt the anger of the sailors below, as well as their questioning eyes, raised the megaphone worm in his hand, but finally put it down without saying anything.

At this time, even with the wisdom possessed by the Warring States, they didn’t know exactly how to deal with it.

Although from the beginning, the Warring States had been mentally prepared for Luo Xiu to expose these things, when it really happened, the Warring States were still helpless, and there was no way to refute Luo Xiu’s words.

Because the Warring States know better than anyone that what this guy Luo Xiu said is all the truth!

The sailors below couldn’t help but be even more angry at Karp’s silence, and they couldn’t help but continue to fight with the Whitebeard Pirates, but angrily questioned Karp, roaring and asking why he didn’t answer their questions.

While these sailors were angry, the prisoners who escaped from the infinite hell couldn’t help but laugh loudly after the initial stunned.

“Whahaha… It turns out that there is such a wonderful thing that we guys don’t know? ”

“Karp this guy, ostensibly a hero of the Navy, said that he fought for justice, was admired by countless sailors, and was respected by those ignorant ordinary people, and the real Karp turned out to be like this?”

“It is clear that he is a naval hero and has the position of vice admiral, but as a result, he has raised the son of a revolutionary army leader, the grandson of the second in command of the revolutionary army, and the other two grandsons, all of whom have also become pirates!”

“Hey, hey, hey! You’re not getting the point at all, okay? Isn’t it important that Karp, a naval hero, actually adopted the son of One Piece Roger? ”

“As far as I know, in order to find Roger’s son, the Navy killed countless innocent pregnant women, as well as newborn, or even unborn children!”

“Seeing so many innocent people die, what kind of naval hero is this guy Karp? I’m afraid it’s even more terrifying than us pirates! ”

“Then again, shouldn’t those high-ranking officials in the Navy have known what Karp did, but not only blamed him for it, but also treated him as a hero all the time?”

The ridicule of these prisoners of Infinite Hell was not concealed at all, and began to frantically attack Karp, a naval hero, and by the way, took the opportunity to hit the entire navy!

In the hearts of these prisoners, what they hated the most was to capture them and imprison them in the navy that had been in the city for many years!

Originally, they agreed to Blackbeard’s invitation and chose to follow Blackbeard to the headquarters of the Navy, just to find trouble for the Navy and avenge the hatred of being imprisoned for so many years!

Luo Xiu created such a good opportunity, of course, they will not let go!

After seeing the reactions of those sailors and prisoners, Luffy, who had always been extremely dull in his brain, finally realized what an outrageous mistake he had made!

After glancing at his grandfather, who was sitting on the execution table without saying a word, Luffy’s face instantly turned extremely pale, his forehead was covered with bean-sized cold sweat, and he unconsciously took a few steps back.

“No… It’s not like that…”

Luffy panicked, more panicked than the two times on Justice Island and Chambord Islands, and he seemed to have said something that made his third grandfather affected by the horror of the North North.

Even his father, Dorag, who only really met today, will be greatly affected by this!

Both Shanks and Dorag could see Luffy’s panic and knew that he had become the way he was because he thought that he had hurt his grandfather.

There was not even any communication between the two, and at the same time, they made the same choice, took a step, and blocked between Luo Xiu and Luffy together.

Not only to stop Luo Xiu, the evil guy, from continuing to guide Luffy to say any nonsense, but also to prevent Luffy from continuing to feel guilty because of this.

Dorag looked at the playful smile on Luo Xiu’s face, and after glancing at his father’s obviously old figure on the execution table, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice to the live phone worm in Luo Xiu’s hand.

“Luo Xiu, whether I form a revolutionary army or Luffy goes out to sea to become a pirate, it has nothing to do with Lieutenant General Karp!”

“The reason why he is a naval hero and admired by the navy and ordinary people around the world is only because he has not given up fighting pirates all these years.”

“I am me, Luffy is Luffy, although we are related, what choices we make between each other will not be shaken by each other!”

Dorag wants to separate his daddy Karp from this incident and not let him be affected by himself and Luffy. Even, in order to achieve this, Dorag deliberately used this kind of words to make the sailors and the audience forget that Ace, who is the son of One Piece Roger, was sheltered and adopted by his father!

It’s a pity that how can he hide this little trick from Luo Xiu! Luo Xiu tugged at the corners of his mouth and said slowly.

“Avoiding the adoption of Roger’s son of One Piece, he also said that you are all independent individuals and should not be affected by each other’s choices.”

“Then, Lieutenant General Karp was on Justice Island, with his sailors to protect his pirate grandson, and you, the leader of the revolutionary army, made an invasion of the city for your son, can you hide the past?”

“Also, as far as I know, Vice Admiral Karp’s heroic title, but very moisture, that sea overlord Lockes, was obviously defeated by him and Roger, and all the credit was made him a naval hero.”

“Even Roger, the One Piece who turned himself in, was eventually captured by Vice Admiral Karp.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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